¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: "Asians surpass mark at UC: WHITE ADMISSIONS FALL TO SECOND PLACE FOR THE FIRST TIME" [later] 2day's 2006³â04¿ù20ÀÏ. marijuana fanatiks have this fascination w/ the nombre "420." it's usually verbalised as "four twenty." me, i've honestly never used marijuana n' am a bit opposed to it etc. some might call me a hypocrite cos i'm ok w/ alcoholik beverages but am opposed to marijuana n' ecstacy etc. well, drinks like wine n' bier; they're still like fud, u know? i oppose alcohol abuse... just not alcohol consumption. [later] i'm ok w/ that.
[later] crying over lost ¢hange: last nite, the beautiful kaela hwang booked us a room in napa over mutha's day wknd 4 our friend jin's wedding. yah, she n' her fiancé ben r getting married in napa the day b4 mutha's day this yr. neway, she booked our hotel rm thru priceline but didn't use my link
. hotels in napa, especially in spring, are heck'a expen$ive, n' we could've gotten a $20 kickback off'f my link
! we could've $aved $20! listen, ppl... if u ever use priceline
, plz use my link
. if u tell me u used my link
, i'll even try to refund u the commission i made as long as i can confirm that the click registered n' that i'm getting paid. (also, maybe i'll need to keep a li'l'f it in case they tax me!) *sigh* i was a bit distraught over the lost $20. it never feels good to lose $$$. that was an easy $20. well, whatever... $20... it's just $20. well, when u or i / we pur¢ha$e wedding gifts this yr, plz use my the registry@macy's
link! yes, plz, plz, plz. it's such easy $$$. i hate thinking that u or i r/am missing out on free $$$! sure, it's small, chump ¢hange sometimes; but a li'l here n' a li'l there can add up. as the wisemen of depeche mode sing: "everything counts in large amounts."
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: kaela n' i went to a late lunch w/ my cowerker friend james. we ate 'gain @ athena grill (1505 space park dr; santa clara, ca 95054; phone: 408.567.9144, fax: 408.567.9977), which is packed w/ engrs from my company every lunch hr. we found out that james's mom's a senator in taiwan. he didn't really know much 'bout her or her werk, which we found amusing; but he sed she was w/ "the first party." @ 1st, i assumed he meant the kmt, but later, when i went to the website that he gave me www.ccmei.org, i found out she's w/ the orange people first party, which is a reunificationist, anti.independence party. i told him that my family's always been pro.independence, etc. n' left it @ that. 4 lunch, i had a lamb souvlaki sandwich, n' kaela had the moussaka. crazy, we'll prob'ly go out to dinner as well, to celebrate our 33rd monthversary.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ, 420p: oh, man! by coincidence, it's 420p on 420 day rt now. i bet a lot of potheads r smoking out rt now! neway, i wanted to mention that i saw the updated resort closing dates on snowbomb.com:
[later] Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ÀÛÀå¿¡¼: long skirt, short skirt, mini skirt... micro mini skirt's the best: we all know that the phenomenon that skirt lengths get longer during bad economic times and shorter during good economic times is pretty much a irrefutable law. from the newsweek article i was reading earlier this week while at the werk.com (read "company" in benospelling) gym, i realised that sometimes the chicness of geekiness increases during good economic times and decreases during bad economic times. in the early 1980s, pac man and kraftwerk were rad. in the late 1990s, pets.com and g.g. d'agostino were niiiice. however, obviously, during the early 1990s, we were all about lo-fi, grunge, and gangsta rap. our economy and our fashion are both affeected by technology.