
caught a cold from passengers

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: i haven't been updating my journal much lately.   however, i'm still fighting hard, either 4 ur sake or mine, to avoid becoming 1'f those 1ce.a.month blog writers.   i want to update @ some decent frequency yet know i can't let my life revolve 'round updating my stoopid journal.   i'd like to have more'f a foto.based journal, but that just doesn't cm to be werking.   neway, what's up?   i always like it if u sign my gbook.   me? i'm sick w/ a cold.   i caught it from my passengers on this past wknd's (tahoe) snow trip.

where did i leave off updating?   yah, on wed nite, we watched ice age 2.   on thurs nite, i had ¼­¿ï °õÅÁ seoul gomtang w/ taekwondo ppl.   during my lunchbrk on thurs, i went to the bank to depo$it checks 4 the beautiful kaela hwang cos she took off from the bay area on thurs to do chiropraktic stuff @ the sea otter classic bike races in monterey.   on fri, i came home early from werk to drive up to tahoe 4 the grx t3s couples bible study small grp snow trip (april 7~8).   even tho' we were s'pposed to leave @ 330p, my car didn't leave till ~600p cos kaela had some doktor's apptmnt.   it's funny tho'; cos'f the rush hr traffik that held up the other car, our car ended up reaching the "cabin" not 2 long after the 1st car.   my car stopped in pleasanton to eat in.n.out burgers.   we were there 4 quite a while, but it was heck'a fun, if u ask me.   instead'f gettin' my usual animal style burger, i had a 2×meat w/ ketchup n' mustard instead'f special sauce.   i'd read online that that's healthier, i.e. ketchup n' mustard's healthier than special sauce.   well, to put it more accurately, ketchup n' mustard is (r) less unhealthy than special sauce.   neway, it was really fun hangin' out @ in.n.out w/ the other couple, which we drove.   i dunno why, but it made me feel youthful, like i was in college 'gain.   the other couple's 'bout the same age as us.   in fakt, the husband n' wife were both born in 1975³â like me, which made kaela the baby'f the group.   lessee... somewhere in sacto (i think) we stopped to use the bathrm @ a gas station.   there, kaela also had me buy her a sierra mist n' some really overpri¢ed tictacs.   . . . [unfinished entry]