
mon after dc

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i come back from taking 1 friday off from werk n' find 22 e.mails in my inbox.   perhaps, i should say, "good grief."   man...   wow, well, here's monday.   mundane monday? *shrug* manic monday?   it was a li'l hard to wake up this morn, which u might find interesting since i should have jet lead n' not jet lag.   i should've found it easier to wake up this morn, rt?   well, my plane came in really late, n' the flight was already a late flight.   as always, 'twas a li'l strange gettin' back into the groove, gettin' back into my normal routine.   after not driving 4 only 3 days, it felt a li'l weird to be driving to werk this morn.   last nite, duk picked me up from the aeroport w/ sooni.   i've gotta admit that sooni wasn't as happy to c me as she was when the beautiful kaela hwang picked me up from the aeroport after my short taiwan trip in the spring'f 2005 4 my grandfather's funeral.   wow, that time sooni was sooo happy to c me.   this time, she was like, "eh! *shrug*"   i think she has 'lot'f fun w/ duk.   i won't get jealous.   duk took her running @ de anza w/ ben n' tired her out so much that he took her leash off, n' she was 2 tired to keep running!   wow, duk must've shown sooni a really good time!   well, duk picked me up from sjc mineta aeroport in my subaru forester.   then, he drove himself to the lawrence / el caminio real $tarbu¢k$, where he met up w/ his gf yuna, n' then i drove sooni n' myself back home.   'twas pretty late.   i pretty much just showered n' went to bed.   in the early morn, sooni woke me up w/ an arf.   i later discovered she had arfed cos some1 had stolen bottles out'f our recycling bin.   ah, oh yah, last nite, after coming home, i had to take out the recycling n' the trash.   neway, i don't really care 2 much that our bottles were stolen from our bin.   it's lost revenue 4 our city, which sucks.   however, i'm glad they're getting recycled 1 way or 'nother.

u gotta check out 2day's fox trot comic.   keep in mind that i read only 2 comics on a daily basis: fox trot n' the boondocks.   http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/uclickcomics/20060327/cx_ft_uc/ft20060327   dude, squaw valley s'pposedly has 329 inches'f snow rt now.   *sigh* i wish i were on the slopes.   "i'd rather be snowboarding."   (that's what my fron license plate holder sez.)   [later] i wanna share w/ u an e.mail conversation i had w/ my cowerker friend:

to: beno hwang
subject: disappointed


really disappointed man.. wanted to go to sierra this weekend.. but havent
got a single positive response.. i had sent ti to like 25 ppl.. hmmm..
i'll find someone and just go i guess. haha.. oh well..

[cowerker friend]

to: [cowerker friend]
subject: re: disappointed

wow, people aren't snowboarders this season, eh?   you know, i blame it all
on the late start to the season.   people like you and me are just trying
to make up for lost time, but others can't keep up with that kind of
schedule and have also been demotivated by not starting earlier this
season, you know?   i wanted to hit the slopes this saturday, but i have
this referee seminar to attend for the taekwondo tournament in berkeley
that i'm helping out with on saturday, april 15.   i'm going up to sierra
with a group from my church on april 7.   i guess i'll aim for april 22 as
well, but i have some baby shower to attend on april 29.   *sigh* yah,
don't say the snow season's over cos it's not.   it's now time to use those
late season deals n' buy cheap tix off'f craig's list!   it's weird.   this
season has turned out to be quite awful despite mother nature trying to
make it up to us with these late winter / early spring storms.   it's as if
we're just telling her, "too little, too late, lady!"


[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i werked out in the werk.com gym.   then, i returned to my office/cube n' microwaved some scrambled eggs w/ spinacci, shrooms, garlic, ÆÄ pa (green onions), n' salsa that i cooked up this morn.   aktually, they rn't real eggs but "better than eggs" or sumpthin' like that, some generik albertsons egg substitute.   i bought a carton'f that stuff the last time i went to albertsons last wk.   when was that? *shrug* wednesday evening?   'twas that nite when i was upset 'bout being so trapped @ my office that i couldn't even pick up our dry cleaning in time.   neway, i cooked those eggs.   i started out cookin' 'em 4 brkfast but then decided to have some healthy, organik oatmeal 4 brkfast n' save the egss 4 lunch.   i packed them in an ol' tupperware.   i hope 'twas healthy 'nuff'f a lunch.   i've gotta remind myself not to overeat.   i ate 2 much this past wknd.

yeah, i am disappointed re: not going up to tahoe 'nuff this season.   during this season, i was sure, this season'd be better than the 2003~2004 season, in which i only spent 8 days on the slopes.   wow, this season may turn out worse.   the 2003~2004 season ended early cos'f sooni.   this season started late cos'f weather.

[later] i'm still not a balla: this wknd i watched more "college hoops" than i have in a very long time.   march madness is strong this yr.   i'm very surprised that i watched non.cal games: george mason v. wichita state, washington huskies v. u conn huskies, georgetown v. florida, ... the big news's how underdog george mason has made it into the final 4.   @ this pt, who would i want to win?   either ucla cos'f west coast, cali4nian, uc spirit or george mason just cos most ppl r prob'ly cheering 4 this underdog.   i guess i'm basically saying i don't care 'bout florida or lsu, which's true.

[later] since kaela's still in dc, last wk, i planned a grx t3 south men's nite out 4 myself.   i made a (if i don't say so myself) clever evite; but only 1 guy can make it.   i'd like to show u the evite, but i don't think it's possible.

[later] i received my rebecca st. james if i had one chance to tell you something used cd in the mail yesterday (or on saturday, i guess).   check out the wikipedia article on her: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_St._James.   not knowing nething 'bout this australian.born tennesee resident, i assumed she was older; but she was born in 1977.

¹ã 1034p: so i went out to dinner w/ just 1'f my t3 south bruthas.   we went to giovanni's pizza on lawrence expwy.   wow, the spaghetti n' pizza were pretty darn good.   we shared a small rustica pizza n' an order'f spaghetti w/ meatballs.   i overate.