
wasting the day 'way

Åä¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ, 314p: i feel like i'm wasting the day 'way.   this morn, i took sooni n' went skateboarding 'round my neighbourhood.   i always feel self.conscious 'bout that: like, if the neighbours c me skateboarding, what'll they think?   however, after thinkin' 'bout it 2day; i told myself i really can't worry 'bout what ppl say 'bout me, cos well, heck, they'll always find sumpthin' to rag on me 4: unkept yard, messy house, 2 asian... whatever, man.   it's ironik, but i'll say this, "i'm not in middle skool nemore, so i don't need to worry 'bout fitting in n' all that cr@p."   i had fun skateboarding w/ sooni, but it's just cruising.   it cms like i might as well have a long board 4 this kind'f riding.   it's not like i get to try tricks or nething w/ sooni.   the most fun i have is dropping off curbs, so well... that's pretty pathetik.   [a li'l later] 336p: well, i came back from skateboarding n' then woke the beautiful kaela hwang up 4 her nat'l chiropraktic board exam (2day n' 2morrow).   a ´©³ª noona (older sista figure) in our couples small grp instrukted me to give kaela a massage b4 her exam, so when kaela asked me last nite n' this morn, i complied.   then kaela asked me to take her to hobees 4 brkfast, so i did.   i was so worried that we'd be so late to hobees that we'd hafta wait 4 a table.   i frantically searched 4 my wedding band but couldn't find it.   i'd taken it off last nite when i got home cos i wanted to praktice some ollieing in the garage, as i've been doing thru.out the wk.   i took off the ring cos 1tym, a while 'go, i fell 1nce while skating out on the sidewalk n' scratched the ring a li'l.   well, we took off to hobees, n' i didn't have my ring.   we had a nice brkfast.   kaela had chicken apple sausage scrambled eggs, n' i had uh... this "shamrock" scramble.   the shamrock scramble had chicken, green onions, black olives, salsa fresca, n' other things.   i had hash browns w/ it instead'f their famous coffee cake, which's also very good.   kaela n' i enjoyed their decaf coffee.   after brkfast, i dropped kaela off @ her skool 4 her test n' then parked nearby to skateboard a li'l.   i skated thru north park, this new urbanist apartment neighbourhood, n' then past some silicon valley companies, including my company's suppliers, customers, n' competitors.   i saw sekurity guards eyeing me.   after just skatin' 'round 4 a good while, i came home.   since then, yah, i feel like i've been wasting 'way... or 'least wasting time.   i cleaned the house a li'l n' quickly found my ring inside a small, wicker basket.   it must've fallen out'f my jeans pocket as i folded them up to hang.   un4tunately, that happens more often than it should.   i cleaned up some more n' took some junk items out'f the backyard n' side yard to put on the curb 4 santa clara's annual dump day.   what i really need to do is go get a haircut!

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