Åä¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ, 758a: this morn, i went out skateboarding w/ sooni, n' it felt really good. i'm very happy i bought this skateboard. sure, maybe it sounds so frickin' foolish 4 a 30.yr.old to be out on a skateboard, but it makes me happy, takes me my mind off'f stress, n' let's me be happier 4 other ppl. i think skateboarding's a realy blessing from god, i tell u. if u ask me, it's a posi+ive outlet 4 my energy. it's just 2 bad that i don't i can't ride 4 as long as i could as a kid. it's not that i had more endurance back then; i'm much more fit now. i think there was just a young ambition that i had that, that many kids have. also, my back gets sore now. heh... old man probs... neway, it's fun. i just wish i hads friends to ride w/. :-(.
[later] 939a: i've now rebuilt my beno journal, 2006 edition archive. check it out. i know i've lost some entries due to the accidental deletion, but most'f it is there, so i'm happy. now, i'm going to our church grx to help pack the church to move. we're "going mobile" as we're leaving our current rented location. we want to buy a place but haven't found 1 yet.
oh! b4 i take off, here's a cute pic'f sooni n' frankie from our 2 dog nite: