

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: last nite, i skipped taekwondo praktice to meet up w/ ken, grace, gordon, meredith, billy, n' alan @ the oakridge mall bj's brewery.   i ate a roast beef dip sandwich, which is really a french dip sandiwch, but i know all these "conservative" warmongers in our country have stirred up so much anti.français sentiment that we don't use proper terms like french dip n' french fries nemore but have these lame b@st@rdised terms.   it's stoopid, but what're we to do?   viva la france!   the table also shared some chicken strips n' bruschetta appetizer, a chocochip pizookie dessert, n' 1 pitcher'f stout n' 1 pitcher'f blonde.   dude, i had only like 1.75 glasses'f bier; but in the end, i had to have ken drive my car to his house where i sat 'round 4 a while b4 i drove home.   better safe than sorry neway.   maybe 'twas a bad idea to have 2 diff kinds'f bier?   i would'a thought it was a good idea that we had the stout 1st n' then the blonde later cos i would think the stout'd have more alkohol than the blonde. *shrug*   neway, they were both decently tasty biers.   i have tho' honestly had better stouts.   it wasn't gross or nething; but i've had better... where?   hrm... i 4get... maybe i even like guiness better than this stout. *shrug* where else have i had a stout recently?   was it maybe that i had a stout the last time we went to gordon biersch in downton san jo b4 christmas?   was that aktually t.giving wknd or sumpthin'?   i 'member that the beautiful kaela hwang n' i went to view christmas in the park that nite.   ah... san joséana!!!

2nite, i'm mtg up w/ tim fong.   he's a guy that sort'f likes to discuss san joséana w/ me since he also grew up in the area.   er, or 'least i'm assuming he doesn't mind my discussing san joséana w/ him.   *shrug*   we're mtg up @ the cherry orchard borders.

[later] last nite, i was thinkin' 'bout how i sed that i really like the dean gray "whatsername" track cos it's a beautiful duet btwn billie joe armstrong n' susanna hoffs.   i'm sure many ppl disagree w/ me, saying that the combination'f lyrics don't make sense.   how do the lyrics from "manic monday" fit into "whatsername"?   well, plz allow me to answer that. :-)   yeah, honestly, i believe it's an absolutely beautiful combination: u have billie joe armstrong's pouring his heart out 'bout a lost love, while susanna hoffs whines 'bout waking up 4 werk.   imagine a guy who's been totally crushed n' demolished by a gurl, while the gurl's off w/o a single care 'bout what she's done to the guy... she's totally moved on, n' she's not thinkin' @ all 'bout the guy's feelings, she's only concerned 'bout getting to werk n' if her bed's made etc.   to him, it's the end'f the world; to her, "it's just another manic monday."   if u ask me, it's such beautiful werk'f art that it almost brought tears to my eyes as i listened to it in my car on the way down to blossom valley!   it's just cos guys r 2 sensitive, while gurls r 2 insensitive.   that may sound like a misogynistik statement; but no, i'm not a misogynist.   rather, my view on women's more'f a "can't live w/ 'em, can't live w/o 'em" kind'f view.   i guess i've often been a sucker 4 duets.   after all, the other song i'm totally diggin' these days is definitely the mc ¸ù / ¿ÁÁÖÇö (mc mong / ok juhyun) track "home run" (the song that uses the melody from when in rome's 1980s hit "the promise).   dude, that song rocks.   also, 'nother song that i've liked in recent months's that honey family track w/ ¹ÚÇý°æ (park hyekyung) "ÇÔ²² ÇØ¿ä (hamkkei haeyo)."   it's 1'f my ringtones on my fon.   in decades past, i've enjoyed the jesus and mary chain duet w/ mazzy star's hope sandoval "sometimes always."   augh, that's a cute song.   4 ur info, 'nother memorable track from the jesus and mary chain is "head on," n' 'nother memorable track from mazzy star is "fade into you."   another duet that sort'f comes from that era ('least from that era'f my life) is kicking giant's "she's real."   i think u can hear kicking giant's musik in the asian.am film "yellow," rt?

since i ate so much last nite, i'm glad that i went jogging yesterday morn n' this morn w/ sooni.   i also werked out in the gym yesterday n' mon during my lunchbrk.   [slightly later] aktually, i think tues morn was the 1st time i went jogging this whole yr!   i told kaela this morn that it was as if i had made a new yr's resolution not to go jogging or not to get fit or to get unfit. *shrug*   neway, she was unamused, saying that i should've woken her up 4 her class.   (as u c, to her; it was "just another manic wednesday.")   however, she had her alarm set 4 a later time, so i figured that she wanted to sleep in just a li'l; n' also i just kept waking up thru.out the nite cos 1) alkohol does that to u, n' 2) sooni kept waking me up by either tapping the bed by my face or by tapping on the boombox nearby on the floor.   i later found out she was trying to wake me up cos she had absolutely no h2o to drink.   she had taken this makeshift tupperware h2o bowl (that we had put in her kennel (cage/crate) while her normal porcelain 1's in the dishwasher) out'f her kennel n' put it on the floor to show us that she had no h2o.   that was very cute.   however, pet hydration is a serious issue!   stay hydrated n' keep ur pet hydrated!   oh, i just realised that i didn't eat brkfast 2day.   originally, i was planning to eat the leftover 0.5'f my french dip sandiwch 4 brkfast, but i ended up deciding not to.   i didn't wanna just stuff my face cos my stomach had expanded from eating so much the nite b4.   i guess i ate a few wheat thins, while packing some to go.

free shipping on everything at the official sony online store tuesday - thursday only.   valid 2/7 through 3/30.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: Á¡½É¿¡ ȸ»çÀÇ Ã¼À°°ü¿¡¼­ ¿îµ¿Çß¾î¿ä.   ±×¶§ ȸ»çÀÇ Ä«ÆäÅ׸®¾Æ¿¡¼­ »ò´Â »ø·¯µå ¿Í ¾îÁ¦¹ãÀÇ ³²Àº »÷µåÀ§Ä¡¸¦ ¸Ô¾ú¾î¿ä.   ¹è ºÒ·È¾î¿ä.   during my lunch brk, i werked out @ the werk.com gym.   then i ate a salad that i bought from the werk.com cafeteria n' last nite's leftover sandwich.   i'm full.   @ the gym 2day, i didn't do ne precor or stairmaster.   instead, i lifted weights, stretched n' did sort'f plyometric n' agility exercises; i.e. i did squat jumps n' then 360° turn jumps (both frontside n' backside).   yah, these days i'm telling myself to be less shy 'bout doing "less than normal" or "not quite normal" exercises in the werk.com gym.   i don't care if ppl think i'm weird that i'm jumping all over the place n' doing side stretch kicks or side kick stretches.   whatever, man... @ least i can!   it's good 4 my health n' fitness, n' i feel better doing stuff that i like n' feel better knowing i can do stuff that i like.   frick, not every1 loves basketball.   i don't love basketball.   i'm a boardsports athlete n' a martial artist.

someday, i'd like to get more into surfing to complete the snow, skate, surf triad.   yesterday, in the morn, i saw on nbc 11 news that the mavericks surf competition was going on in 0.5 moon bay.   kewl.   check ou the sj mercury news article: "Surprise winner at Mavericks: FIRST TIME INTERNATIONAL OUTSIDER WINS" by kim vo n' ken mclaughlin.   i 1st heard 'bout mavericks from that dokumentary 'bout "big wave riders" that talked 'bout mark foo's death there.   oh, from the article, i've learned now that the famous surfer named "flea" isn't flea from the 1980s~1990s~2000s pop funk rock grp the red hot chili peppers.   oh, ok.   oh, man... the article sez that there were no major injuries but that "a 39-year-old Redwood City woman and her 9-year-old son were taken to Stanford Hospital after some rocks on the cliff dislodged and crashed down on them as they watched the contest. . .   The woman, who was transported to the hospital by helicopter, suffered a severe back injury, O'Keefe said. The boy was treated for minor head injuries. Their names were not immediately released."   thus it's safer to surf in the surf contest than to watch it?



[later] last nite, i skipped taekwondo praktice to go out w/ my ol' friends.   kaela called it a much needed night out 4 me, n' she's rt.   u know, i just don't get 'nuff human interaktion these days.   yeah, i do talk to cowerkers a li'l, n' i need to more.   however, sometimes i also just think engineering can be a more social career than it seems to be.   in the past, i'd been shy 'bout conversing w/ cowerkers, but i've been trying to shake that.   part'f it had been due to how i always cm to be so much younger than my cowerkers, but *shrug*... 1) the age gap is slowly closing as i get older, n' 2) i just shouldn't care.   i don't think it's that i'd been 2 "stuck.up" to socialise w/ older cowerkers but that i'd just been shy.   however, i know that ppl who r shy r often perceived by others as being stuck.up.   me, i really haven't ever considered myself shy @ all; but *shrug* have i been?   that's a question.   neway, yah... i went out last nite w/ my ol' hi skool friends, ditching taekwondo praktice.   u know, in a way i chose 1 social setting over 'nother; but in 'nother way, i chose the more social'f the 2.   ever since the establishment'f the cal taekwondo party crew, i'd always considered taekwondo to be an extremely social aktivity 4 me.   4 so long, it was where i found most'f my friends n' where i maintained most'f my friendships.   however, i'm sort'f embarrassed to admit that in my current taekwondo environment, i sometimes feel a bit awkward cos i'm so old.   that's quite a contrast from the imediately previous discussion, eh?   well, i share the common bond'f taekwondo but sometimes get lost in the conversation when it switches to college life or worse yet high school life.   this surprises me cos i've always considered myself very immature, not just youthful but flat out immature.   who knew i could feel lost in a discussion via feeling 2 old?

ÇÇÅÍ ÆÒÀÇ ºñ¾Ö (the sorrow'f peter pan): imagine being like peter pan n' thus 4ever young.   does peter pan ever feel like he doesn't fit in w/ all the kids he hangs out w/?   even tho' the kids perceive him on the outside as just 1'f them; inside, peter knows he's much older.   thus, does that make him feel awkward?   no, he doesn't want to grow up; and thus he should be happy that he never does.   however, does he ever feel weird that he can't help not wanting to grow up?   does he feel weird that he just knows so much more than the kids he hangs out w/?   they're discovering new things every day; but so many'f those things r such old news to peter.   he could be a total know.it.all to the kids he hangs out w/, but then he wouldn't fit in w/ them.   what does he think'f the people who were 1nce kids w/ him but have since grown up?   those kids grew up, got nice jobs, n' bought lexii (plural'f lexus).   no, he doesn't want a lexus; but does he feel weird that he doesn't?   un4tunately, i'm not literate 'nuff to have read peter pan, but i did watch robin williams's hook.

would i want to be a kid 'gain?   in addition watching to hook, i have watched movies like big, in which an adult takes on the form'f a youth.   last nite, @ ken's house, i saw our ol' hi skool senior class picture, leland hi skool class'f 1993.   funny, 4 that pic, i stood next to my ol' best friend jeff that i mentioned in sunday's entry "waking up early 4 skateboarding", 2006³â02¿ù05ÀÏ.   in those days, i hadn't been hangin' out w/ him so much, un4tunately, prob'ly due to the "track" system (ap n' honours classes) as well as all my fast track extra.curricular aktivities like musik, cultural clubs, akademic clubs, n' church.   however, since he had been my best friend 4 most'f my childhoold; i'm glad i was fotographed next to him 4 that class pic.   it's funny cos i had crazy, dyed, deep red hair, n' he had dyed black hair.   neway, cing that pic was quite sumpthin'.   i saw all these faces that i barely recognised, ppl whose names sometimes escaped me.   i couldn't believe how much fashion has changed, especially 4 the ladies.   i could barely pick out ne females that didn't look dated, i.e. outmoded.   u know what tho'?   in a way i hope none'f them regret that 2day.   after all, u should look a li'l dated in ur hi skool pic cos that was a time'f life when u should've gone w/ the hippest trends @ the time, rt?   well, shoot... honestly, when i saw myself in the pic, i didn't look dated or outmoded.   i obviously didn't look like myself 2day, being that i was much heavier/fatter then.   however, i didn't look trendy; i just looked like some alternaculture misfit/punk.   do i regret that? heck no!   maybe i'm even immature 'nuf 2day to say i'm proud'f that.   if i could run 'round 2day w/ long, dyed purple hair but not be all fat like i was back then; would i?   heh, good question.   however, most likely not.   kaela sed b4 that she's very happy that i used to be like that in the past but is also happy that, in a way, i got it out'f my system.

[later] Àú³á, ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ȸ»ç¿¡¼­: i'm embarrassed to say this, but i'm still infatuated w/ the dean gray american edit internet album.   maybe roland'll be proud to hear that, since he was the 1 that pted me in its gen'l direktion.   no, more than that, i think he just plain sent me a link to dl it.   (ppl r just obsessed w/ jokes 'bout "in [such and such's] general direction" these days cos'f some unknown interest in role playing games, which apparently sometimes use that term.)   here's a comparison'f the track listings 4 the green day album versus the dean gray album.
trk# green day
american idiot
green day
american idiot
dean gray
american edit
01 american idiot american idiot american jesus
02 jesus of suburbia jesus of suburbia: jesus of suburbia / city of the damned / idon't care/ dearly beloved dr. who on holiday
03 city of the damned holiday boulevard of broken songs
04 i don't care boulevard of broken dreams the bad homecoming waiting
05 dearly beloved are we the waiting st. jimmy the prankster
06 tales of another broken home st. jimmy novocaine rhapsody
07 holiday give me novacaine impossible rebel
08 boulevard of broken dreams she's a rebel ashanti's letterbomb
09 are we waiting extraordinary girl greenday massacre
10 st. jimmy letterbomb whatsername (susanna hoffs)
11 give me novacaine wake me up when september ends boulevard of broken songs (dance mix 05)
12 she's a rebel homecoming: the death of st. jimmy / east 12th st. / nobody likes you / rock and roll girlfriend
13 extraordinary girl whatsername
14 letterbomb
15 wake me up when september ends
16 the death of st. jimmy
17 east 12th st.
18 nobody likes you
19 rock and roll girlfriend
20 we're coming home again
21 whatsername
[later] sometime last wk or so, when i wasted an evening watching stoopid google videos, i saw this 1 produktion by an asian college kid.   it was this artsy slideshowish piece 'bout (i can only guess) a gurlfriend who dumped him.   it just had repeated, flashing images'f him n' his gurlfriend w/ like broken lines separating them.   it also had pictures'f what i can only guess r prob'ly memorable places 4 the couple.   i couldn't tell which country this all took place.   i saw english signs, but it certainly didn't look like the usa.   neway, the film was set to "boulevard of broken dreams," n' was titled "i walk alone."   it's not the absolute kewlest thing i've ever cn, but it's slightly interesting.

[later] ¹ã, ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ȸ»ç¿¡¼­: ah, i knew it!   the male vocals that get matched up w/ those from "boulevard of broken dreams" to make the duet in "boulevard of broken songs" r those'f oasis!   i knew it.   they're from oasis's "wonderwall."   uhm, do i have that album (cd)?

man, i'm not look 4 pity or nething, but it's sad how many times a day i check my inbox n' don't find ne personal e.mail.   even sadder is when i'm disapopinted in not even finding spam.

¹ã, 1126p: so i just got back from hangin' w/ tim fong @ borders.   kaela also came cos she sed she'd study.   we talked 'bout martial arts, n' they got me more inspired to do more martial arts.   i had some flashbacks to a time when i spent more time practicing taekwondo.   i also wonder, tho', how i can apply some'f the martial arts priniciples we discussed to snowboarding.