¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: 2nite'll be my last nite in the bay area 4 a while. the beautiful kaela hwang n' i'll be in dc this wknd, while duk n' sooni protekt our house from ne weirdos who might aktually read my journal just to figure out when they can break into our house. yah'll 1 n/or the other'll rip u to shreds. i want to keep going to be early n' sleeping early this wk in order to get my sleep skedule ready 4 the back n' forth time zone changes. however, un4tunately, last nite, i found myself staying up late. *sigh* oh yah, cos i stayed up late, i had the chance to shrink some digipix to share w/ u! :-) i'll be uploading a whole mess'f pix that i can finally share w/ u! just wait a sec. by the end'f this entry, i'll hopefully have those pix up on my journal.
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[later] ¹ã, 948p: what a long day @ werk. *sigh* really... it was crazy n' so exhausting. 4 lunch, i ate this turkey n' laffing cow cheese w/ spinacci sandwich on naan that i made 4 lunch. it was delicious, but i ate an identical sandwich 4 brkfast. i should've just given 1 to kaela. what was i thinking? well, if i had done that, what would i've eaten 4 lunch? *shrug* what a hektic day. when i finally left werk, i tried to go to $1.75 ¢leaners to pick up some overdue dry cleaning, but it had just closed. that pi$$ed me off so much, the fakt that i was trapped @ werk so late that i couldn't pick up my dry ¢leaning. i was so mad. why is it that i always hafta werk such long hrs that i can't enjoy my life. i can't even get necessary stuff done! i was so mad. i went to pepboys n' bought some new windshield wiper blade refills in order to take out my anger. *sigh* it's sad, but that's what i did cos i was mad. then i went to albertsons n' bought some salsa, some granola bar thingies, n' some fat.free egg substitute. *sigh* that's rage 4 u, eh? i came home. i ate some strange noodle leftovers that kaela left on the counter n' then the remnants'f last nite's ¸¸µÎ±¹ mandoogook that kaela had eaten most'f. i watched an episode'f kbs's µå¶ó¸¶ ½ÃƼ, a sad story. last nite, i watched an episode'f kbs's ºÎºÎ Å©¸®´Ð: »ç¶û°ú ÀüÀï
[later] 1052p: is it not 'bout time 4 pix?
i really ought to be packing my big green backpack!