
my mom's 60th b.day< 2morrow/h3>

È­¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: this wknd, i skateboarded @ the sunnyvale skate park 3 mornings in a row.   that was fun.   on a totally unrelated note, this morn, i woke up w/ a totally injured left ankle.   i dunno if i slept on it bad, if the beautiful kaela hwang slept on my ankle bad, if i injued it slightly while running on the sand @ seabright beach... *shrug*   i'm confused, but i know it hurt really bad.   cos'f that, i couldn't walk sooni this morn.   i didn't get to werk early cos kaela had to tape up my ankle.   i also took some advil.   i very rarely take medication.

[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: i guess i 4got to mention a few things 'bout this past memorial day wknd.   after kaela picked me up from the aeroport w/ sooni in my forester, we went to eat lunch @ ¸¸µÎ¶û Ä®±¹¼ö mandoorang kalgooksoo on el camino real.   i ordered Çع° Ä®±¹¼ö haemool kalgooksoo n' an order'f ¸Å¿î ¸¸µÎ maeoon mandoo, which wasn't very spicy.   kaela had the À£ºù Ä®±¹¼ö well.being kalgooksoo.   after that, we picked up her kia from ¾ÖÀ̽º ÀÚµÕÂ÷ Á¤ºñ ace jadongcha jungbi.   later, we went out to dinner @ meanra, as i sed.   on sat nite, after eating @ ÇѼº °¥ºñ hansung kalbi 4 dinner after the american open taekwondo tournament @ chabot college in hayward, kaela n' i went to santana row.   we'd brought sooni to the tournament as well as to the jacklin road, milpitas 24 hour fitness earlier in the day; so we dropped her off @ home b4 dinner; n' she didn't accompany us to santana row.   kaela n' i had some drinks from fantasia there.   on sun, after my mom's 60th b.day lunch, kaela n' i returned to santana row to buy some produce @ their farmers market.   'gain, we were sans sooni; i.e. we didn't have sooni w/ us.   on sun, @ church, kaela n' i shared a krispy kreme jelly doughnut n' drank some $tarbu¢ks espresso roast decaf coffee.   on mon morn, after i skatedboarded @ the sunnyvale skate park, i went to the guitar center memorial day sale to drop a whole buttload'f $$$ to invest in my pro dj speakers n' amp.   they gave 'way free krispy kreme doughnuts n' $tarbu¢ks coffee.   they had no decaf, so i drank the only kind'f cofee they had... sumpthin' labeled "smooth."   what kind'f doughnut did i eat?   i ate a plain, sugared doughnut.   i wiped off much'f the excessive sugar.   when i got home w/ the goods, kaela cooked us some flaxseed pancakes w/ blueberries.   honestly, that made me happy.   then, later in the morn, kaela also cut my hair.   that also made me happy.   then we finally left the house 4 the beach to meet w/ our u.s. taekwondo akademy friends.   we had to stop by the gilroy guitar center 1st tho' cos the san jo (stevens creek blvd) guitar center only had 1 yamaha s112v 12" speaker to give me.   i needed to pick up the other 1.   i got lost 4 a while cos 152 east's not the same thing as gettin' off (the) 101 on 152 west n' heading east!   finally, i picked up my speaker, while kaela took sooni to hunt 4 lizards.   sooni also found a snake.   on our way out'f gilroy to santa cruz, i got a li'l confused n/or lost but not really.   neway, i needed to go pee, n' duk called me to pick up some fud; so i returned to the south valley mall (which isn't a nice mall) where guitar center is n' went to the mcyukyuk's there to pick up 20 hamburgers n' 15 small bags'f fries.   also, i got kaela n' me 1 happy meal each.   on sat, on our way to the american open taekwondo tournament, kaela n' i stopped by the mccarthy ranch mcyukyuk's to get happy meals.   kaela likes these build.a.bear happy meals, 'specially the martial arts bunny.   we drove 152 west to santa cruz.   it's a windy road w/ slow drivers who don't know how to drive in the mountains.   on our way to seabright beach, i missed a turn n' sat in bad, bad traffik in front'f the santa cruz beach boardwalk.   man, santa cruz was hecka crowded!