24 hr $pending
¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i'd like to share w/ u 1'f my favourite passage from the bible:
luke 7:36~50
jesus anointed by a sinful woman
36now one of the pharisees invited jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37when a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that jesus was eating at the pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.
39when the pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "if this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is?that she is a sinner."
40jesus answered him, "simon, i have something to tell you."
"tell me, teacher," he said.
41"two men owed money to a certain moneylender. one owed him five hundred denarii*, and the other fifty. 42neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. now which of them will love him more?"
43simon replied, "i suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled." "you have judged correctly," jesus said.
44then he turned toward the woman and said to simon, "do you see this woman? i came into your house. you did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
45you did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time i entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46you did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47therefore, i tell you, her many sins have been forgiven?for she loved much. but he who has been forgiven little loves little."
48then jesus said to her, "your sins are forgiven."
49the other guests began to say among themselves, "who is this who even forgives sins?"
50jesus said to the woman, "your faith has saved you; go in peace."
*luke 7:41 a denarius was a coin worth about a day's wages.
mnm (michelle), thanks 4 signing my gbook! i'm glad u'r liking grx sf: acts ii n' the dance ministry. heh, that's so kewl. as u know, i really like grx 4 its being a church that really tries to live out the gospel, the true ways'f jesus, n' provide an open, nonjudgemental, caring place to experience god's love n' well, hey... live the lives that god's given us, u know? kewl; i hope to watch u the next time i c the dance ministry.
well, 'twas a very bizzy wknd 4 the beautiful kaela hwang n' me. well, u know what? 'twas a really expen$ive wknd 4 me. [a li'l later] ok, what did we do? *shrug* where did i leave off updating u?
- ¸ñ, 04¿ù20ÀÏ
- Á¡½É: lunch w/ kaela n' my cowerker james @ athena grill... oh yah, i talked 'bout this already.
- Àú³á: came home n' pulled weeds in the front yard w/ kaela. in a way, we're such awful yuppies cos we pull weeds n' do other yardwerk in nice clothes cos we sometimes don't bother to change b4 we do stuff like that cos we're 2 bizzy. u know? like on some sundays, i'll be wearing the clothes i wore to church still when i go mow the lawn. luckily, our church isn't a very formal place, so that's not too bad, but i must look a li'l 2 yuppie when i'm like wearing an armani sweater n' trimming bushes. yah, it's not quite the life'f the real suburbanite, who really knows how to take care'f a yard, etc.
- i took kaela out 4 dinner to celebrate our 33rd monthversary. i wasn't sure where to take care, thinking we could either try 1'f those sort'f chic n' sort'f trendy japanese japanese restaurants on el camino real (not korean sushi) or take sooni w/ us to somewhere w/ outdoor dining. these japanese places r the kind that do the kaiseki dinner menus. i guess that's gonna be the next big thing. like, sushi, i guess, is rather commonplace now, 'specially to japanese ppl in the area. thus, now asians, when they want real japanese fud, cm to go 4 those kaiseki dinners, eh? *shrug* neway, we tried to hit up tanto, but they were 2 full, so instead, we drove off to mtn view n' ended up @ amici's east coast pizzeria. uh, quite a contrast, eh?
- @ amici's east coast pizzeria, we shared a spinacci salad n' then a medium greek isle pizza. 'twas quite filling, that combination. both kaela n' i usually prefer chicago style pizza, but this new york pizza was great. oh, we also each had a li'l wine: kaela had a pinot grigio, n' i had a sangiovese.
- afterwards, we bummed 'round the $tarbu¢ks next door n' shared a grande soy green tea latte.
- ±Ý, 04¿ù21ÀÏ
- i met w/ a couple 'bout djing their wedding. i met up w/ them @ the sunnyvale fry's electronics's café. @ fry's, i bought a 100 pack spindle'f tdk cdrs cos i cm to be out'f cdrs. aktually, dude, i should start trying to use cdrws now n' then, huh?
- i had an awesome lunch w/ kaela @ the sunnyvale una mas on lawrence expwy. we had a butternut squash quesadilla, a cup'f tortilla soup, a chicken taco, n' a chicharonnes taco. wow, 'twas really good.
- in the evening, we picked up grace ("mark n' grace" grace) to go to our grx t3s couples small group bible study. mark'd join her later, after our u.s. taekwondo akademy promotional exam, which i s'ppose kaela n' i were skipping. the 3'f us ate dinner @ ramen halu on saratoga ave near stevens creek blvd. the ramen was pretty good, but i liked the dish that i had the 1st time (w/ my mom a few wks 'go) better.
- Åä, 04¿ù22ÀÏ
- snowboarding@sugarbowl.com w/ our friend gregory n' susan. 'twas just me n' the couple. kaela had a seminar. the drive up was swift. i made it up in ~3 hrs, which i haven't done in a long time cos there's usually more traffik in this day n' age. then 'gain, we left pretty much @ 600a, whereas, in recent trips, i've left a li'l tardily.
- [later] we stopped @ the mcyjkyuk's in cordelia 4 brkfast. i ordered off the $1 menu instead'f gettin' a "value meal," got a sausage mcmuffin (no egg), a sausage breakfast burrito, n' a small coffee (decaf). the coffee was decently good.
- the snow conditions @ sugar bowl: wet, sticky snow; old, crusty powder... the weather was ok, but foggy @ times n' w/ a few snow/hail flurries. the sticky snow was crazy! sometimes, i'd be totally cruising fine, n' then all'f the sudden, the snow'd just grab me as if i had slammed on the braakes in a car. the stickiness'f the sticky snow was very strong!
- we boarded w/o a break 4 lunch, h2o, or bathrm! dude, i think every time i went to sugar bowl this season, it's been like that, huh? the 1st time this season, 'twas like that. however, i guess the 2nd time, i took 1 h2o/pee break. i didn't buy ne fud @ sugar bowl this yr. that's fine; i don't recall their having ne spektacular fud. i think alpine meadows, sierra, northstar, n' squaw have better fud. some'f the worst fud i've had @ snow parks was @ kirkwood! dude, they almost just should not have a license to sell fud!
- neway, i got to ride in the 0.5 pipe n' in the terrain park. in fakt, i had some good times in the park. i got to continue my streak'f riding lots'f rails. i got to catch some decent air, considering how slow the snow was. there was this fun li'l cone.type hip w/ an upside.down trash can to bonk. those r fun. u jump over the trash can n' bonk ur board on it. i do c this trend'f putting inclined rails, so u can slide the rail n' then catch air off'f it. it's kewl, but u need extra speed. in that case, yah... i s'ppose it can be harder. that's what messed me up on my previous trip @ sierra: i couldn't get 'nuff speed to finish riding those inclined rails. [later] i mostly rode downhill/freeride on sat neway... not as much freestyle but a li'l... or a li'l more than li'l... prob'ly just 'nuff. i guess the time b4, i rode more freestyle than freeride/downhill; so i needed to balance it out. i had a good time. i think we all had a good time!
- on our way home, we stopped in auburn to eat @ sum's mongolian bbq. man, 'twas good to eat n' drink h2o after all that! i had lots'f meat n' lots'f hot sauce (sriracha). we were so stuffed afterwards!
- 1 more stop b4 home was the $tarbu¢ks in cordelia. i ordered a tall decaf/nf cappuccino n' received a tall, double nf/decaf cappuccino (extra shot'f decaf espresso). that was fine.
- dude, when i got home, i fell asleep quite fast after my shower! kaela did come home from her seminar till late. in the morn n' @ nite, i let sooni run into the garage to greet our friends. i'm glad she doesn't run off like she used to. her recall's better now.
- ÀÏ, 04¿ù23ÀÏ
- i woke up early to skateboard w/ sooni. i was out the door b4 700a. i rode pretty far. i had a good time n' want to skateboard more. it's fun. yah... like our friend matt, maybe i'd like to get a freebord someday to get more'f that snowboard feel, but 4 now my streetstyle board's more than fine! i was happy to discover that 1'f the streets by my house has a nice gentle decline, so when i skate back home, i get to relax n' cruise a li'l. that was fun. i gotta find out which streets r smoother than the others.
- kaela n' i were a bit late to church (grx), which was @ foothill covenant in los altos instead'f @ the marriott. we drove thru a really nice, suburban neighbourhood. the church's near mountain view high school. our congregation, combine w/ foothill's, really filled up that li'l sanctuary! i heard the 2nd service was overflowing out the doors!
- after chuch, kaela n' i went w/ my mom to ¸íµ¿¼øµÎºÎÁý myungdong soondubujip. i'm glad we got to show her santa clara's best ¼øµÎºÎÁý soondubujip. i find ¸íµ¿ myungdong to be better than ¼Ò°øµµ sogongdo. i had my usual ¼¯¾î ¼øµÎºÎ Âî°³... ¾ÆÁÖ ¸Ê°Ô... (suhkkuh soondubu... ajoo maebgei)... yum, yum!
- after lunch, kaela n' i went to valley fair n' $pent lots'f $$$: we bought a wedding present 4 a friend, a b.day present 4 'nother, then a pair'f pants 4 each'f us @ club monoco. i've been badly needing another pair'f dress pants, n' i found a very versatile pair @ club monoco, altho' i had to pay full pri¢e. sometimes, u just gotta make the investment... even in fashion, u know? who knows? maybe this pair'f pants'll land me a promotion or a raise! (someday...) we browed thru lots'f stuff in copelands but didn't buy nething there. i guess we enjoy sporting goods stores. i enjoy browsing thru casual clothes but know i shouldn't buy nemore'f'em 4 now. if nething, i need more dress clothes 4 going out n' going to weddings, etc. @ the s#arper image
, kaela n' i rested on the massage chairs 4 quite a while. i noticed that other ppl stayed on those chairs 4 quite a while. i'm usually quite shy 'bout staying on 1 2 long, u know?
- well, after valley fair, we quickly stopped by home n' then went to the milpitas 24 hour fitness 4 a 500p apptmnt w/ a friend'f a friend'f kaela. well, we bought into that $pe¢ial $799/3yrs ($49/yr after) deal. we have all club access (up to "sport" level). many'f our friends've gotten the same deal recently. it's the best deal u can find these days. i'm glad we bought the memberhips thru a friend'f a friend'f kaela cos that dude made it relatively painless, no pressure. i guess we all knew we had to be nice to each other since kaela has to c her friend @ skool all the time. well, i $pent plenty'f $$$ there! the process took a while tho' cos'f 'puter probs. we were there 4 like 2 hrs.
- then we met w/ our friends mark n' grace @ the rivermark piatti 4 dinner. i took every1 out to dinner cos'f mark's (not so) recent b.day (very belated) n' grace's new job (which she starts 2day). kaela n' i shared this asparagus n' beet salad, n' then kaela had some kind'f tutte di mare type linguine, n ' i had this shrimp parpadelle. also, kaela had a glass'f pinot grigio, n' i had a widnmer hefeweizen.
- after that, kaela n' i went gro¢ery $hopping @ safeway@rivermark.
- then we went home. we were s'pposed to werkout late @ nite @ our new gym but didn't. i'd been up so early after all. furthermore, i'd skateboarded 'lot w/ sooni in the early morn; i even came home saoked in sweat.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: how r u neway? as mnm did, u2 can sign my gbook. well, i should change the qs (questions) asap. i still don't have a comment box thingy. i did apply 4 an enetations acct or whatever.
[less than a min later, i think] i hope, as'f this wknd, i'm resuming my habit'f waking up early. up until our dc trip, i was waking up early. this morn, there was a turbo kick boxing class that i considered attending... @ 600a.
[later] ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ¿ÀÈÄ: 4 werk, i had to drive out to an area'f east san jo that historically has not been a nice neighbourhood. some parts still look "scary," like the multiple trailer parks i saw. however, mixed 'mongst the trailer parks n' 4.plexes were some brand new townhomes. interesting, huh? in gen'l, east san jo really cleaned up during the .com boom. [later] traffik was pretty frustrating out there tho'. traffik on the east side reminds me a bit'f socal.
[later] ¹ã 1145p: i experienced my 1st 24 hr fitness werkout: i werked out 4 3 hrs!!! from 730p to 1030p! i started w/ the turbo kickboxing, then i stretched, then i lifted, then i stretched, then i did some elliptical trainer, then i stretched. the turbo kickboxing (tkb) class was pretty fun. mark's grace was s'pposed to be there but wasn't. aktually, when i got to the gym @ 730p... man, i gotta admit: it did look like a total meat market! it was pretty scary... or *shrug* i dunno how i should put it. i mean... yah, there were lots'f gurls in skimpy clothes n' full makeup n' guys grunting n' flexing... lots'f 20sumpthin', singles types, mostly east asian. it made me think: wow, yah, i s'ppose a person can find an attraktive mate @ the gym... but, as ppl've sed b4... it's rather superficial... n' well... if i'm saying that, it must be true cos i think some ppl think i'm superficial or 'least vain... i'd hate to think that ppl think i'm superficial... i feel a li'l less bad if ppl think i'm vain... but it's still bad. neway... whoa, i werked out 4 a long time. 'twas cos i was waiting 4 kaela to join me, n' she eventually did. then i went home n' ate week.old leftover ham n' some strawberries