¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i've gotta 'member to go to longs drugs to buy some neutrogena spf 55 oil free sunblock. i have a $1 off ¢oupon, n' it's on $ale. this morn, i was planning to hit the sunnyvale skate park b4 werk; but, after taking sooni 4 a walk, it got kind'f late, so i instead opted to go to werk early. this past wknd, i was @ the sunnyvale skate park on sat. u know how i mentioned that on fri i saw 1 gurl skater. well, on sat, i saw that there was 1 mom skater. do u 'member how i met this kid named donny on my 1st visit to the skate park. well, his mom 'pparently (sort'f) skates. she sed she used to be able to carve up the bowls, but she now just cms to roll 'round on the outside'f the bowls on the flat ground. neway, i really like the nice, friendly atmosphere @ the sunnyvale skate park.
this past sun afternoon, i shelled out even more dough on dj equipment: i bought a case 4 my new crown 602 amp n' a shure wireless mic system. crazy!
[later] this morn, while walking sooni, i wondered, "do u 'member? is endor (in star wars a moon or a planet?" i'm sure a quick wiki(pedia) search'll answer my question! oh yah, ok... endor is a planet; but, just as i thought, the place where the ewoks live... that's a moon'f endor! plz check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_moon_of_Endor. i mean... only if u'r geeky 'nuff... (if it's 2 geeky 4 u, just let it go.)
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: ok, now that it's afternoon; here's 'nother geeky wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilbert
2day, the beautiful kaela hwang picked me up 4 lunch, n' we ate @ crazy buffet just cos we found a ¢oupon 4 it in the silicon valley metro. i'd heard from my my bro.in.law (my sister's husband) steve that crazy buffet's gotten into trouble 4 hiring illegal immigrants n' stuff like that. well, i figured we could go there 1nce w/o ne harm, rt?
[later] 4 our u.s. taekwondo akademy adult beginners class, i asked all the students to introduce themselves to each other over an e.mail distribution list. since my co.instruktor mark introduced himself, i figured i should also introduce myself. this is what i wrote:
hi class,
i should participate as well in this round of introductions since some of you only know me from class and maybe my blurb in the flyer. i¡¯m your instructor beno hwang. my full name is bernard lloyd hwang, but most cool people call me ¡°beno.¡± it¡¯s a name my high school friend gave me, and it stuck. it¡¯s more universal, in that some people can¡¯t pronounce ¡°bernard.¡± a long time ago, someone said that whenever our taekwondo master in the past at berkeley would call out ¡°bernard,¡± my friends would ask each other, ¡°who¡¯s ¡®boner?¡¯¡± yeah, some people can¡¯t pronounce that name too well, so ¡°beno¡± is fine.
unlike some of the other skilled black belts at our school, i actually didn¡¯t start my taekwondo education until age 18. i hope that¡¯s inspiration for you adults that you can achieve some degree of proficiency in taekwondo without having practiced it since birth. my opinion is that one can¡¯t understand too well certain concepts and philosophies until he/she has reached some level of maturity. at the same time, i studied music since the age of three and can understand the benefits of having practiced fundamental basics from an early age, since i¡¯ve observed how my musical education differed from that of adults.
well, i live in santa clara, in a house, with my wife kaela, and our dog sooni; both whom you¡¯ve all met. during the day, i work as a mechanical engineer for applied materials. on weekends, i work as a mobile dj, mostly just doing weddings nowadays. my nontaekwondo, extra-curricular activities include snowboarding, skateboarding, watching korean dramas, and eating spicy food. i¡¯ve been snowboarding for fourteen years and usually make it to the slopes at least ten times a season. because of this past snow season¡¯s brevity, i picked up an old hobby from my high school days and try to hit the sunnyvale skate park a couple of times each weekend that i¡¯m not in tahoe. (oh yeah, keep in mind that i was 50 pounds heavier before college. once, in high school, i cracked my skateboard deck when i jumped up onto a planter.) i¡¯m really horrible at ball sports and prefer boardsports and other activities that focus more on core or lower body muscles and overall agility. at 24 hour fitness i regularly attend turbo kick box classes. they¡¯re no replacement for real martial arts classes but add extra cardio and punching. i¡¯m a christian and hang out at a church called grx along with many others from our class and taekwondo school. i definitely invite others to join us.
from this class, i hope to get good practice at teaching taekwondo basics. we instructors learn as much as, if not more than, you. teaching gives me a chance to get extra exercise. also, i definitely hope to expand the social network of u.s. taekwondo academy. i¡¯ve definitely made great friends through taekwondo and believe that you will as well.
that reminds me: we should plan some social events very soon (in addition to our fourth of july beach trip). we should try to have a beginners class dinner some night. please start discussing which night would be best for you. i imagine we¡¯d prefer to go out after one of our practices, either tuesday or thursday night. a tuesday night would allow the instructors to attend the sparring class after teaching the thursday night class. however, if students don¡¯t mind waiting through the sparring class, then it¡¯s not an issue.
i¡¯ve compiled everyone else¡¯s introductions below. i¡¯ll include our assistant instructors on this e-mail and give them a chance to introduce themselves and talk about what they hope to get out of our class. (i suppose i¡¯m also including assistant assistant instructors and various black belts who seem to come around now and then to offer encouraging words.) also, i know i agnes¡¯s e-mail wrong in the original e-mail, so i¡¯ve corrected it now, and she¡¯ll finally have a chance to introduce herself.
[later] ¹ã, 1142p: after werk (i werked a very long day, starting early n' staying late), i went to will's turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the e arques 24 hour fitness. i stretched n' lifted a li'l after. then i showered n' went home, where kaela n' i just ate microwaved pizza n' white castle sliders 4 dinner. crazy, huh? i've been werking on dj stuff the rest'f the nite. *sigh* lots'f werk to do...