¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: what a bizzy wk! *sigh* i'm getting thrashed, man. hey, u wanna check out sumpthin' kewl? check out dilbert comics in korean n' english: http://www.ecomix.co.kr/comic/detail.php?uid=5564. µô¹öÆ®! µô¹öÆ® ¸¸È... Çѱ¹¾î, ¿µ¾îµµ... what an kewl way to learn korean! i have a grx t3s couples small group core group meeting tonight at ºñ¿ø biwon (secret garden). last nite, i was @ the burger pit. 2morrow, i have a li'l get 2gether w/ ol' friends from community connektions this past summer, which includes 1 friend who's also a cowerker. all these social meals @ restaurants, man; i've gotta watch what i eat! bizness lunch type meals can be really dangerous! *sigh* i'm so freakin' bizzy this wk that it's harder than usual to get exercise, but i must! i must stay healthy. dude, i've gotta lay off the red meat! 2day, i packed a turkey n' spinacci bagel sandwich w/ hummus 4 lunch. i also made 1 4 the beautiful kaela hwang's lunch. she laffed that i made such "amerikan" fud 4 lunch. is it really? sure it's not like i've packed us som ±èÄ¡ Âî°³ kimchi jjigae 4 lunch, but 'least it's not burgers n' hot dogs. neway, dude, society needs to update its definition'f "amerikan fud." hot dogs n' burgers? that's not the extent'f amerikan fud! amerikan fud is what amerikans eat, n' what do amerikans eat? they eat menudo (on sabado n' domingo), lumpia, naan, ºö¹ä kimbap, chow fun, falafels, mousaka, lau lau, piroshkis... dude, subvert the dominant paradigm! ha ha ha ha... *sigh* what's w/ this wannabe "hippie engr" stuff?! just cos i graduated from cal? btw, 4 a while now, i've been wanting to start a "keep santa clara weird" campaign. in case u don't know, that'd be a variant'f the popular "keep santa cruz weird" campaign, a movement to maintain support for street musicians in santa cruz. would ppl laff 2 hard? really, it's not as bad as having a "keep saratoga weird" or "keep almaden valley weird" campaign! imagine "keep mill valley weird," "keep naperville weird," "keep fountain valley weird," etc. a long time 'go, i heard'f sociopolitical concern in sf (san francisco) 'bout how housing has gotten so inaffordable that the artists n' musicians that create san franciscan culture can't live there nemore, only lawyers n' doktors, n' biznessppl. also, citizens voiced concerns that service werkers couldn't afford to live there.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: ok, i went to the werk.com gym during lunch. phew. i've gotta get back into a good fitness routine n' eventually, i've gotta get back in shape in gen'l. yah, if i ever get fat 'gain, i'll wish i were in the shape i am now, but... *sigh* i still wish i were in better shape than i am now. it's bad that i've been 2 scare to weight myself or take a body fat measurement. i'm eating my bag lunch. it's healthier than a cafeteria lunch but prob'ly 2 big in portions.
[later] march madness: so rt now, every1's excited 'bout the ncaa mens basketball tourney. me, i don't really care 'bout it 'cept 4 cal's participation or whatever. i'll be happy if cal wins; but, other than that, i don't care. jocks n' cheerleaders: a couple'f wks 'go there was this video clip that was all over the news, a clip'f this southern illinois university cheerleader that was on the top'f a human pyramid during a basketball game but wasn't caught upon her dismount. her team totally messed up n' she fell on her head or sumpthin'... from really high. the video was particularly interesting cos she kept cheering even as she was carried 'way in a stretcher w/ her neck restrained. from her last name, it looksl ike this gurl is some part 'least japanese. her last name was like yamaoka or sumpthin'. 'nother cheerleader who made the news in the past couple'f wks was teri hatcher. 'pparently, she grew up not 2 far from where we live, in sunnyvale. she helped convikt a child molester by sharing that that uncle had molested her as a kid as well. dude, last nite, @ the branham lane safeway (near 85), i saw toby dawson on a frosted sugar flakes box w/ tony the tiger. dude! that should be a collektor's item! check out this link: http://www.torino2006.org/ENG/IDF/ATH/606722.html. "He has been given the unique honour of being featured on the box of Frosted Flakes Cereal, along with the box he is also to be racing Tony the Tiger down a hill on a nationally screened advertisement. 'I've done the yogurt lids before, but this will be my first cereal box. It's the ultimate (exposure) and everything, but at the same time, you get all of your buddies giving you a hard time on Email. I haven't seen (the commercial) yet, but I'm sure Tony the Tiger gets put in there somewhere.' (vaildaily.com 17/11/05)"
[later] Àú³á... ÇÏÁö¸¸ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Åð±ÙÇÏÁö ¾Ê¾Ò¾î¿ä: yesterday, i mentioned the almost skatebaording video. u can buy it from via my amazon link - almost round three dvd (2004). neway... lemme tell u, a few wks 'go, i was watching this vans shoe company skateboarding dvd that came free w/ the order in which i got all my skateboard parts back in uh... feb? jan? *shrug* (i think 'twas feb.) in the video, a bunch'f young, pro skateboarders get flown to china to skate 'round cities there n' get filmed 4 the video. it bothered me, tho', how these kids akted like such punks n' showed such disrespekt. it bothers me that this kind'f attitude pervades skateboarding n' skateboard culture. i think things can be better. i hate how so much'f extreme sports culture revolves 'round mtv's jack@$$
show. skateboarding kids need better role models. u know that? i mean, shoot, of course skateboarding's always had this bad boy image, but some1 ought to teach these young men that they can have their bad boy image n' yet not be so unintelligent. san josé has an artistik culture that developed w/ strong influence from skateboarding. just check out the metro article. i found the almost< round three video to be unlike the vans video cos it was artistik n' well.produced. it just cmed more mature... in a good way.
[later] ¹ã, 1057p: i went to ºñ¿ø w/ the core group. i ate ȸµ¤¹ä hweduhpbap.