
my cd collektion

È­¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: º½ÀÌ ½ÃÀÛÇß¾î¿ä.   spring started.   however, the eastern hills r capped w/ snow this morn.   "my frickin' goodness, it's alpine meadows up there," i sed to myself during my morning commute as i rolled over the portion of lawrence expressway that passes over the train tracks by costco.   wow, that's like ned flanders's diddly iddly talk, huh?

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: during my lunchbrk, i had a decent werkout in the werk.com gym.   ah, i hadn't exercised in so long, so it felt very good.   4 lunch, i ate 2 trader joe's chicken, rice, n' bean burritos.   maybe that wasn't the healthiest lunch.   s'pposedly, 'twas low in fat; but i felt it had 2 much na+.

the sf international asian amerikan film festival is going on rt now.   check out their website: http://www.asianamericanfilmfestival.org/.   the movie i think i most want to c from the festival is only the brave, a movie 'bout japanese.amerikan soldiers in ww2.   it has big stars: jason scott lee of the famous bruce lee biography dragon n' tamlyn tomita, who of course a long time 'go was the cute japanese gurl that ralph machio had the hots 4 in the karate kid, part ii.   ha ha ha, those descriptions prob'ly sound rather silly; but *sigh* u know how it is in the asian.am film world: those credits make them pretty big stars...   well, no... it makes them "legends".   u know, asian.am film's much better now than it was in the 1980s.   i like it so much better now.   it's funny how some things get bettwr w/ time.   movies like better luck tomorrow n' harold n' kumar go to white castle r so much better than 1980s movies like double happiness n' my beautiful laundrette*.   no doubt.

[later] oh, 2day's 1'f those 60% off restaurant.com days enter code "87539".   u can get a $25 dining certificate 4 $4.

[later] u know, i think i have some very valuable cds in my collektion.   however, i wrote my name on most'f my cds w/ a black permanent marker.   if i ever wanted to ¢:a$h out, i'd hafta somehow remove my name from all those cds, rt?   i have some rare stuff: limited editions, imports, box sets, promo only stuff...   just think, my depeche mode black celebration cd's a uk import, while my cure wish cd's a japanese import.   i think i have some german imports in there as well, but i 4get.   yah, it's crazy.   *sigh* someday, i'd love to dig thru my ol' cds n' relive memories fromt he 1990s.   just now, i ripped my new order in order cd into my 'puter.   had u even heard'f that album?   it's not common.   wtf?   i just froogled it up n' found 1 place selling it 4 $60.18, n' 'nother guy ebay storesing it 4 $3.95!   dude, i could make ~$55 just like that!   "i've got the brains.   you've got the looks.   let's make lots of money."**

<[later] ¹ã, 1118p: after werk 2nite, i went to taekwondo praktice.   dennis led a good werkout.   afterwards, i hung 'round n' chitchatted w/ the guys n' then took sooni to fantasia, where i got myself a almond milk tea w/ boba.   some ppl came up to pet sooni, etc.; n' this couple was training their bulldog mix to behave well 'round other doggies w/ sooni.   sooni growled n' lunged a li'l, n' that dog barked n' lunged a lot.   i'm glad sooni's better than she used to be, but maybe i should've disciplined her a li'l more when she lunged n' growled.   however, it was only cos the other dog was doing the same.   that couple were new dog owners, n' i 'member well the feeling.   after that, i came home n' cooked some well... some kind'f ¸¸µÎ±¹ mandoogook w/ these shark's fin ¸¸µÎ mandoo n' some ¿À´ó odaeng n' lots'f ¾ßä yachae (veggies).   i'm glad 'twas a lower na+ meal than those packaged noodles.

ÇÑ·ù hanryu: selling out the hermit kingdom?: 2nite, @ the cupertino 99 mall (where the cupertino fantasia is), i noticed that silver wing chinese restaurant's being replaced by Çѱ¹ µÎºÎ hangook dubu.   that corner'f the mall now has 2 korean biznesses: that ¼øµÎºÎÁý soondubujip n' that pinky winky women's clothing store, which has nice things but is waaay overpri¢ed.   *sigh* u c, sobay korean.amerikan merchants know that the lokal taiwanese n' chinese amerikans r sooo into korean culture just like their counterparts in the muthaland (asia).   i know it's snobby'f me to say this, but i've sed it b4 n' still think that what's big in taiwan is then big in hk n' china n' then the rest'f continental asia.   (japan, they're just sort'f on their own.)   neway, these korean.amerikanmerchants r capitalising off'f the whole "ÇÑ·ù hanryu/halryu/hanliu" trend that has grown so more huger than when it was just a few ppl on bronx's junkyard forums, etc.   what do i make'f this?   personally, i embrace pan.asian.amerikan ethnicity n' love to c fellowship 'mongst the asian ethnicities.   i hate how certain asian communities, mostly on the east coast n' to a lesser extent down in socal, refuse to coalesce to support a united asian.amerikan community, which is what we asian.ams need in order to achieve the level'f respekt (equality) we deserve in this nation.   u don't c this kind'f intraracial bickering amongst afrikan.ams or latino.chicano.ams.   @ the same time, i still as always warn korean n' korean.ams not to resort to selling out their culture 4 short.term gain, whether financial or social or whatever.   it's a delicate balance, man.   i hate cing punk@$$, À̼¼ 2¼¼ isei korean.ams go 'round being all exclusive n' shunning asian.am peers'f other ethnicities, shouting korea pride this n' that.   dude, i'm so sick'f that.   i've cn way 2 much'f that in my time, u kidding me?   neway, i still just say, "be careful."   hey, u should check out the rather decent article on wikipedia 'bout ÇÑ·ù hanryu/halryu/hanliu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanryu.   yah, that article also mentions the backlash 'gainst ÇÑ·ù halryu.   by "backlash," they're talkin' 'bout the chinese, vietnamese, etc. parents who hate that their kids watch k.dramas, n' cmingly 4go their own ethnic identity to idolise specifically korean pop culture.   well, hey... u know what?   that's pretty silly but @ the same time not totally silly.   i'll tell u this, just as the article sez, asians n' asian.ams love korean pop culture cos it is well developed but is more relevant than "western" pop culture.   that's totally true, n' i've been saying it 4 ages.   i related so much better to k.dramas n' than stoopid amerikan tv shows.   sure, i'm an amerikan, yes; but amerikan media is so racist n' only focuses on black n' white culture n' ignores asian culture etc.; so, yah, asian.ams like me can't relate to the stuff they put on tv here.   we sure can't.   neway, i was sort'f surprised that the "criticism" sektion'f the article that talks 'bout vietnam threatening to ban k.dramas to protekt its own culture doesn't talk 'bout backlash by koreans who oppose it, like those certain punk@$$ À̼¼ isei korean.ams that i mentioned earlier.   i read in the article that "some chinese brides have even chosen to wear korean hanbok in their wedding pictures."   whah? really?!   wow, if so, that's pretty extreme.   i gotta admit that w/ this whole ÇÑ·ù halryu thing; yah, my having a korean wife n' korean doggy n' doing taekwondo n' being able to communicate in korean n' all must cm pretty darn hip n' trendy.   :-/ eh, i dunno, man; i tell u; i don't wanna ¢heapen the korean culture.   frick, it's a country, n' they have a rt to have an identity.   well, *shrug* maybe sumpthin' good'll come out'f all this neway.   maybe this is the thing that'll promote asian pan.ethnicity. *shrug* could it be?   u know, i think 1 thing to watch out 4 is if amerikan media tries to capitalise off'f all this.   yah, in a way, i think that's where the japanese went wrong.   in a way, well... heh, i'll surely offend many in saying this; but yah... i think the japanese were 2 quick to sell off their culture to amerikan media, huh?   i s'ppose ÇÑ·ù halryu is still primarily an asian/asian.am thing, eh?   neway, dude... it's now 1155p.   i s'ppose it's gettin' late, n' that's the 1 thing that'll stop me b4 i offend even more ppl. ha ha ha!   dude, this is 1 offensive entry!

* that's british, not amerikan!   ok, then we'll compare it to bend it like beckham, which is still 1'f those "why can't my parents accept my white bf?" stories.   i'm sorry, but there r many more asian.am issues than that!   however, so many'f those stories end up on the screen just like how a disproportionate 'mount'f g@y asian.am films end up on the screen.   in a way, as i sed, it might just be a reflektion 'pon the type'f ppl who end up making movies, which isn't a good x.sektion'f society.

** "opportunities" by the pet shop boys