

¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: recently, wks fly by.   my taking last fri off contributes to that.   since coming home, i've just been catching up.   i hate how i can't really take a vakation 'round here.   rather, when i get back n' b4 i leave, i totally make up 4 the time i take off... n' then some!   it's so not fair!   neway.... :-/

[a li'l later] late last nite, the beautiful kaela hwang returned from washington, dc.   i werked really late then went to werkout @ the werk.com gym 4 a short while.   then, i went home, picked up sooni, n' drove thru the taco bell drive.thru on my way to sjc mineta aeroport to pick kaela up from her 1014p arrival.   as i was so bizzy w/ werk, i aktually didn't get to the aeroport till after 1030p or so.   neway, i gave her classmate ian a ride home.   then kaela n' i met up w/ duk, his bro chan, duk's gf yuna, n' julie @ Àå¸ðÁý jangmojip 4 a late dinner.   oh yah, the taco bell?   i ate 1 "spicy" chicken soft taco then saved the "spicy" chicken burrito 4 later.   while eating the taco, i realised sumpthin': 1nce 'gain, i'd lost my sense'f taste cos'f my wasabi binge @ truya sushi on tues nite!   yah, yesterday morn, i made fresh coffee @ my office, but it tasted so weak to me, like h2o.   then, i ate a subway sandwich from julie's ol' korean subway by the ella hair salaon that sent me off looking like a fresh military recruit.   it's all by st. john's, the place where s3xually frustrated, male engrs gather in the silly valley to watch sports n' drink bier over burgers.   also near that area's the korean.ownded/operated mission city deli, which i've visited only 1nce.   neway, after my werkout, i ate some candied almonds, which didn't taste sweet to me @ all.   then i ate some keebler p'nut butter n' choco cookie, n' it also taste so not sweet.   as i ate the taco, it totally dawned 'pon me.   uhm, does this passage sound a li'l 2 "valley gurlish" or 'least 2 "californian"? *shrug*

neway, @ Àå¸ðÁý, i exercised my taste buds by trying to eat spicier stuff.   well, we ate ¾ç³ä Åë´ß yangnyuhm tongdalk, °¨ÀÚÅÁ gamjatang, n' °ñ¹ðÀÌ ¹«Ä§ golbaengi moochim (@ <- ´Þ¹ðÀÌ... °ñ¹ðÀÌ?).   oh yah, we tied sooni outside, n' she looked fine; but no... she chewed thru her ol' blue leash n' ran off to sniff n' stuff.   i called her back, n' she came over rt 'way, which was good.   then we let her sit inside the restaurant by the door n' eat µÇÁö»À dwaeji bbyuh (pork bones).   after eating, kaela n' i rushed back w/ duk to our house to sort out some snowboarding tix.   we gave him 2 free northstar tix n' helped him firgure out the tahoe card tic situation.   then, kaela n' sooni stayed home, but the rest'f us went to ³ë·¡¹æ noraebang @ el camino ktv.   wow, i felt so aktive @ nite, as if it were back in 2000³â 'gain or sumpthin'.

[later] ¹ã, 1125p: man, it's fun to go ³ë·¡¹æ noraebang w/ koreans, not to play favourites or nething; but i loved being able to sing all sorts'f korean songs w/o boring others, etc., u know?   neway, 2nite, after coming home from werk very late, i brought kaela out to dinner @ the blue mango, which is rapidly catching up to krung thai's popularity 'mongst san joséans.   it's become quite the hip contemporary thai joint.   we had the ripe mango salad, which tasted more like green mango to me, but kaela sed it wasn't sour like green mango.   then we had this special pad thai that was like a pad thai paella.   it had all sorts'f fancy seafuds.   we also had this chili basil lamb n' some brown rice.   kaela had thai ice tea, n' i had thai ice coffee.   u know, we were stuffed but went to fantasia 4 hot boba drinks afterwards just to fill up our frequent drinkers club card.   now, we have a free drink to use up by saturday.