±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: this morn, as i walked sooni, i saw snow on the east n' west mountains! awesome! as i drove north on lawrence expwy to werk, while on the overpass by costco, i got a good view'f the decently thick snow on the eastern mtns, not just mt. ham, but also the foothills n' those hills over by milpitas n' fremont. ugh, i must drive up to the snow!!! i hope ppl r taking good pix'f this snow. it's amazing, sumpthin' really amazing! i tried to google up some pix'f "san jose snow" but didn't find nething good. i did find this odd page: san jose's oldest snowball (http://www.oldestsnowball.com/). hrm, this page cms to have decent san jose snow pix: "snow in san jose" (http://homepage.mac.com/rbarline/PhotoAlbum9.html). snow's great, i tell u. snow snow snow! *sigh* what if i ran 'way from this silicon valley engineer's life n' became a total snowboard bum. *sigh* yah, i wish i could be a pro.snowboarder. *sigh* what a far.fetched, kiddie dream, eh? that sure sounds like sumpthin' a stoopid, li'l kid'd say; yet i'm a 30 yr.old man saying that. :-/ obviously, sometimes, i just wanna "bust out'f my life." it's that "despite all my rage, i'm still just a rat in a cage"
ad: so i hear march's dummies month @ amazon: for dummies books @ amazon buy 2 for dummies books, get 1 free n' get a $5 rebate on each'f the 2 books u pay 4. not a bad deal, huh?
konsumerisme in amerika: (i figured the extraneous "e" @ the end'f "konsumerisme"'d make it look a li'l more euro in the 1980s red flag "russian radio" fashion.) i hear ppl talkin' 'bout giant external hard drive's, n' that makes me want 1 a li'l. sure, i recently bought an external dvd burner. thankfully, i aktually made $$$ on that pur¢ha$e cos i used my ¢redit ¢ard rewards pts to buy it n' then also got a rebate. however, that's konsumerisme nonetheless, rt?
[later] wow, singer/aktor ÀÓâÁ¤ lim changjung n' aktress ±èÇöµÎ kim hyunjoo got married? u can c a short article n' some pix on y!: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/bestclick/shellview2.html?articleid=2006031018523431670.