
may flowers: i smell jasmine everywhere.

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: can u believe that may's almost over?   it's almost june.   days'll continue to get longer only until june 21.   then summer starts n' days'll only get shorter.   isn't that weird?   dude, don'tchu feel like we've gotta go outside n' enjoy daylite?   of course, we should stay out'f the harmful uv rays'f the sun.   skin cancer's not fun.   also, don'tchu think sun exposure ages ur skin?   that's what i've observed.

[later] u know how last wk, i kept saying my trip to denver was the longest time i went w/o sooni?   that's very much not true cos sooni wasn't w/ us in hawaii last fall!   what i really should've sed is that this was the longest time that the beautiful kaela hwang spent alone w/ sooni.   it wasn't 'bout me but her, i guess.   i've always sed that i'm 2 egocentric.

didn't i fall asleep reltaively early last nite.   i awoke rather early this morn but went back to sleep.   kaela prob'ly made it rather on time to her 740a class.   me, i didn't get to werk as early as i hoped cos i went n' walked sooni 4 a decently long time.   i wanted to give her a good walk 2day 4 1nce in a long time.   she pooped 2ice; she pooped big 2ice.   i worry 'bout all the mosquitos i c by the creek.   i don't like'em.

2morrow, our adult beginner taekwondo class starts.   wow, this wk, i'll be teaching taekwondo (on thurs nite) n' then leading bible study on fri nite.   on sat, i'm s'pposed to mc @ the stanfurd open taekwondo tournament, but i haven't yet gotten much details from ernest.   i've got lots'f dj stuff to werk on as well 4 the upcoming weddings.   the 1st wedding's coming up in like 2 wks.   [later] 4 my dj/musik stuff, i wonder if i should buy an external hd sometime. *sigh* expenidures, u know?

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: dude, b4 i went to denver, i went to albertsons n' bought 1 tube'f aquafresh tartar control toothpaste (nuthin' fancy) cos it came w/ 3 free sony connect downloads.   @ the time, those aquafresh tubes were $1 each.   dude, that's a really good deal cos u pay $1 4 a tube'f toothpaste n' then get 3 99¢ downloads; so u're like making $2 off'f this.   i should've bought more!   u'r allowed up to 10'f these deals, man.

[later] ¿ÞÂÊ sinister left side: yesterday, my left ankle was sooo messed up in the early morn; but by 1000a, it was ok.   last nite, i discovered that my left knee was all bruised up.   i dunno how i bruised it, but kaela sed she 'membered that i banged it on some furniture somewhere but couldn't 'member where.   i don't 'member.   2day, my left elbow's sore.   hrm, i get this kind'f sore elbow when i mess it up weightlifting, most often bench pressing.   i need to maintain muscle mass but don't wanna injure my joints.

[later] i need to organise my musik n' my pix.   i should be sure to compile like a cd or dvd'f all my favourite pix.   i haven't printed out digipix in a long time.   yesterday, sandy (toby's wife betty's sister; who werks @ my company) stopped by my cube to say hi.   she pted out that i don't have pix up.   yah, i used to have pix up in my old cubicle, but when i moved i never put them back up.   part'f it's cos i werk w/ some ppl r that r so "bizness only," that they make me feel silly 4 having personal items in my cube.   u know what, tho'?   they're wrong; flat out wrong.   most'f my other cowerkers have plenty'f pix'f their families up, u know?   why torture myself? *sigh* i'm so sick'f abnegation 4 abnegation's sake.

[later] sony connect has some kewl "exclusive" tracks.   aktually, they have a decent selektion'f ccm (contemporary christian musik).   a while 'go, we had that guest speaker @ grx.   i think his name was jaeson ma.   his 1st name, i think was spelled like that, which is funny cos it looks kind'f korean that way, but he's cantonese chinese.amerikan.   @ the same time, maybe that spelling just looks plain more asian. *shrug* neway... he sed he briefly had a job w/ sony musik, werking w/ christian musik.   i wonder if he might've werked 4 connect.... *shrug* well, *shrug* maybe sony just plain does a lot'f ccm.   neway, hrm... what r some tracks that i'd like to download?   there's this femme fatale tekno album that's a connect "exclusive," which i wouldn't mind, tho' it's $9.99 4 14 tracks.   what else?   heh, it's kind'f embarassing, but i do like lots'f kelly clarkson's musik, so i'm thinking'f dling her 2 tracks from her sony connect set.   i think barlowgirl's interesting n' heard'f'em cos'f a rebecca st. james album; but i dunno if i like their songs 'nuff to buy'em. *shrug* "tell me all your thoughts on god cause i'd really like to meet her and ask her, 'why we're who we are?'   tell me all your thoughts on god cause i'm on my way to see her, so tell me am i very far am i very far now, am i very far now, am i very far now?"   'member that throwback to the mid 1990s???   there's a connect set version.   i knew already that there's a connect set version'f aqualung's "brighter than sunshine."

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: i bought a bunch'f sony connect tracks, mostly 4 djing weddings.   well, i don't know this company, but winkflash.com has 100 free 4" × 6" prints w/ the coupon code: GM85RS36.