¼ö¿äÀÏ Àú³á (¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼): yesterday, i didn't go to the gym. during lunch, i went to trader joe's, dropped gro¢eries off @ home, n' then returned to werk. i ate a trader joe's roast beef n' cheddar on ciabatta sandwich n' drank a trader joe's protein shake on my drive home to drop off the gro¢eries. [on a totally unrelated note, i just learned that a calabaza is a type'f pumpkinish squash.] i bought some bagged, baby spinacci; some sprouted wheat bread; some organik, crunchy peanut butter; some protein crunch cereal, a couple'f promax protein bars, some anti.oxidant trek mix... after werk, i rushed home just to pick up sooni to bring her to taekwondo praktice. after praktice, a handful'f us ate dinner @ ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang (santa clara), where the darnedest thing happened: when we arrived @ ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang, the only other customers/patrons was a table full'f older, korean ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi. our party sat down, n' i enjoyed my ´ß°í±â ººÀ½¹ä. the nice waiter gave us some free (¼ºñ½º) ±º¹ÝµÎ goonmandoo. 2ward the end'f our meal, the ¾îÀú¾¾µé ajuhssideul left. then 1'f them sticks his head in n' yells over to us, "¼øÀÌ ¸Â¿ä?" ("sooni matjyo?" isn't this sooni?") i responsed, "³×" or "DP" of course, but the whole table was shocked n' silenced... whuh?! then ben (i think) sed, "wow, you're dog's a celebrity!" yah... how did this ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi know sooni?! [later] ¹ã 1101p: well, in aktuality, the ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi might've read her tag or heard me call her sooni, but i dunno... he sounded more like he just plain knew her name already. yah, she spends 'lot'f time hangin' out outside'f korean biznesses along el camino real. often, an ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi or ¾ÆÁܸ¶ ajoomm asks 4 her name. then that ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi or ¾ÆÁܸ¶ ajoomma hangs out w/ sooni n' talks to all sorts'f passersby or bystanders, n' well... yah, it's very possible that many ppl more than i realise know sooni by name.
well, this morn, i woke up later than i wanted to, mostly cos i stayed up late last nite werking on the u.s. taekwondo akademy. i werke don laundry n' dishes n' walked sooni n' ate some brkfast. i didn't get into the office really early or nething. during my lunchbrk, i went to the nearby 24 hr fitness to take a 24cycle (spin) class. it's decently fun. i worry that i can't commit this kind'f time each wk 4ever, but i'd like to keep this up 4 as long as possible. as i sed b4, i'm liking these 24 hr fitness classes cos it helps keep me motivated to exercise. i've become a big believer in group exercise all'f the sudden. i showered n' returned to werk, where i ate a sandwich that i brought 4 lunch. i werked really hard 2day, but a somewhat uncom4table discussion w/ someone @ werk @ the end'f the day really "ruined" my day. i left pretty frustrated n' headed back to the nearby 24 hr fitness to lift n' take the wed evening turbo kick box class. dude, i've been going to lots'f turbo kick box classes! i wanted to cook ¶±ººÀÌ dduhkbokki 2nite, but i was 2 hungry n' tired so just ate some random vegetarian odds n' ends from the freezer. dude, my legs feel like i need some potassium.
*sigh* these days, i'm werking several jobs, it cms: 1) engineer, 2) homemaker, 3) taekwondo instruktor, 4) bible study leader, 5) professional dj... it can be a li'l daunting... but well... think 'bout it this way: snowboarding season's winding down, so i have a li'l more time, rt? also, our bible study'll be on vakation thru the summer, n' that's when i'll be teaching taekwondo. beno: engineer, dj, taekwondoist, snowboarder, homeowner, dogowner, husband, bible study leader, christian, skateboarder, online journaller/blogger... i hope i'm not spreading myself 2 thin. i don't thinK i am. i think i have things in control.
[a li'l later] so as'f this wk or last wk or whenever, it looks like we'll be voting 4 phil angelides 4 cali4nia governor, eh? i guess so.
[later] in a way, i still really badly wanna get a bike cos'f the ridiculously hi pri¢e'f gas these days; but, on the other hand, i don't want a bike cos i want my skateboard to be my transportation alternative.