¿ù¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: i haven't had time to keep a proper journal lately. *shrug* i 'member well when 1'f the pastors @ grx sed that only u r impressed by how busy u r. that's true. many'f us, in this day n' age, in these industries, in these regions, tell our friends, "oh, man! i'm so bussy. i don't have time this week to hang out." 2 often, ppl do indeed cm to say this in an attempt to validate themselves, in essence, saying, "hey, i'm an important person. i've got important things to do." however, yah... the pastor who sed that (i 4get which) was very rt. we're not impressed. i mean, heck; we might say, "oh, wow. u'r so bizzy; u must be an important person," etc. however, deep down... that fades fast. last nite, i picked up some cds @ streetlights along the campbell / san josé "bascom circuit." 'mongst these discs is the david crowder band's sunsets & sushi. it's a pretty kewl album.
[later] it was only recently, when i brought duk to ken's house that i learned 'bout air 1 radio.
[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ¡Àå¿¡¼: *sigh* i know i'm trying to accomplish 'lot these days. some ppl might think i'm crazy. i'm still trying to make ppl/friends a hi priority in my life. well, aktually... i want to make god's werk my ultimate priority in life, n' i hope i'm sticking to his plan. *shrug* yah, i'm bizzy... i werk. i have lots'f pressure @ werk. i worry 'bout not getting a raise this yr. i worry 'bout how ppl perceive me @ werk. yah, i worry. i try to do a good_job@werk.com i try to look past negative energy here. i'm gonna take this online seminar 'bout "dealing with difficult people." i've looked thru some'f the course material.
[later] 2morrow's the cali state primary elektion. honestly, i'm lost on picking a gubernatorial race candidate: westley or angelides?! i like that westley has werked in the sort'f tech industry, being from ebay n' all. also, he cms to have more appeal n' might care more 4 the asian.am community cos his wife cms to be asian, rt? angelides on the other hand has all the important endorsements. he cms to be a really smart guy n' has a good, progressive vision. i just worry ppl'll c him as 'nother gray davis, thinking he's 2 nerdy... like, he does kind'f look like whatshisname... the dad from american pie.