¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: it's thurs but feels like fri cos i'm flying out this evening. i 1st fly out from sjc to lax, then take a redeye from lax to iad (dulles). 2morrow morn, hopefully, fahad'll pick me up from dulles @ ~630a. he sed he had fud poisoning yesterday, so he's warned me that he might not be able to pick me up but sez he prob'ly still can. wow, i feel like i'm just ditching werk (i'm taking a vakation day 2morrow) n' hangin' out in the city, 'cept "the city" means washington, dc n' not sf or san jo in this case. it's funny: 1tym, a long time 'go, this hr cowerker @ my company told our batch'f new recruits, "nobody calls it frisco or san francisco. they call it 'the city.'" whah? no, i don't call it "the city"! i call it "sf" most'f the time. neway, she was an austin transplant, whereas i've grown up in the silly valley / bay area. neway... i hope this wknd'll be fun in washington, dc. my main goal's to hang out w/ my ol' buddy fahad, n' that's all. the beautiful kaela hwang finishes her last final 4 the 0.25 in a few mins. then it's the start'f her 1.wk spring brk. it's aktually quite messed up that she's using her 1.wk spring brk to do more chiropraktic stuff. this 0.25, she's totally buried herself in chiropraktic stuff n' hasn't spent time w/ me, n' now she's still not spending time w/ me over her spring brk. yah, it's really messed up. however, i'll just make the best'f this bad situation n' make it a good thing by making it a chance to hang out w/ fahad. seriously, that's a good thing.
i didn't get 'round to packing till this morn. however, the brevity'f this trip (fri, sat, san) made it an easier task. i was pretty tired last nite, yet i still didn't go to sleep all that early, which is awful. i guess i stayed up, uploading pix to my website n' to flickr, etc. i watched some korean musik videos on youtube.com after watching µå¶ó¸¾ ½ÃƼ on kbs.co.kr. in a way, i guess, i was just wasting time. however, watching korean musik videos n' k.dramas should also be considered a culturally edifying aktivity. it's good to learn langauges, rt? i don't have subtitles when i watch these k.dramas on kbs.co.kr. however, 1 can only learn so much by watching since u don't praktice speaking while watching. that's why musik was always such a good tool 4 my korean language edukation cos i end up trying to sing the songs, n' that's better praktice than just listening to dialogue. last nite, i fell asleep b4 kaela came home. that has become very common. i stayed up late 2. whatever...
2nite, i fly out'f sjc mineta aeroprot @ 700p. i've gotta 4ce myself to leave my office @ ~400p n' not let msyelf get imprisoned late as usual. the fakt that i was prevented from picking up my dry cleaning last nite was unacceptable.
[a li'l bit later] ¿ÀÈÄ: i'll have a couple'f hrs to kill in lax, which is much better than trying to run from gate to gate there. dude, lax... well, sucks. i've missed a flight 1nce cos'f how the int'l gates r so far from the domestik gates. 'member? on my travel back from taiwan last spring, i missed my southwest aerolines flight from lax to sjc mineta. while i'm in lax, i should try to find that pet accessories store that sells "i (hreat) squirrels" doggy bandanas. it'll be overpri¢ed, but it's cute.
[later] logitech wireless headphones for mp3? dude, i wish! otherwise, bluelake technologies bt450rx bluetooth headphones
? yeah, rt... the greens cookbook by deborah madison
? hey, that's kewl. greens in sf's fort mason's an awesome vegetarian restaurant! ...altho' a bit expen$ive.
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[later] Àú³á: well, i'm home now, n' i've gotta get ready to go to the aeroport soon. 4 lunch 2day, i ate a salad from the salad bar @ the werk.com cafeteria.