¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: yesterday evening, i came home from werk later than i wanted but was glad that the sun was still kind'f up when i left the office. i guess since in recent wks, the skies been pretty consistently overcast, i hadn't realised how much longer days've gotten. now, it's daylite saving time, n' the sun is still up when i finally leave the office despite my long, long werkhrs. well, i went home n' mowed the backyard lawn. i could barely believe how fast the grass had grown back since the last time i mowed it. last sat, i mowed the front lawn. a couple'f wks b4 that; b4 our washington, dc trip, i guess; i'd mowed the backyard lawn. the beautiful kaela hwang came home while i was mowing the lawn. she'd tried to call me, but i hadn't heard my fon cos i was mowing. @ 1 pt, sooni came trotting over to me as if to let me know that kaela'd come home, but i sort'f brushed her off. later, i saw that i had a v.mail on my fon. i checked it, n' 'twas kaela letting me know she was home. i saw thru the window blinds that lites were on inside the house. well, i came in after putting 'way the mower. while kaela started to make dinner, i washed the dishes. while doing those things, we decided to hurry out the door to watch a movie. we packed our dinner to go: a packaged salad w/ some grilled mushrooms n' sweet peppers n' white cheddar n' a quesadilla. we got to the theatre 'round 836p. luckily, we'd gotten a good parking spot. what movie did we want to watch/ *shrug* well, we'd watched failure to launch on mon. i sort'f wanted to watch v for vendetta despite its mixed reviews n' its absolutely horrible review from bernard huang. kaela mentioned she kind'f wanted to watch basic instinct 2. i hadn't n' still haven't watched the 1st 1, but i was a li'l curious. well, we decided to watch ice age 2: the meltdown. we brought our fud into the theatre, n' i also received 3 ¢oupons 4 free small popcorns. well, i used only 2'f them. we ate quite a bit ni that movie. well, the movie was decently good (tho' not super.spektacular or nething). i can barely 'member what the 1st 1 was 'bout. the sloth's always hilarious, john leguizamo. i'm sure i'm not the only 1 that felt the movie kind'f deals w/ racial issues.
well, the 840p show let out 'round 1020p. we went straight home. these days, i've been staying up 2late. . . . [unfinished entry]