
home from denver

±Ý¿äÀÏ ¿ìÈÄ 111p: i've been back in the silly valley 4 'bout an hr now, sitting in the mineta sjc aeroport, waiting 4 the beautiful kaela hwang to pick me up eventually.   i landed @ 1154a, but i guess she sed she had class till 100p.   i still can't reach her by fon tho'. :-( @ 1st, i didn't mind waiting; but, now, i just getting that "just plain ditched" feeling.   i guess i'm still 2 lazy to try to take a bus back to our house or sumpthin'.   as often's the case when i travel, i'm running out'f battery on my clunker motorola v710.   last sun, my mom showed us her brand new pink motorola razr.   yah, it's a decently kewl fon n' undoubtedly hip.   it was quite the fashion rage this past christmas, rt?   as fashionable as an i.pod... which reminds me... i apparently won an i.pod shuffle in a drawing yesterday but have yet to claim it.   i dunno what size i.pod shuffle either.   :-/ maybe i did know @ some pt over the past couple'f days but 4got. *shrug* maybe i'll give it to kaela, or else maybe i'll sell it off on craigslist. *shrug* i've been a li'l hungry n' eager 4 lunch.   we're having dinner w/ friends @ menara moroccan restaurant @ 630p, n' that's relatively early 4 us, just cos we always eat so late.   yah... in a way, i don't like how we've gotta werk such late hrs here. ... dude, there's sumpthin' wrong w/ my fon as i'm not receiving incoming calls just voicemail notifikations. >:-( i'm gonna power cycle it.   in case u don't know that's just a fancy way'f saying, "i'm gonna turn it off n' back on."   earlier, i also couldn't dial.in on my palm tungsten t5 via bluetooth.   it's good to stay connekted.   wow, i can't believe this wk flew by like that.   crazy crazy.   i was in denver all wk, n' now i'm here, back home.   neway, kaela left me a v.mail @ 118p, saying she just got out'f class n' was leaving to pick me up. :-/