ÀÏ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ, 915a: 4 the past few yrs, i've been used to waking up early on wknds to go snowboarding. recently, i've been waking up early 4 skateboarding. why? i don't need to drive to tahoe to go skateboarding, whereas 4 snowboarding i do. so what's up? well, i don't want ppl to watch me skateboarding cos i'm a 30.yr.old man on a skateboard, n' i'm not daewon song! usually, if u c an ol' man like me on a skateboard, it's cos he's a pro, rt? well, i'm not a pro. i want to skate where no1 can c me. it's a li'l pathetic, huh? the cynical benocritic'd insult me w/ such filth as, "man, beno u'r pathetic. u want to skateboard in private like it's m@sturb@tion or sumpthin'. u suck!" man, why do u have to say such raunchy things, eh? well, u know what? it's not just that i want to skate in private, but also i want safe streets. i wake up early n' ride on the streets when there're no cars. 2day as well as a wk 'go, i drove out to an industrial neighbourhood'f the silly valley n' rode on the streets 'round silly valley companies like my own. there r no li'l punk kids to tease me @ 700a on a sunday outside'f amd, intel, n' applied materials; n' there r also only a few cars. i don't skate in the parking lots'f these companies cos i don't want security guards or cops confronting me. instead i stay on the sidwalk n' street. it'd aktually be safer to be in the parking lots, but oh well. since i stay on the streets n' sidewalks, i stay mobile. i just keep on moving. that gets a li'l tiring, so it's like some kind'f endurance werkout. it's strange that i ride my streetstyle board instead'f a more com4table longboard since i'm not doing tricks or nething; but longboards r more expen$ive neway. 2day, i tried ollieing. it's shameful to say, but i can't even ollie up a curb yet. i can ollie n' get off the ground like an inch, so that's a start. man, when i was 15, i used to ollie up curbs all the time. it's crazy, the things i could do when i was 15 but can't do now; yet it's so much more overwhelming the things i can do now that i couldn't do then... n' i'm talkin' 'bout physikal things as well, not just like engineering things! as i was saying, i'm doing stuff on a snowboard that i only dreamed'f doing on a skateboard. i get so much more air on a snowboard n' ride rails n' stuff. well, i used to ride small, small rails on a skateboard. i dunno, man. i'm not invincible tho'. 2day, when i was tired, i somehow fell off my board, n' i guess that was my 1st real spill. i wasn't hurt or nething (as i rolled out'f the fall the way i'd learned in martial arts training), but it was a reality check. as wheels r smaller these days, it's easier to get stuck on a pebble or in a sidewalk crack. neway... i still want to keep skateboarding, man.
it's funny cos 2day's the 5th. it's the b.day'f my childhood best friend jeff picard who used to skateboard w/ me. yah, u don't 4get dates like that. yah, i dunno where he is, n' i wonder if he's still skateboarding. he e.mailed me a few yrs 'go. he told me he was studying graphic arts or sumpthin' @ san josé state university. back then, me? i wasn't skateboarding but was 'least snowboaridng hard. other than that, i was doing taekwondo full.on n' maybe getting 2 much into the young, asian yuppie scene. it was, in a way, an un4tunate continuation from when i had started drifting 'way from him in hi.skool when i left the skateboarding crowd to hang more w/ the hard.studying, asian church crowd. i mean, it's hard 4 me to regret things in life cos god makes everything happen 4 a reason. if it wasn't 4 my hangin' out w/ the hard.studying, asian church crowd, maybe i wouldn't have been "saved." then 'gain, back in hi.skool, i had this 1 skateboardin' friend that also played guitar w/ me; n' he was a caucasian dude that went to a korean church. neway back when my childhood best friend last e.mailed me, i was living in berkeley. that was kewl, i guess. it's funny tho' how these 2 crowds've been sort'f on opposite sides'f my life, huh? neway, i wonder where he is. if i found him 2day, i'd say happy 31st b.day, i guess.
aktually, yesterday, i killed some time @ the sunnyvale borders n' was reading giant robot. this magazine's kind'f dedicated to asian n' asian.am pop culture, but this issue had 2 articles 'bout asian skateboarders: 1) daewon song, n' 2) some 1980s asian.am skateboarder named tim hugh. i really liked what daewon song had to say in his interview. i'm glad he's an asian.am semi.celeb that doesn't "sell.out" his culture but addresses it. it's not like he's some militant "azn" gangsta type or nething; but i'm just saying that he didn't say sumpthin' like that cheesy thing kristi yamaguchi sed when she was asked 'bout how it felt to be an asian.am olympik figure skater or whatever. she totally denounced her heritage. that was pretty shafeul, if u ask me. dude, as i sed, i hate how asian.ams r expekted to denounce their culture, while like afrikan.ams or chicano.ams r allowed to embrace n' celebrate theirs. it's very messed up. neway, daewon song sed that like skateboarding's 1 sport where asians have a chance to dominate n' that's true. he mentioned skateboarding, figure skating, n' tennis. yah, that's true. daewon song's like my age.
hey, didju ever c that "awful weatherman" video? u can find it on ebaumsworld. is that real? i saw 1st saw it like 1~2 yrs 'go. it's 'pparently from an ohio university tv broadcast. it's really funny. i wonder if my sista's cn it. i'll e.mail it to her sometime n' ask her if she thinks it's real.
dude, even tho' i got to skateboard early in the morn yesterday n' 2day, i still really miss snowboarding this season. i must go snowboarding asap! some'f my cowerkers went 2day, i think. they purposely went on super bowl sun to avoid crowds. dude, i personally couldn't care less 'bout the super bowl.
neway, dude, i've gotta bust outta here n' go to church now. the beautiful kaela hwang? she's @ yet 'nother'f her chiropraktic seminars. frick, every wknd, rt? i need to go off snowboarding on my own more this season. [later] Àú³á:
as u know, i'm so not into ballsports n' am thus fine w/ missing the super bowl rt now. somehow, i'm instinktively attrakted only to boardsports n' martial arts. unlike other neo.yuppies, i'm not so into "outdoor" sports. my snowboarding roots r in skateboarding. many other bay area neo.yuppies' snowboarding roots come from mtn biking or hiking. i've never cared as much 4 those but would surely participate if given the chance. same w/ golf. while other bay area neo.yuppies r into rock.climbing, i'm not. last wk, my private skateboarding brought me to the parking lot'f a rock.climbing gym. rt now, kaela's watching parkour (free.running) videos. my guess is that the term "parkour"'s a british misspelling'f "par couer" (by heart), is it? neway, these parkour videos make me look @ rock climbing diff'ly. man, parkour looks kewl. it's sort'f combines skateboarding n' martial arts then takes 'way the board n' contakt w/ the opponent. others'd liken it to gymnastiks.
[later] 732p: this morning, while trying to ride up onto curbs a couple'f times, i scratched the bottom of my new board. on our last trip to heavenly, when kaela n' i snowboarded down those residential streets, i scratched up the base'f my snowboard n' was a bit sad 'bout that but did some ptex base repair the next wk (back.breaking werk!). on the drive home from tahoe, i was telling kaela how most skateboard tricks mess up the skateboard in the process, 1 way or 'nother. think 'bout it: most skateboard tricks involve sliding on some part'f the skateboard, thus wearing it down n' scratching it. well, cos i know that; i knew not to worry 'bout scratching my new skateboard deck this morn. after all, that's 1 reason i chose a mini.logo deck, 1 w/o graphics. i was happy tho' to get a blue deck, as i like the colour blue. [later] 751p: neway, i realise that i can keep my deck scratchless n' new. in a way, it's like us humans. it's impossible 4 us to be sinless. thus salvation n' admission to heaven only comes thru acceptance'f the sinless jesus christ's death on the cross as atonement. 'nother thing i realise is this: a pro skateboarder creates a werk'f beauty w/ his skateboarding, but in the process his skateboard gets scratched. yah, we r god's skateboard. god creates beauty, n' we can be part'f that. however, in the process; yah, we'll get scratched up... but that's ok.
801p: our house's getting messy 'gain, man. this really sucks.
oh yah, i guess the cat's out'f the bag that kaela's li'l sista's getting married. u can't n' shouldn't keep that kind'f stuff sekretive 2 long; it's just not healthy. neway, i kept telling kaela that the next time her parents call, it'd be cos they found out. well, she finally got that call.
last nite, we were @ our friend's b.day party.