È¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i had a very frustrating day @ werk yesterday. @ the start of the day, in the morn, i had to interakt w/ this particuluar person who has absolutely no ppl skills or tact. i, of course, won't say who it is or whether he even is a co.werker or or just some1 i hafta interakt w/. interakting w/ this guy reminds me'f interakting w/ a certain dysfunktional roommate i used to have, some1 who also completely lacked ppl skills or tact. ppl like these do n' say mean things just cos they can. sure, they're totally entitled to; it's a free world, there's freedom'f speech; n' their harsh wurds r s'pposedly even helpful cos they're s'pposedly so honest n' candid n' such good feedback or whatnot. however, in the end these r just lame excuses 4 lack'f charakter, excuses to be mean just cos perhaps ppl've been mean to these ppl in their pasts, so they want to lash out @ whomever they can n' @ whomever cms to be a nice 'nuff guy to take their verbal n' emotional abuse. r these viktims just nice ppl? they obviously r trying to be nice ppl but these awful charakters try their patience, i'll say. these nasty ppl r obsessed w/ legalistiks but ignore justice. it's a mad world, i tell ya. all this passive aggression in various forms n' the awful thought that u've either gotta be passive aggressive or else a total outrt, explict @$$hole. yah, u could put it that way: if u call the ppl who rn't like these guys "pushovers," then obviously, these ppl r flat out @$$holes.
neway... just dealing w/ the cr@p i had to put up w/ yesterday morn seriously "ruined" my day. it was a stormily, dreary day. however, altho' my day was "quote/unquote ruined," lemme tell u: 'twas just what i needed. god does everything 4 a purpose. the hilites'f my day yesterday were when i drove out to milpitas to have lunch w/ the beautiful kaela hwang n' when i drove out to her skool @ nite to pick her up to get boba @ fantasia@rivermark. the dung i had to smell all day helped me cherish n' savour the happy time i had w/ kaela. uhm... did that come out bad/poorly? well, don't take it the wrong way. let's instead say, it "put things into perspektive." u won't find ulitmate glory in werk; n', yah, u won't find ultimate glory in ne person either. hwoever, yesterday, i knew kaela was such a blessing to me from god.
[a few mins later] i just read an e.mail from philip huang that he concluded w/ "My dad once told me it's not good to date something on 2/28, so I'll send this right off." really?! well, i've already dated this journal entry as "2006.02.28." would this have nething to do w/ the 228 massacre'f taiwanese ppl by r.o.c. chinese? *shrug*
[later] the great divide: yesterday, i was talkin' 'bout christian author max lucado n' his maxlucado.com website. yah, i realise that, altho' i share religious beliefs w/ many'f these prominent christian authors, i don't share their politikal views. heck, max lucado even has a short composition on his page that is titled "8/30/04: prayer from the republican national convention"! a few wks 'go, i was @ costco, n' ispotted a book w/ some cute laborador retrievers on the cover. it turned out to be a book by max lucado, a new book titled the cure for the common life: living in your sweet spot. i started to browse thru the book n' found it mostly pleasant 'cept 4 a passage that sed sumpthin' like: 'if there were no sin in the world, certain professions would cease to exist such as pro$tituion, casino and nightclub management...' as a dj who wouldn't mind djing @ a niteclub just cos i love musik, i hate to read stuff like that, sumpthin' that equates niteclubs n' clubbing w/ evil. that's awful. neway, i still find wisdom in the max lucado's writing even tho' i don't share politiks or social interests w/ him.
this reminds me'f how i know many asian.am churchgoers that would describe themselves as "conservative christians" n' who vote striktly republikan yet also enjoy being "cool" asians n' thus r into nba basketball n' the mtv hip hop scene or else into altrock n' hollywood. now, these ppl consider certain aktors, athletes, musicians, or celebrities as their heroes, ppl they look up to. however, do they really think 50 cent, kanye west, n' kobe bryant voted 4 the repbulikan administration that consciously allowed the demolition'f new orleans? *shrug* maybe these celebs all feared senator kerry's $200k/yr schpiel as they obviously find themselves in a hi income bracket now. however, nah, i'm sure not all rich celebs've sold out. i c 1s that stick to their priniciples. neway, so i've wondered how some'f these "cool" asian, "christian conservative" republikans reconciles the gap btwn their hip.hop, rock n' roll, hollywoodland n' their politiks? lemme emphasize that this isn't just a "christian conservative" thing, i also know non.christian, "cool" asians n' non.asians that r fans'f obviously politkally progressive musicians n' celebs yet cling to conservative politiks. it's just that i'm talkin' 'bout what i've cn in my subculture. i wonder if these ppl think "oh, bono's a musikal mastermind, but he's a li'l wobbly in the head when it comes to politiks." is that what they say? *shrug* that makes me wonder if there exists politikal conservatives who love michael moore as a filmmaker. *shrug* yah, i bet these ppl exist. well, if u look up to some1 or respekt some1 4 his/her talent, it doesn't mean u hafta absorb all his/her beliefs n' lifestyle. after all, i think erasure's andy bell's a talented singer, but i don't share his s3xual orientation. on the flipside, i can listen to my pastor quote dr. james dobson from focus on the family as a great christian man w/ good things to say, but i don't like the kind'f bigotry that his approach to varied s3xual orientations cms to inspire.
the cover story'f last wk's silicon valley metro was "does god love gays?", an article 'bout a christian, lesbian filmmaker. it's a somewhat interesting article.
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4 lunch, i paid $12 to join in the division potluck. sure, the fud wasn't quite worth the exorbitant $12 price, n' i wished i had volunteered to bring a dish instead'f paying $12, but i was happy to have a chance finally to socialise in a relaxed atmosphere w/ some'f my cowerkers.
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[later] ¹ã, 1052p: 2day, i ate plenty @ the werk.com potluck. there was lots'f pilipino/pinoy n' indian fud. after werk, kaela n' i went to taekwondo praktice. that made me happy. then we got boba from the cupertino fantasia. then we came home n' ate some Â𸸵Πjjinmandoo.