
mélange de beno

±Ý¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i wikied up some protestant denominations such as "evangelical covenant church" and "methodism,"   1 interesting fakt i learned is "The United Methodist Church allows for a wide range of theological and political beliefs.   For example, Republican President George W. Bush is a member.   Vice President Dick Cheney attends the United Methodist Church (though he is not a member).   Democrats Hillary Clinton and John Edwards are both members of the United Methodist Church."   i'd known 4 a li'l while that our church grx's evangelical covenant denomination was aktually established by swedish immigrants. *shrug* semi.interesting fakt...   altho' our church doesn't have female pastors, the denomination'll ordain female pastors.   i agree w/ that.   i've been somewhat curious 'bout the diffs btwn diff denominations 4 a while now.

last nite, i went to taekwondo sparring praktice n' got a bit banged up.   i need to spar more in order not to feel so banged up.   lemme tell u: the more u spar, the less those incidental knee clashes n' bashed arms hurt.   it's good to tuffen up!   after praktice, i came home n' ate a leftover quizno's sandwich that the beautiful kaela hwang had left in the fridge a few days 'go.   after i finished that small sandwich, i ate 2 many tortilla chips w/ salsa.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: yet more salsa - i met up w/ vince @ sunnyvale's cherry orchard strip mall.   we ate @ chipotle.   we each ate a barbacoa (braised, pulled beef) w/ black beans n' s'pposedly hot salsa; but we also shared an order'f 4 crispy chicken tacos.   mmmm... 'twas a pretty good meal, eatin' so much.   honestly, i was a li'l disappointed w/ some'f the fud @ chipotle, but the shear quantity that we ordered still satisfied me.   that was only my 2nd time @ chipotle.   the 1st time was in washington, d.c. when kaela n' i were there as part'f the martial arts demonstration team at the smithsonian institute's silk roads folklife festival in the summer'f 2002.   that time, i was so disappointed that a joint called "chipotle" served surprisingly mild n' somewhat bland fud.   as much as i want to like chipotle 4 its spicy name, i experienced the same feeling 2day.   don't get me wrong; the fud was fresh n' 'f decent quality; but it just didn't have the spiciness or spice i need.   i was happy to lunch w/ vince.   it's great to have just a casual lunch w/ a friend now n' then.

i found a link on tim fong's xanga to this interesting piece'f prose: "The Theory of Counterinsurgency in Six Easy Paragraphs" By William Christie; January 31, 2006.   that's great prose.

[later] Àú³á, ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Á÷Àå¿¡¼­: here's the wikipedia entry 4 chocolate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate. discussion'f wong fu productions' obviously kick@$$ movie yellow fever: i'd like to share an excerpt from my recent post on bronx's junkyard forums:

[later] 952p: an ad - alibris

a li'l earlier, i went out to $hop 4 kaela's v.day present.   i discovered that what i want to get her is much more expen$ive in stores than it is online.   i don't htink it's worth buying it in a store just to have it by 2morrow.   after all, we're going to a really nice re$taurant 2morrow nite 4 dinner.   i've already told her it's a restaurant françaisÇÁ¶û½º n' that it's very nice.   since she doesn't read my journal nemore, i'm just gonna go 'head n' blab out where it is: it's chez tj in mtn view.   hopefully, that nice dinner'll make up 4 the tardiness'f the present. :-?   neway, after i gave up on buying the gift 2nite, i wanted to skateboard, so i gave myself the excuse'f needing to go to the bank n' skateboarded to the bank n' back to my car.   2nite, i was worried that i'm getting a cold cos my throat felt a li'l funny.   4 dinner... man... 4 dinner i ate trail mix, a slice'f white chedder cheese, n' then a slice'f whole fuds bread w/ some laffin' cow cheese (la vache qui rit fromage) n' a microwaved turkey ball park frank.   dude, that sounds like seriously bachelor fud, eh?   well, aktually, it tasted rather français to me... uh, ou peut.être il est juste mon imagination!   (or maybe it's just my imagination.)   in my mind, i pretended it was more'f a hot brie n' ham sandwich, u know?   sandwich au brie chaud et jambon!!! ÇÁ¶û½º

i'm not a balla. - even tho' i'm not into basketball, i'm very happy that my alma mater cal berkeley beat stanfurd in men's basketball last nite.   kewl!