
34th monthversary

Åä¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ, 911a: in a way i ought to be in tahoe rt now instead'f writing this journal entry, but it's ok.   yesterday was the beautiful kaela hwang's n' my 34th wedding monthversary... n' what better way to celebrate than to lead bible study 2gether? :-) seriously! i feel that really captures the essence'f our grx t3 south couples bible study, where "t3" stand 4 "it takes 3," i.e. wife, husband, n' god.   we believe that if each spouse (or each'f the 2 in the relationship'f it's not a marriage) draws closer to god, then they'll draw closer to each other.   thus, i think this was a great way to spend our monthversary!   neway, yah, we went n' lead bible study, n' that was fun.   then, afterwards, since we hadn't yet eaten dinner, kaela n' i went out 4 a very late dinner @ the new ÁêÁêºñ jujubee korean È£ÇÁ hof on el camino real in santa clara.   this hof took the place'f ³­´Ù¶û nandarang, which was a great hof.   we had °¨ÀÚÅÁ gamjatang n' hite ¸ÆÁÖ maekjoo.   i thought it was kind'f odd to be eating a midnite dinner while every1 else 'round us was just there to drink.   eh, no biggie.   the fud was pretty good.   the staff kept apologising 4 how bizzy the place was etc.   well, that's great 4 them.

yesterday morn, i dragged my butt out'f bed to attend janice k's 600a turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the e arques 24 hour fitness.   i was a bit sore from sparring @ taekwondo praktice the nite b4, n' i was just plain groggy from waking up early.   luckily, janice k's class's prob'ly the easiest'f all the 1s i've been to... n' i've guess i've been to classes w/ each'f the local instruktors, huh?   sach, will, may, janice k, n' janice w.   i think that's it, rt?   sach's is my favourite cos it's the highest intensity, the most advanced.   it's crowded tho'.   it's on mon nites @ 730p.   neway, i did that on fri morn, then came home n' uh... oh, no.   rather, i didn't go straight home but went to albertsons to buy some gro¢eries instead.   u c, my cowerker eric was hosting a lunchtime bbq @ his new townhome in mtn view in the whisman station neighbourhood.   i figured i'd buy a fruit plate or whatever to bring.   neway, i bought a small dish'f sliced fruit, a small basket'f raspberries, a can'f sliced beets (i wanted whole beets, but they only had pickled 1s'f those, n' i didn't want that), n' some whole grain bagels to go w/ the soy cream cheese, lox, n' capers we've got.   i've been eating lots'f whole grain bagels w/ tofutti soy cream cheese, bits, n' capers.   then, i prob'ly walked sooni, rt?   rt.   then i went to werk, werked hard.   oh, i'd left my fruit @ home, so i pondered going out to buy 'nother 1 on my way to the bbq.   however, this 1 nice cowerker gave me a tin'f chocolates, 2 much 4 me or even me n' kaela to finish, so i brought chocolates to the bbq instead.   my cowerker has a nice, brand new townhome.   i didn't ask how much it was.   he has 2 doggies, but he didn't bring'em out.   neway, i ate 1 hot dog n' 1 hamburger.   most ppl ate 1 hot dog n' 1 hamburger... oh, not hamburger but cheese burger.   he made the think kind'f patties that stay pink in the middle.   well, 'twas a fun bbq.   'twas really nice'f him to host it.

well, after werk, i hurried to get the bible study all ready.   i had to meet w/ our friends susan n' gregory really quickly to pick up this 1 visual prop thingy.   then i went home to meet up w/ kaela who'd just come from may's turbo kick box (tkb) class @ the e fremont ave 24 hour fitness.   i made kaela a lox bagel as a snack n' a soy corndog 4 myself, n' then we were off.

i guess i didn't recap thurs, did i?   what did i do on thurs?   well, on wed nite, i did go to may's tubo kick box (tkb) class @ the e fremont 24 hour fitness... no, the e arques 24 hour fitness.   then, i came home n' quickly ate sumpthin', didn't i?   oh yah, kaela microwaved some frozen beef stew, n' we ate that n'... sumpthin' else?   uhm, i 4get.   i prob'ly ate some coldcut lunchmeat.   then i hurried off to hang w/ our friend tim fong @ the cupertino fantasia.   i figured we could hang out inside cos i didn't have sooni, but the fantasia closed rt after we ordered, so we had to sit outside. 'twas a bit cold.

[later] skatepark beno: neway, u know... this mon, i had quite an experience.   dude, i skated (skateboarded) in a skatepark 4 the very 1st time in my life!   dude, it was so fun!!!   well, i woke up early.   honestly, i felt a li'l bit groggy from the ¸ÆÁÖ maekjoo last nite... maybe a li'l dehydrated.   neway, i put on some jeans, a t.shirt, a hoodie, my skate shoes... i drove myself (un4tunately sans [w/o] sooni cos i knew the park doesn't allow her kind]) over to sunnyvale's fair oaks park   i was hoping 4 a completly empty park but saw 'least 2 guys there along w/ a cleaning guy.   well, i sat in the car, nervous 'bout whether to enter or not.   finally, i found the balls just to put on my hawaiian surf sumpthin' trucker cap, grab my board, n' walk up to the park.   still, i was a bit nervous so i 1st looked in thru the chain link fence.   well, i knew there was no turning back now that i'd walked up to the park w/ my board in my hand.   i went in.   the cleaning guy sed, "good morning."   feeling inconfident, i just muttered a "what's up."   he was a nice guy, n' i should've given him a more proper "good morning."   i saw that there were just 2 skaters there a li'l chicano.lookin' kid n' a taller kid... who turned out to be an asian man who's most likely older than me.   i was a bit nervous.   the bowls looked bigger than i'd expekted.   still, they weren't that big, so i dunno what i'd expekted.   i rolled in via a shallow ramp n' started some slow, low carves.   after a while, i got the hang'f backside carves but would sometimes get caught on frontside carves.   i 4ced myself to praktice more frontside carves.   well, i skated 4 an hr straight, just carving.   i never 1nce reached the metal coping on the top'f the bowl or caught ne air; i just carved.   the 2 guys there obviously new i was a beginner but gave me 'nuff respekt.   the li'l kid came up to talk to me.   he was nice.   cos he was nice, i knew he was really good.   he didn't hafta akt like a punk cos he earned his respekt thru executing sick tricks.   he was really polite.   later, i saw the older, asian dude post up some signs.   when i went to read it, it was advertising some kind'f fundraiser, a "send donny to skate camp" fundraiser.   that's kewl.   later, i found out that kid was donny.   yah, this li'l kid has potential.   i saw him catch big air n' execute some nice grabs 'long w/ 'em. &nbps; man... i do that stuff on a snowboard but i can't do it on a skateboard... not yet.   well, more guys came in, n' lo n' behold! dude, perhaps li'l donny n' i were like the youngest guys there!   i couldn't believe it: lots'f older guys were coming in an early sat morn.   i guess we all think alike - we don't wanna come in the afternoon n' get laffed @ by li'l kids.   however, these guys were quite a bit better than me.   they weren't super pros or nething... i mean, dude... i bet some'f them had 'least been sponsoreddid feel @ that pt that maybe these guys wanted more space n' that maybe i was hogging the park.   eventually, after like 1.5 hrs, i got out'f the bowl n' just hung out, watched, tried ollies n' stuff.   then i finally left.   i'm just glad i left uninjured n' had a good time.

i came home n' showered.   i ate a bowl'f nature's path optimum power cereal.   other than that n' being oline 4 the past hr or so, i haven't done much 2day.   i'm pondering taking kaela out 4 a more proper 34th monthversary dinner.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ, 239p: i washed sooni.   i dropped kaela off @ bed, bath, & beyond; n' then drove 'cross the street to wash sooni @ bet fud express.   kaela went w/ her friend rachel after that ot a female bridale shoewr.   kaela bought some food or drinks from safeway as a contribution to the potluck.   neway; since she found out that guys rn't allowed; she felt bad n' bought me some fusionish, sushi.ish spring rolls from safeway 4 my lunch.   i took the fud n' the sobe green tea w/ me n' sooni to santana row n' ate it there, where i ran into my cowerker friends jason n' steve along w/ their friend yi-lin or i-lin or i-ling... not sure.   then i went to the guitar showcase consignment shop to look @ dj speakers n' amp.   [i] didn't buy nehting yet but need to soon.