

¿ù¿äÀÏ Á¡½É: yesterday was easter, the most important day'f the yr.   the day b4 that was the 37th annual uc open taekwondo tournament.   taxes r due 2day.   crazy, huh?   i submitted our taxes late last nite.   we really could've n' should've finished'em 'lot earlier.   it's been raining rather constantly over the past couple'f months, but it's s'pposed to end this wk.   days've been getting longer, n' i'd like to enjoy the evening sun.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i went home n' carved up the leftover bone.in ham that my mom sent us home w/ yesterday afternoon.   yesterday afternoon, after our easter brunch @ my mom's house, the beautiful kaela hwang watched thank you for smoking @ the pruneyard camera 7.   student tix there r only $7.   that's kewl.

on fri, kaela n' i had a big lunch @ the mtn view amber india's buffet.   we met up w/ her 4mer classmate n' her husband.   in the afternoon, kaela drove up to berkeley.   after werk, i went home, sold off a sugar bowl / kirkwood lift tic to my cowerker, n' then caught a ride up to berkeley w/ our friend kaz.   we battled traffik up the 880.   we barely got there in time 4 kaz to weigh in 4 the uc open.   i parked his car in an excellent spot, while he ran in to weigh.in.   after parking the car, i went into the haas pavilion n' talked to roland n' others that i saw.   ah, it felt good to be back in berkeley.   altho' my days in ucmap were obviously pretty stressful @ times, i still feel like those were, in other ways, simpler times.

kaela n' i went to dinner w/ linda n' roland @ the bay st. emeryville p.f. chang's.   'twas a great dinner.   our ol' friend rob was also there earlier but had to go home to his wife as our seating was taking so long.   i hadn't realised it so much @ the time, but 'twas 1000p b4 we got seated.   we ate chicken lettuce wraps, some kind'f crispy shrimp, orange peel chicken, n' some kind'f s'pposedly spicy string beans.   i had a kirin ichiban biiru.   kaela had some kind'f chateau ste. michelle riesling, but she ended up w/ a stomachache.   she aktually had the day off from skool.   'twas "spring holiday" 4 her.   man, i wish i had a "spring holiday."   frickin' a; 'twas good fri, n' i as a christian ought to have been able to take some time off to reflekt, etc., rt?   [later] neway, we spent fri nite @ roland's.

next yr, easter's on april 8; i.e. april 8, 2007, 2007³â04¿ù08ÀÏ.

on sat, roland drove me over to the tournament early in the morn.   'twas like 700a when we arrived.   kaela didn't drive over till much later.   she sed 'twas really relaxing to wake up late etc.   [later, Àú³áÀÌÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­] well, i judged Ç°»õ poomsase n' then reffed sparring the whole day.   it was 'lot'f werk n' @ times tuff yet fun.   we got fed steve's bbq n' joshuya 4 lunch.   i tried my best to be a good ref.   i have a decent 'mount'f experience, but i think i've got much to improve still.   i really look up to chuck tweedy as a ref.   he really knows what he's doing.   i think he's sed b4 that, as a ref, it's better to make a mistake than to be a cheater, n' i don't cheat.   while center reffing, i sometimes zone out from watching from pts n' just watch 4 cheating, etc.   some players r tuff cheats tho', i realise.   some r great @ akting.   4 some, it's like they've prakticed cheating in order to make it subtle.   i mean, i guess i know some ppl praktice cheating n' cheating subtly.   i really enjoyed reffing 4 matches where the competitors were good sports.   man, watching the men's sr. featherweight finals?   both ben n' bobby were such good sports.   dude, i'd give'em both some kind'f good sportsmanship award, if i could.   ben's from our skool u.s. taekwondo academy, n' bobby's from cal; so, of course, i have reasons to want either side to win; but man... i'm just so glad i don't hafta feel stressed or nething cos they're both such good sports.   really, the match could've gone either way.   the stingy judges aktually left it as 0-0 @ the end'f the 3 rounds, so the match went into sudden death.   bobby happened to score the 1st pt, but i think ben got him back rt after.   still, it was sudden death.   u know, a while 'go, some1 suggested that i set up 4 u.s. taekwondo to visit berkeley's praktice 1 nite.   man, i sure hope i can arrange that someday.   i'd like the guys @ us taekwondo to feel good 'bout berkeley.   4 some reason, they always get matched up @ tournaments, n' i don't want them to feel ne kind'f bad rivalry or nething.   4 how often, us taekwondo gets matched up w/ cal, the ppl @ cal must know us taekwondo academy, rt?   i think so.

neway, after the tournament started winding down n' wrapping up, our group from the sobay packed our stuff up n' headed out.   we stopped by °í·Á ½¢ºÒÁý koryo sootbooljip on the way home.   'twas a really delicious dinner full'f meat cooked over wooden charcoal: °¥ºñ, ºÒ°í±â, ¸Å¿î ´ß±¸ÀÌ, µÅÁö ºÒ°í±â, °¡ÀÚ¹Ì ±¸ÀÌ, Çع° ÆÄÀü, ¶±¸¸µÎ ±¹, Àâä... (galbi, boolgogi, maewoon dalkgui, dwaeji boolgogi, gajami gui, haemool pajuhn, dduhk mandoo gook, japchae...)   the service wasn't great tho', as kaela pted out; n' was prob'ly cos we didn't order that much, considering how many ppl we were.   we didn't score ne freebies, n' that's unusual there.

on sun, kaela had a hard time waking up, so we were quite late to easter service, but i'm just glad we were there.   i'm glad 1'f kaela's classmate friends came to grx 4 her 1st time.   i dunno how her spiritual life is etc., but i hope being @ grx on sun 4 easter service benefitted her.   well, after chatting w/ kaela's classmate friends n' some'f our other friends, we rushed down (theto my mom's house.   altho' 'twas dry in santa clara, as we drove south, it got really rainy.   originally, i'd hoped to skateboard w/ steve n' mason like the last time we got 2gether; but i s'ppose the rain prevented that.   nolan's growing.   we ate 'lot.   my mom prepared quite the feast: salad w/ mandarin oranges n' grape (heirloom?) tomatoes, mint lamb shank w/ string beans, cinnamon glazed ham, asparagus, seasoned white potatoes, biscuits, hot cross buns, fruit tart...   we had this nice coppola black label cabernet sauvignon.

we were 2late to join kaela's classmate friends 4 take the lead @ amc meercado @ 150p, so we tried to watch rfriends with money @ cinéarts santana row @ 345p, but we were 2late 4 that as well; so we aimed 4 thank you for smoking there @ 430p.   we stopped by the ghetto rite aid on blossom hill n' almaden on the way.   well, since cinéarts doesn't take credit card, n' we didn't have ne ¢a$h, we drove from there to the pruneyard's camera 7 to watch thank you for smoking.

[later] ¹ã 1149p: after the movie, kaela n' i came home, n' the rest'f the nite was pretty blah.

2nite, i came home from werk, ate some salad w/ some fake (soy) chicken strips.   i was pretty lazy n' thus blah the whole nite.   in a way i feel a li'l burnt out.   oh wait!   no, b4 i ate dinner, i did yardwerk!   i mowed the lawn n' pulled a bunch'f weeds.   i was happy that the moist soil made it easier to pull weeds.   hopefully, this wk, i'll get 'round to fertilising the lawn n' maybe spraying some herbicide on the remaining weeds n' maybe spray some sunscreen on the japanese maples.