±×¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: "it's friday, i'm in love": i recently pur¢a$ed @ streetlight records on the bascom circuit the 50 first dates soundtrack that has a bunchf islandish covers'f mostly 9180s n' 1990s modern rock / altrock favourites. dude, those covers rock. 1'f the covers's'f the cure's "friday i'm in love." it, of course, rocks. so what's been up? i s'ppose i've been trying to stay active.
taekwondo: last nite, i rushed out'f werk, picked up sooni, picked up my µµº¹ dobok top, n' rushed to the u.s. taekwondo akademy adult beginners class that mark n' i teach. we started late, n' i didn't get as much done as i'd hoped, so i dragged my students out onto the walkway by the parking lot after class n' continued to teach. then mark n' i went in 4 black belt sparring praktice. dude, it's awful! i accidentally kicked 1'f our best female sparrers flat out in the groin! :-( i feel horrible! she's really good, so i didn't take as many precautions to hold back or nething. seriously, she's good. however, of course, i outweigh her by 'lot, so i knocked her over a couple'f times w/ push kicks, which isn't a really grand technique or nething, just sheer weight. i didn't mean to, but... well, it's mostly cos i, myself, am not that confident 'gain yet w/ my sparring, so i just sort'f reakted w/ an "oh shoot" n' a quick cut/push kick those 2 times. then we clashed knees a couple'f times, which threw off our games (both'f us). then @ the very end, i saw her coming in, so i threw a left, counter back kick. i did hold back cos w/ that kick i even hold back on the guys in praktice, reserving a full strength, full speed kick only 4 (if it ever were to happen 'gain) a competition. still, even a held back / pulled counter back kick can be pretty bad. i thought i kicked her under her È£±¸ hogoo in the stomach. later, after the match, she was doubled over. later, i found out i'd kicked her flat out in the crotch. *sigh* really bad! after that match, i was up 'gainst 1'f our best competitors n' just plain 1'f the best competitors i know these days, matt. i was thinking, "dang, now i'll get a beating in return." after praktice, we went to ±æ¸ñ gilmok, where i ate ±èÄ¡ µ¹¼Ü¹ä kimchi dolsotbap. thus, i went to ±æ¸ñ gilmok 2 days in a row. the others @ our skool r upset w/ the ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi there cos'f the beautiful kaela hwang's bug in her ³Ã¸é naengmyuhn incident; but i dunno... i think both kaela n' i've 4given them; so i've been trying to patronise them more this week. ±æ¸ñ gilmok has a really good relationship w/ our church grx, so i wanna support them. not only that, they have good fud. well, i'm on the topik'f coed sports 2day. on that note, i'll mention that most'f my adult beginners taekwondo class is female. isn't that interseting? i'd been telling the guys @ u.s. taekwondo akademy 4 a long time that what our skool needs is more females. well, i hope we're bringing up a new generation. c, @ ucmap, in cal, we alwyas had a good nombre'f women. that was always kewl. it keeps the class social; n' in fakt, it really makes some guys train harder cos they don't wanna look bad in front'f the gurls. either they wanna look good in front'f the gurls or 'least they don't wanna look bad in front'f the gurls. honestly! it's a big help. on their own, if guys turn taekwondo into such a barbaric, paramilitary aktivity, it's 2 easy to get discouraged or bored. however, if u bring in women, then it turns into a more normal aktivity that u don't mind doing so many hrs a day, every day a wk!
skateboarding: this morn, i kind'f wanted to go to janice's 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the e arques 24 hour fitness. kaela came home late last nite but had to leave early to skool 4 a test or sumpthin' n' told me to make sure she woke up. she also sed she'd bring sooni to skool 2day. that was great cos, then, i didn't hafta walk her (sooni). i bet she needed to poop this morning (sooni). well, since kaela n' sooni were out the door b4 700a, dude! i took off to the sunnyvale skate park, no doubt! (jn' no diggity, to reel us back into the 1990s...) i found the usual older morning crew. i like these guys. they're mellow. they're nice. i should talk to them more. i'm kind'f shy w/ them, but that obviously might come off as stuck up. well, i skated 4 a whiel, then... to keep this "coed sports" theme going, lemme tell u: a gurl came to skate. this is the 2nd time i've cn this @ the sunnyvale skate park. transworld magazine praises sunnyvale skate park 4 the laid back, nice attitude, the nice architekture'f the park, n' the fakt that there r gurl skaters. last time, the gurl that showed up was more'f a skate betty, just there to cheer on her man but had a skateboard in her hand n' dressed like she came rt out'f a avril lavigne video. this time, this asian chick skater really ripped the bowls! she was outskating many'f the guys there. pretty durn good, man. as 4 me, 2day, i continued my werk from my previous day in the skate park n' tried to ride the coping more w/ variable results, meaning mostly bad results. usually i get 1 truck on the coping, get my board stuck, n' then step off n' run/stumble down the bank/tranny/transition. &bnsp; i gotta say, i did manage to pull off a sketchy backside 5.0 grind @ 1 pt, but it's barely worth mentioning.
2day, i'm skipping the other friday janice's noontime turbo kick box (tkb) class to go to lunch w/ my cowerkers @ krung thai (#1). 2nite, i'll be going to the grx t3 south bbq, which wraps up our 0.25. i guess we'll be taking a brk 4 the summer n' then shall resume in the fall as 2 groups instead'f 1. we're "multiplying." wow, it's weekend soon. it's gonna be the wknd soon. the wknd'll start soon. how'll this wknd be? well, i hope to hit the sunnyvale skate park each morn: sat n' sun. i guess i worry a li'l 'bout my increased sun exposure w/ all this skating. i guess it'd be nice to have an indoor skate park. the silicon valley used to have an indoor skate park, which was the vans skate park in the great mall, but that closed down. i s'ppose it's cos most ppl'd rather skate 4 free instead'f paying to skate. i know i would. unless theere were sumpthin' that good 'bout the pay skate park. mostly, i want a skate park where a 30 yr old guy can skate w/o kids laffin' @ him.
btw, all sports should be coed. well... i dunno if taekwondo tournaments need coed matches or nething... but it's good to train in a coed environment. as u know, i don't play futbol, basketball, or baseball. if i were to play like softball, i'd prefer it to be in a coed enivironment. often, ppl play coed, recreational volleyball, i s'ppose. our friend gordon met his lovely wife (n' mutha'f his twin boys) meredith, playing ice hockey. snowboarding's a coed aktivity.
[later] "art rock": 1 tune i really like off the 50 first dates o.s.t. (original soundtrack) is the cover'f the tune "slave to love." now, is that a bryan ferry or roxy music song? or is it "roxy music featuring bryan ferry"? neway, it's an ol' new wave (funny, "old new") tune that i immediately recognised. when i read the wikipedia articles 'bout bryan ferry n' roxy music, i think 'bout the talking heads. hrm... do these groups have sumpthin' in common? consider: roxy music, the talking heads, the velvet underground. r these all related? r these groups the forefathers'f new wave n' "modern rock"? *shrug* [later] oh yah, david bowie! how does he fit into this? also, how 'bout iggy pop? didn't he have a group called "iggy and the stooges"? i dunno... where does this pre new wave genre end n' punk begin? like, i would shy 'way from lumping the sex pistols n' the ramones into here, w/o doubt. altho' they obviously had a big part in shaping "modern rock" altho' not so much "new wave."
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: i went to lunch @ krung thai, ate chicken tofu khee mao.
yes, i know that you have paved a path for me
yes, i know that you see what i do and don't need
but when it comes to the deepest things
i have a hard time relinquishing control
letting go
god, it hurts to give you what i must lay down
but when i let go, freedom's found
god, it hurts to give you what i've held so dear
because of your love it's clear
i can trust you with this
i can trust you with me
i can trust you
lord, i know that you are worthy of my trust
for you have shown me time and time again
you're faithful and yet
i'm so scared of letting go of this
afraid of what you might do with it
how could i forget who you are like this
me forsaking
heart is breaking
i let go of what i've held so tight
freedom's mine now
for the taking
i move in faith, not by sight
let your will be done
heh, so the benocritic bags on me cos 1 sec i'm talkin' 'bout all this 1970s classic altrock, n' then the next i'm quoting christian, kelly clarksonesque bubblegum pop, eh? ha ha. eh, whate'er, man. i'm just a versatile guy.
[later] yah, i totally dig rebecca st. james's musik these days. i also dig the tunes'f the david crowder band. u've gotta check out the remix'f their song "no one like you" on sunsets & sushi." it's pretty well done in retro 1980s style, the "thanksgiving mix." pretty kewl.
skating in the streets makes my wheels durty. skating in the skate park makes my wheels clean.