
potluck after potluck

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: monday monday...   this wknd, i attended 2 potlucks.   4 both, i cooked.   happy 1st'f may, eh?   can u believe it's may already?!   b4 u know it, it'll be summer.   days r long now, but they'll get shorter after june 21.   we need to enjoy the sunlite while we can.   i don't like to be in the sun cos'f the damage the sun does to 1's skin, but i want to be outside when the sun's up.   2day, i woke up early, took out the trash, went to the arques 24 hr fitness to take a turbo kick box (tkb) class, came home n' jogged w/ sooni, n' then went to werk.   the turbo kick box class was very small, which is understandable cos it was @ 600a!   most'f the ppl were the "trying to get into shape" type.   i felt a li'l odd being there, doing everything in full intensity, etc.   the instruktor was in great shape; but she sed she got winded from talking while doing the exercises, n' i felt like maybe she was trying harder than usual cos i was there n' trying hard.

fri evening, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i went to dinner @ ºñ¿ø biwon w/ the core leaders'f our grx t3s couples bible study small group.   kaela n' i ordered ±ødz»õ¿ì kkangpoong saewoo n' »ï¼± Â¥Àå¸é samsuhn jjajangmyuhn.   the fud was ok, but i feel like i've had better... even there.   after dinner n' our short mtg, our grp walked over to café aroma, which changed owners n' name (to sumpthin' else).   kaela n' i shared a °úÀÏ ºù¼ö gwail bingsoo w/ blueberry frozen yogurt.   after that, kaela n' i went to the sunnyvale, el camino real safeway to buy some ingredients 4 the salad i was planning to make 4 saturday's (the next day's) baby shower potluck.   i made asparagus beet salad w/ chevre (goat's milk) cheese n' citrus vinaigrette.   it turned out quite well.

on sat morn, i skateboarded w/ sooni, which's pretty much always fun.   we rode over to the caltrans station n' 'round that area n' back.   skateboarding rocks, n' ne1 who thinks a 30 yr.old man doesn't belong on a skateboard can go suck rocks, man.   ...n' that's a fakt.   then i came home n' later went to the e. fremont ave 24 hr fitness, where i lifted weights n' did stairmaster.   i saw pastor steve there n' talked to him a li'l.   i was honestly a li'l disappointed w/ the e. fremont ave 24 hr fitness cos i thought it'd be worlds better than the e. arques 1 cos the fremont 1's a "sport" while the arques 1's an "active."   however... i didn't find it ne better.   [later, ¿ÀÈÄ] i benchpressed n' did other free weight lifts as well as a few machine lifts and did stairmaster.   oh, i sort'f sed this already.   neway... after stretching, after showering, after i completed this whole swift werkout, i rushed home to make my salad.   it turned out really well, which made me happy.   the potluck baby shower was awesome.   dude, i ate sooo much.   i hung out 4 a while then drove home in the heat.

1nce i got home, i had my options: i fancied taking sooni 4 'nother walk n' then a bath @ pet fud express.   however, i 1st went out to costco to buy 1) 3 pairs'f amc gold movie vounchers, 2) a flat'f kirkland unenvironmental bottled h2o, 3) naturemade triple flex glucosamine, 4) freshies teeth cleaning chews 4 sooni, 5) frozen chicken thighs to make into marinated ¸Å¿î ´ß±¸ÀÌ maeoon dalkgui 4 ken's potluck.   i drove home in the heat.   i marinated chicken, washed the bbq grill outside, n' started washing dishes.   then kaela called n' sed she was coming home.   she sed she would go w/ me to wash sooni n' complained 'bout her broken laptop.   i washed dishes, while she drove home.   then she got home n' went straight to sleep.   i never took sooni 4 her bath cos i didn't want kaela to say i ditched her.   in the end, the sun went down, n' i hadn't accomplished 2 much more -- other than hangin' out online @ bronx's junkyard forums, watching this silly, amateur but decently funny asian.am film on youtube called this ain't straight, n' reading a few psychology today articles especially 1 'bout self.perception'f beauty.   i was a bit sleepy from waking up so early to skateboard @ a time w/ less ppl n' sun out.   the prob w/ skateboarding w/ sooni's that it's just cruising n' i don't get to try out stuff like ollieing etc.   however, so far, it's still fun just to cruise.   i love rolling down a gently sloped, smooth street w/o cars.   maybe 'round 900p, i woke kaela up 4 her dinner: leftover asparagus beet salad w/ chevre cheese n' citrus vinaigrette n' some amy's organic spinach pizza w/ a couple'f bottles'f sierra nevada unfiltered wheat bier.   the rest'f the nite was relatively uneventful as we were both pretty tired from waking up decently early.   u c, kaela was @ a seminar that started in the morn.

on sun, i woke up early 'gain to skateboard w/ sooni.   yah, i'm glad i got to skate w/ her 2 days in a row, this wknd.   i do believe i'm eliminating her fear'f skateboards, which sooo many doggies have.   have u never cn césar milan on the national geographic channel w/ his dog whisperer show?   many doggies on that show get scared'f skateboards n' then try to bite ppl (often kids) on skateboards.   dude, i do not want sooni to do that, so i'm doing this 4 the greater good.   w/ the soaring, ridi¢ulou$ pri¢e of ga$, we all should be skateboarding.   neway, i skated w/ sooni n' then came home.   i was happy that kaela woke up ok.   we went to church, which was @ the santa clara hyatt instead'f the santa clara marriott.   both kaela n' i r familiar w/ that hotel, which is attached to the santa clara convention center.   however, the route from the parking strukture to the makeshift sanktuary still felt like a maze to us, as we wandered thru hallways past kidzone (daycare / sunday skool) rooms.   we missed the opening worship set but arrived as pastor steve was making announcements.   the guest speaker was darryl brumfield from new song covenant church, our sister church down in socal.   he's a very dynamik speaker.   @ 1st, i was worried that he was talking 2 fast 4 some ppl not as familiar w/ our faith; but in the end, i found it to be a really great sermon, totally suitable 4 every1 in the audience.   i wanted to hang out n' chat w/ friends longer, but we had to hurry to ken n' grace's potluck.

we stopped by home to pick up the coleman "roadtrip," portable bbq grill n' the marinated chicken.   then we hurried off to ken n' grace's new house / townhome but stopped by the santa clara publik library 1st 4 kaela to return a couple'f cute, korean kids' books that she had checked out a while 'go.   w/in 10 mins'f our arrival @ the potluck, i had the grill fired up n' meat cooked.   crazy!   ken n' several'f the other guys were thoroughly impressed w/ the equipment.   in a way, i myself was a bit surprised... pleasantly surprised.   i cooked my ¸Å¿î ´ß±¸ÀÌ maeoon dalkgui, some hot dogs, n' some thick hamburgers.   wow, it all turned out great.   we also ate egg rolls; some deep fried, dimsum style shrimp balls; some kewl, asian chicken salad; some potato salad; some kewl asian tapioca dessert... mmm, 'twas all pretty good, n' i ate 2 much.   i had a couple'f cervezas, but i dunno why they weren't cold.   . . . [interrupted]

[later] ¹ã: yah, so kaela stepped 'way from the potluck 4 a while to make cards @ our friends susan n' gregory's house.   later, she came back.   we chatted w/ grace n' ken n' 'nother couple frank n' connie.   eventually, we left.   i drove us to °¶·¯¸®¾Æ ¸¶ÄÏ galleria market.   i let kaela study n' eat dinner in the deli area while i shopped.   she ordered some ººÀ½¹ä bokkeumbap (fried rice).   after paying 4 the gro¢eries rt b4 the store closed, i joined kaela n' bought a ºÎºÎºù¼ö booboobingsoo (couple's shaved ice) 4 the 2'f us.   dude, it rocked.   then we went home.   then kaela cut my hair.

this morn, i woke up early, took out the trash, went to that turbo kick box (tkb) class, jogged w/ sooni, got dressed, n' went to werk.   during my lunchbrk, i came home n' cooked ³ìÂ÷ ¶ó¸é nokcha ramyuhn, but barely had time to eat ne'f it! :-( lunchbrks r 2 short!   after werk, i went to my 2nd turbo kick box (tkb) class'f the day.   then i lifted a li'l bit'f weights.   i showered n' came home to eat more'f that ³ìÂ÷ ¶ó¸é nokcha ramyuhn that i cooked earlier.   i wanted to do more 2nite like clean up the house, etc.; but i'm so tired.   i'm signed up to cook @ our office's cinco de mayo potluc this fri.   i'm considering telling them i'll just cough up the $10 4 lunch instead.   u c, i had the choice'f paying $10 or cooking, so i sed i'd cook; but *shrug* i dunno.