
beno meets his match.

¿ù¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: Áñ°Å¿î ¿ù¿äÀÏ happy monday.   i had a bit'f a snowboarding "accident" on the slopes'f sugar bowl on saturday, so my back's really sore.   i'll hopefulyl get 'round to telling u the whole macho story later.   this morn, i found a kewl link to a kewl story on tim fong's xanga: "Forget the white-bread '80s MTV. Now MTV Chi and other outlets cater to Asian Americans" by jeff chang of can't stop, won't stop (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/24/DDGA2HCOD818.DTL).   this article mentions an mtv.asia show called d.tour.   have u ever heard'f that?   i hadn't.   here's a link: mtv.asia d.tour (http://www.mtvasia.com/Onair/Shows/D-Tour/index.html).   it's apparently a reality show that takes a bunch'f latin.american n' asian "supermodels" n' puts them on a roadtrip.   hrm, i can't imagine that not being a big hit w/ the bronx's junkyard crowd.   dude, have u ever heard'f the rock grp putnam hall?!   here's their website: http://www.putnamhallmusic.com/(http://www.putnamhallmusic.com/)   dude, we should check out their stuff, man.   frickin' a; the lead guitarist / vocalist lillard's bio(graphy) sez he's from "university frickin high."   dude, that's the irvine skool that gave hi skool diplomans to a whole mess'f my friends, prehaps most notably philip huang, esq.   so s'pposedly mtv's taking note'f the young asian.am market.   well, we'll c.   here's a qusetion to ponder: is it rt that mtv's asian.am pursuits segregate by ethnicity, or should they take a more pan.asian.am approach?   that's a great question, if i don't say so myself. ha ha ha.   i've always been more'f a proponent'f the pan.asian.am ethnic identity, but i face quite a bit'f opposition n' have learned that u can't necessarily force sumpthin' to go, u know?   [later] i think it's great that "jin da mc" has become such an asian.am hero.   2 bad "mainstream" amerika didn't receive him as well.   if u ask me, it just goes to show how racist amerika still is, in gen'l.   oh well.

[later] on fi nite, i went to our grx t3s mtg.   1'f the wives in our group mentioned that she found my journal from a google of our church's name (or nickname / abbreviation) "grx".   she sed she sometimes reads my journal when she's bored.   i s'ppose it's sometimes funny when ppl i know "confess" that they read my journal cos sometimes they sound like they're worried that i'll be mad or sumpthin'.   otherwise, maybe they think i'll be embarassed.   well, honestly, sometimes i might be a li'l embarassed or maybe flattered... *shrug* i'm not sure.   however, i've always sed that my journal is an open letter to my friends n' family.   consider it more like a mass e.mail w/o the spam faktor.   don't consider it a secret diary!   it's not.   does it cm like i'm 2 "candid" or "frank" here?   :-/ *shrug* perhaps sometimes i am; i'm not sure.   i s'ppose i 2 often simply "think aloud" here.   neway, the friend who sed she read my journal also mentioned that she found mostly xangas, blogs, etc. when she googled up "grx," n' i replied that it's great to c such proof that the church has touched so many lives so intimately.   i really meant that.

well, on sat morn, i woke up early to take my cowerkers up the 80 to sugar bowl.   the morning commute was just a li'l rough but has been worse on other days.   we stopped by the fairfield mcyukyuk's to get some brkfast.   we didn't really hit traffik till the mtns where there was some holdup cos'f chain check 4 the big rigs.   it had dumped (snowed) earlier, but the roads were clear 4 us.   we fit 5 ppl into my subaru forester.   un4tunately, i had to use the bathrm so badly, while i was stuck in traffik.   i tried to use a gas station's bathrm, 1 stop 'way from norden (where sugar bowl is), but the line was waaay 2 long.   i held it n' stopped @ gas station @ the norden exit.   that bathrm was occupied 4 a long time, so both i n' 1'f my passengers chose to do the natural thing instead.   when we arrived @ sugar bowl, i hstily took a parkign spot on the mt. disney / village lodge / gondola side, which later turned out to be a bit'f a mistake.   on my last trip to sugar bowl, i'd parked on the mt. judah side, which would've been better.   neway, sugar bowl was superpowdery.   sure, that's s'pposed to be a good thing; but i prefer groomed black diamond runs.   neway, i rode plenty'f powder n' moguls the whole day.   the beautiful kaela hwang would be glad she wasn't riding w/ me.   on my last run'f the day... whoo!   i made a bad decision!   going "off.piste" as i had done on an earlier run, into dangerous, cliff territory, as i had done on an earlier run, i 1st got stuck in deep, deep powder 4 'least 10 mins.   my board's totally not a powder board but really more'f a park/pipe board.   when i finally swam my way out'f the powder, i boarded a while thru moguls only to find myself in front of sugar bowl's most beautiful n' probably most dangerous, rocky cliff , this narrow, ice squeeze btwn 2 rocks on the "two sisters" double black diamond area.   whoa!   i saw all the "skull n' crossbones" danger n' liability signs.   i sat 4 a few minutes n' honestly just prayed to god.   lemme tell u: i knew i was gonna get hurt but that it was just a matter'f minimising the damage.   eventually, i started down the dangerous but short descent.   getting nervous, i turned onto my back edge.   yah, i know i should never use edges on ice, but it's un4tunately still my instinkt to try to use my edge to slow myself down when i'm in danger.... it's like braking in ur car on an icy road.   don't do it.   well, my edge wasn't doing ne good n' i was building up speed.   luckily, i slid in btwn the 2 dangerous rocks ok.   then, all'f the sudden i was free.falling.   shoot! cos'f the steep, steep slope, i didn't know that the ice, snow, n' land all disappeared.   i fell like 4~5 feet off this cliff n' landed on my butt, luckily on powder.   my torso folded 4ward, n' i heard some loud cracks from my spine.   i the impakt had knocked my goggles down from my helmet, n' i found them 'round my neck, filled w/ snow.   well, i was thankful to be alive.   honestly, i was also thankful that barely ne1 had cn me fall.   i mean, if i was incapcitated, i would've been glad that ppl could've called 4 help.   however, being as vain as i un4tunately am, i guess i was glad no 1 saw me fall.   neway, i still had to get down the mtn, so i got back on my board n' weaved thru moguls n' finished the run n' made it back to the bottom to meet up w/ my cowerkers.   i was exhausted.   on our way home, we stopped @ the auburn marie callendar's 4 dinner.   my coweker shark helped drive.

on sun, i woke up early but not as early as usual.   i walked sooni n' did laundry b4 church.   .. . [interrupted]