
in denver

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: heh, i haven't updated in a long time... or a relatively long time.   it's been all whirlwind n' flash (is that the rt phrase?), n' now i've been in denver 4 the past couple'f days.   crazy, eh?   well, to some that ain't crazy @ all; but, 4 me, as some1 who so rarely travels n' so rarely leaves the beautiful state'f cali4nia.   @ 1st, i thought this was gonna be the longest time i've been 'part from the beautiful kaela hwang but then 'membered the time she stayed in socal to plan her hi skool reunion while i returned to werk in the silly valley on mon morn n' returned to socal on fri evening.   this is just 'bout that long, rt?   i left on mon morn n'll return on fri afternoon.   ah, i guess this is technically a li'l shorter!   neway, this is indeed the longest time i've been 'way from sooni, rt? *shrug* rt?   i think so.   when i called kaela yesterday, she told me that sooni really misses me, that when kaela drove my 1999 subaru forester s ½º¹Ù·ç into our garage, sooni ran up to the door that connects the kitchen to the garage, looked 4 me there; n' then, when she didn't find me in the garage, ran to the bedrm to look 4 me there.   <:-( that's quite sad.   *sigh* 'member: i've sed b4 that every1 ought to know the love'f a doggy cos doggies really love ppl, 'specially their owners, 'specially when they're'f loyal, loyal breeds like Áøµ¾°³ jindotgae n' not'f a "$lutty" breed like, well... golden retrievers n' pomeranians... not that those r bad doggies, but they do have a reputation 4 loving every1, which isn't always a bad thing, rt?

heh, on sun b4 i left, kaela n' i took my mom out to lunch @ the nieman.marcus caf&ecute; 4 a belated mutha's day.   well, when we pulled into our parking spot, the pickup truck next to us had some big doggy in its bed.   i walked up to it n' put my face up to its face n' it licked me rt on the lips!   heh, i thought that was a bit 4ward, n' kaela laffed, saying that all dogs love me.   *sigh* eh, not really, i'm no césar milan n' no ian dunbar n' no patricia mcconnell!   neway... yah, i left off updating on sat.

on sat evening, i brought kaela out 4 our 34th monthversary dinner @ tanto japanese restaurant (1063 el camino real; sunnyvale, ca 94085).   we had a bunch'f small plates, like japanese tapas. :-)   aktually, on sat, while i was hanging out @ santana row w/ sooni, while kaela was off @ a baby shower, i ran into my cowerker friends steve n' jason n' (i guess) steve's friend from cal.   neway, i was telling them 'bout tanto n' 'bout these kaiseki japanese restaurants.... well, i told jason (who's korean) how i find the wurd "kaiseki" funny cos it sounds like "°³»õ³¢ gaesaekki," which u prob'ly knows pretty much translates to "son'f a b!t¢h."   *sigh* neway, yah... on sat nite, i took kaela out to dinner @ tanto.   we had a bunch'f small plates.   we saw the peju provence wine we like so much, which we bought when we were in napa last wknd (last, last wknd?); but we resisted buying it since there was a 100% markup.   i mean... we bought the bottle in napa 4 $22, n' they were selling it @ tanto 4 $40!   we just drank hot º¸¸®Â÷ boricha (barley tea).   the restaurant ain't ¢heap, but it's fancier in cuisine than ur typical japanese restaurant, more'f a authentik japanese dining experience than ur usual korean sushi joint (which'f course is what most'f the other japanese restaurants in the bay area r, which isn't a bad thing).   what did we eat?   uhm, we had some kakki ponzu, some wakame salad, some kurobota tamagotoji, uhm... n' sumpthin' else... what was it?!   uhm, *sigh* what was it?   i bet 'twas sumpthin' seafudish.   *sigh* neway! well, after dinner we went to watch over the hedge @ the mercado amc 20.   while in the theatre, we also ate a large ben & jerry's dublin mudslide aisukuriimu served in a waffle bowl.   man, i 4got to use my 10% off keychain tag.   argh!   dude, the movie was hilarious!!!

on sun morn, i woke up early n' returned to the sunnyvale skate park 4 a quick sesh.   man, it's so much fun riding the bowls there.   ah... this is the stuff i wanted to do as a kid but couldn't.   i had lots'f fun.   i talked to this 1 dude there, this older english(?) dude... some guy that looked asian but talked w/ a british accent n' was riding a sector nine longboard in the bowl, while wearing a cycling helmet, full pads, n' suspenders.   yah, not ur typical sk8terboi.   he was also much older than me n' drove off in a ford taurus stationwagon.   i'm still just carvin' the bowl n' not riding the coping or catching air.   that's fine 4 now.   i'll take it slow n' safe.   i don't wanna get hurt.   well, i cut the session short n' returned home to cook kaela some omelettes b4 church.   grx met @ the palo alto crowne plaza cabana hotel instead'f our usual santa clara marriott this time cos'f the family life conference, which was @ the marriott.   pastor ali hasan gave a great sermon 'bout the creation'f man in god's own image, how we've gotta respekt other ppl as we're all created in god's own image.   ali's a kewl guy.   then afterwards, kaela n' i took my mom out 4 her belated mutha's day lunch.   'twas a good fud.   dude, i've been eating 2 much good fud lately!   @ the nieman.marcus caf´, kaela had this crabcake salad, n' i had the french dip sandwich, which they called sumpthin' else (i 4get), prob'ly cos'f republikkkans that might frequent such a ritzy place.   my mom ordered this citrus "souflée" salad, which was pretty interesting.   we browsed 'round stanfurd mall there.   the last time we were there, i didn't get so much'f the icky, snobby stanfurd feeling i usually get when i'm there.   this time, i did.   stanfurd ppl r so snobby (in gen'l).   i've gotta add the "in gen'l" cos i'm gonna be emceeing the stanfurd taekwondo open championships on june 3 n' know that 'least the taekwondo ppl there r kewl.   maybe not quite as kewl as the berkeley takewondo ppl; but hey... that's hard. heh heh... just kidding.   neway, yah, i did sense quite a bit'f snobbiness @ the stanfurd mall.   dude, have u ever been inside williams sonoma home?   not the usual kitchen store, but the home store...   dude, it's frickin' expen$ive!   *shakes head*

on sun afternoon, kaela n' i were s'pposed to go to the gym, the milpitas 24 hour fitness; but kaela fell asleep.   on sun nite, our friend jason lee (not the pro skateboarder turned aktor) but our filmmaking friend.   he talked 'lot 'bout taiwanese politiks over dinner @ ÁêÁêºñ jujubee, the new korean È£ÇÁ hof that replaced ³­´Ù¶û nandarang.   we ate ºÎ´ë Âî°³ budae jjigae, Åë´ß tongdalk, n' ±èÄ¡Àü kimchijuhn; 2 much fud!!!!   yah, jason's politiks r aktually quite diff from mine, when it comes to both taiwan n' amerikkka. *shrug* u know, i'm all 4 taiwan's independence as an autonomous nation, but jason thinks the taiwan independence movement's racist.   *sigh* also, he sez he's more'f a republikan, but u know i'm a quite a demokrat.   oh well. ... [unfinished entry]