¿ù¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ: "it's just another manic monday. i wish it were sunday cause that's my fun day, my 'i don't have to run' day. it's just another manic monday." ~ the bangles, "manic monday" have i mentioned dean gray's american edit? roland told me 'bout this awesome internet.based album a few wks 'go. it's an album that remixes green day's american idiot album, inserting samples from various pop n' rock songs as well as from politicians and movies etc. it's really kewl. i wish i had the time n' talent to do that, man. yah, i guess i just haven't really applied myself 2wards finding 15 mins'f fame via djing. could i do nething that kewl, achieve nething that kewl? *shrug* neway, 1 song, "whatername," uses the vocals from the bangles song "manic monday." it's an awesome track. u know what i just thought'f that's barely interesting? when the bangles got popular w/ hits like "manic monday," "eternal flame," "walk like an egyptian," and "hazy shade of winter"; skateboarding was going thru its 1980s popularity phase. that's a li'l interesting to me just cos i've picked back up skateboarding, as u all know by now. dude, that all happened when i was in middle skool! *sigh* crazy. all this 1980s nostalgia's quite crazy, eh? i haven't been to the mall in a few wks, but i know i've cn more 1980s retro fashion in the past yr, all that lacoste n' le tigré stuff. dude, when r gotcha, t&c surf co., n' z. cavaricci gonna make their comebacks? the cyclical nature'f it all, isn't it crazy? in the 1980s, we had a retro 1950s trend n' a retro 1960s trend, rt? movies like back to the future got us into the 1950s trend n' all those vietnam war shows n' movies got us into the 1960s trend. it's all crazy, ain't it? neway, man; i don't have time to discuss fashion n' pop culture rt now. what am i thinking?! i think i've just been feeling a bit isolated since i haven't gotten 2 much personal e.mail in recent wks.
[later] Àú³á, ¾ÆÁ÷µµ ȸ»ç¿¡¼: well, i listened to the dean gray album all the way thru yet 'gain this afternoon while werkin'. i really like it. that "whatsername" song, if u don't know, turns into a duet btwn billie joe armstrong n' susanna hoffs. it's great; it's like a musical. it's like the buffy the vampire slayer musical, rt? since spike's kind'f a billie joe type, rt? well, i just wikied up green day. don't 4get, i was @ a green day / raggedy anns (the donnas) concert w/ phil rt up in the front row back in 1993. the show was almost empty, n' i had my foot on the stage, while i listened. that was just like a wk b4 they "broke," man. i'll keep repeating that like al bundy boasts having played hi skool futbol, n' u know it! neway, i was reading the wikipedia entry 'bout them. so "green day" literally means a day spent smoking mariju@na, eh? gee, i have less respekt 4 them already, i'm sorry to say. (keep in mind how i prefer to call myself a political progressive rather than a "liberal" cos i believe that the gov't should take care'f its ppl, yet i don't believe in some other so.called "liberal' causes like legalisation'f mariju@na, etc.) neway, the album's pretty kewl n' hopefully u've heard 'bout it n' can dl it b4 it's gone.
so obviously, v.day's coming up. how do u like that? some ppl like v.day, some ppl hate it, n' some r indiff to it. in genl, i'm ok w/ v.day. i guess it's a bit'f an effort to go out n' buy a v.day present so soon after christmas. true, that's a li'l ridiculous.
¹ã, 1136p: 2nite, after werk, i went to valley fair to look 4 gifts. i hadn't been to the mall in a few wks. it felt great to walk 'round in the mall. i've sed b4 that i like going to the mall. i stopped by safeway b4 going hom. i bought some salsa, some wheat thins (3 diff healthier types: 100% whole wheat, 5.grain, n' reduced fat), 2 thhings'f kaela hwang bought from whole fuds a while 'go. i grilled 2 louisiana hot links w/ some royal trumpet shrooms n' some red peppers. i'm worried that the sausages were rotten cos they were so old. i'm not sure; my stomach might feel funny.