È¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: here's an interesting link - "multitudes" @ spikesworld (http://spikesworld.spike-jamie.com/ana/multitudes.html). a flock of seagulls, a string of ponies, a sounder of swine, a knot of toads, etc. another important, funny link (u've prob'ly cn this 1 by now) - http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com/. i didn't finish yesterday's wknd update. where did i leave off? i think i left off w/ lunch on sunday.
well, when my mom n' i got to ramen halu, 'twasn't yet open; so we browsed thru the indian gro¢ery market next door. i noticed that they have frozen naan n' roti that looks very similar to the frozen naan @ trader joe's. oh, ok; then maybe i don't feel sooo lame 4 buying the trader joe's frozen naan. if u 'member, i felt quite silly buying the trader joe's frozen naan in front'f many desi $hoppers, u know? however, i bet the trader joe's stuff is made by 1'f the companies that also sells @ the indian gro¢ery market, but the trader joe's stuff is just repackaged, u know? is it ¢heaper or more expen$ive @ trader joe's? now that's the question. when i flew amerikan aerolines last wk, the in.flight magazine had a cover article on some famous indian aktress that is breaking into mainstream, english films. neway, ramen halu opened @ 1130a, n' as my mom was paying 4 some ginger n' an avocado (i 4get if she bought nething else); we saw a decently long line start outside'f the ramen shop. thus, my mom sent me out to stand in line. the doors opened after a few mins; n' a older, japanese woman told us all to come in. on our way in, my mom noticed the "cash only" sign. upes, we were in trouble cos neither'f us had much ¢a$h. the japanese woman seated us @ a table along w/ this young, asian couple. we had to share a table cos the restaurant was that crowded. crazy, huh? the hostess was so casual 'bout it 2, as if it was sooo typical there to share tables. well, it prob'ly is. ramen is the latest craze in japanese fud, i guess. like, in the 1980s, it was sushi; now, it's ramen; i guess. aktually, in the 1980s sushi bars as well as teppanyaki joints were hot, huh? how 'bout robata grills? :-/ they'll have their day someday. back in the 1980s, didn't sizzler feature some kind'f hibachi chicken? well, i know they had their malibu chicken. do u 'member that? dude, neway... i had my mom order me the ramen special set a while i took off to the bank to get us some ¢a$h. i hurried there n' back. just when i returned, our fud came. the ramen came w/ some kind'f mayonaisse.rich crab salad thingy n' a bowl'f white rice. sure, the white rice was just excess carb/starch; but i enjoyed mixing it w/ the crab salad thingy n' in the ramen soup. the ramen broth's known to be a bit salty, n' i think i heard the guy in the couple @ our table ask 4 low salt. my mom sed she ordered ours as lo.na+. it tasted plenty salty. the ramen was pretty good, as i sed. yah, i liked it. in fakt, it was really good; just a li'l salty; i guess.
well, after lunch, i hurried back 2wards our neighbourhood n' went to costco to buy a flat'f kirkland h2o, some freshies doggy dental chews, n' some dried blueberries. i should've also bought some glucosamine but 4got. 'twas pretty crowded of course. as i loaded up my car, this funny li'l desi gurl in the back'f her mom's car talked to me thru her opened window. she must've been like 3 or 4. she was riding in a child seat. she was very vocal n' friendly 4 such a young kid.
li'l gurl: hi!!!!
beno: [loading up the trunk'f my subaru] hi! :-)
li'l gurl: you've got a lot of stuff.
beno: oh, yah. i have some water, something for my dog, and some blueberries.
li'l gurl: [a little confused, looking at the gym bag n' taekwondo bag in my trunk] are you going somewhere?
beno: [misunderstanding question n' pushing cart over to the cart repository] yah, i guess i gotta go now. [i return to my car.]
li'l gurl: are you moving?
beno: [again, misunderstanding the question] yah, i guess i've gotta go... [noticing that the li'l gurl's mom's car is blocking my car] but i guess i can't go.
li'l gurl: yah, my mom's on the phone right now.
eventually, the mom moves her car to pull into a parking space, n' i leave.
i brought the gro¢eries home, then looked up direktions online 4 the bible study small group "core" team mtg @ our friends' new house in west san josé on campbell ave, near westgate. i waited 4 the beautiful kaela hwang from her seminar so we could drive 2gether, but she didn't come home; so i took off. i got to our friends' house n' hung out there. later, kaela called me n' joined us. she'd picked up some sushi from mitsuwa market 4 her lunch on the way. i'm soon going to be taking on more n' more responsibilities over our bible study small group. honestly, it could be a bit daunting; but i have faith in god. i feel inadequate, but his grace is enough. i feel unworthy, but god uses the weak to lead the strong.
after the small group "core" mtg, kaela n' i went to the nearby trader joe's. aktually, kaela got in my car, n' i drove us over in the rain. we bought various gro¢eries n' a tiramisu torte to bring over to phil's place in the oakland hills 4 dinner. yah, on sat afternoon/evening, as i left berkeley's ultra.yuppie 4th steet area, phil invited us to dinner @ his place. well, i'd been wanting to shop @ tj's 4 a while now, hoping to get some blueberry juice n' some antioxidant trail mix. ... [later] @ tj's, we bought those things n' more. i do like blueberries. perhaps, blueberries'll be the trendy fud this yr, yah? *shrug* r white teas n' beets still hot? *shrug* u tell me. well, (after i drove kaela back to her car) kaela n' i drove home to drop off gro¢eries. we wanted to bring sooni w/ us to phil's place; but he's renting a room in a shared house, n' he sez the landlord has some animal allergies. phil really likes that kind'f living arrangement, sharing a rented house w/ others. personally, i prefer to have my own place or else 'least know my roommates b4 moving in. well, then 'gain, i didn't know my last berkeley roommate all that well b4 i asked him to move in w/ me. @ 1st i thought he was ok; but, as u know, we later had probs. *sigh*
it was raining a quite steadily as we departed the silly valley 4 berkeley. i enjoyed taking the carpool interchange from 237 to 880. aw, man! i just realised that i missed the chance on sun nite to take the new carpool interchange from 880 to 237 (on our way back). well, 880 was a parking lot cos'f an accident, so i exited on dixon landing rd, heading 4 680. i got onto 680, but 'twas also a parking lot. accidents cos'f the rain, u know? well, luckily, the 680 accident was rt after the pt where i got on. however, i decided 680 was 2 much'f a detour in the rain; so i got off on 238 mission blvd, n' took that all the way up to hayward, where 238 turns into foothill blvd. neway, i took 238, 580 to 13. 4 phil's place, i got off @ joaquin miller n' drove into the hills. it reminded me a li'l'f when we used to go to brandie's ol' place. wow, phil lives in a very interesting house!
upon toby's direktions over the fon, i drove my subaru into a mud driveway (great use of subaru all.wheel drive). then kaela walked in the not.so.cold rain up a bunch'f windy stairs. the not quite tropical yet not.2.cold but humid feel reminded us both'f our honeymoon trip in the korean countryside. we enjoyed that. well, we got to the top'f the stairs n' entered a really quaint house w/ plenty'f artistik paintings on its wall. we sat down @ the dinner table w/ toby, betty, phil's hi skool classmate mike, mike's gf margaret, n' phil's law skool classmate michelle. phil cooked up a storm. i opened up a boony amber ale to be like toby. ...
[later] 1006p: ugh, when am i gonna finish this dagnabbed, darn, diddly wknd update?! hey, is march madness over yet? who's the winner? george mason maybe? *shrug* well, on sun evening, we went to phil's house. 'tis a nice house. phil cooked all sorts'f nice things. 'twas a really classy affair, i tell u. well, i drove us home in the rain.
on mon, 'twas raining. i put sooni's raincoat n' her in the morn n' took her 4 a quick walk. i wish i could've jogged w/ her. i came home 4 lunch n' cooked some refrigerator.pack Àá»Í jjambbong. @ dinnertime, after i came home from werk late as usual, i made some quesadillas 4 kaela n' me. we ate them n' ate leftover soup noodles. u c, kaela also had soup noodles 4 lunch. she went to that taiwanese or chinese ramen / Ä®±¹¼ö kalgooksoo place. she had bought that unagi kalgooksoo. then we went out to the mercado amc 20 to watch a movie. we ended up watching failure to launch. it was ok. dude, kathy bates was definitely the star! her per4mance was the hi.lite'f the movie!
2day, 'twas raining hard in the morn, so i couldn't even take sooni 4 a walk. sure, i would've loved to jog. *sigh* neway, i went to werk. @ lunch, i had a quick werkout in the werk.com gym n' then went home to eat this southwest salad from a bag. after werk, i went to taekwondo praktice. i had a good werkout. i'm glad sooni got to get out'f the house 4 a li'l. afterwards, sooni n' i came home, n' kaela steamed some ¸¸µÎ mandoo.
cold.blooded killers: oh yah, on my way home, i ran over a rat! i didn't think i'd hit it; but then i heard a squeek! i made a couple'f u.turns, pulled over. i got sooni out'f the car to investigate. she sniffed @ the lifeless body n' then quickly snatched it up in her mouth! i had her bbringt to the sidewalk. then we just left it there. when i got home, i discovered rat blood on sooni's legs n' my pant legs.S