

格夸老 酒魔: when i looked up "groundhog day" on a korean措茄刮惫 怕必扁.english diktionary, i end up w/ "己盟例 suhngchokjuhl."   it's groundhog's day, i guess.   happy groundhog's day.   i need an extension on the snowboarding season; so, yes, i want "winter" to last as long as possible.   man, it's crazy that i spent so much time base reparing n' waxing our boards after our last day on the slopes, n' now we haven't returned to the slopes since.

[later] 坷饶: check out this article on nbc11.com: "CHP Busts Man Riding With Dummy."   pretty funny, huh?

yesterday, i felt i was coming down w/ a cold.   i was so exhausted after a long werkday.   when i got home, man... i just went straight to bed.   i didn't care that i was going to be @ ~800p.   i slept until the beautiful kaela hwang finally came home.   she woke me up momentarily n' made me eat some kind'f "holistik" medicine n' drink some lemon tea.   then i took a shower n' went rt back to sleep, skipping dinner.   this morn, i aktually did feel better.   whereas yesterday, i had a sore throat; i didn't so much.   i hope i've successfuly defeated this cold, but i've been wrong b4.   it's funny cos on sun, steve n' grace thought mason was gettin' sick, n' i was reminded'f how all'f us were sick earlier in this winter.   i wondered @ that pt if we were all done being sick or not.

[later] 广, 958p: how r u?   i werked late, then came home n' cooked some 快克 oodong 4 dinner.   the beautiful kaela hwang came home w/ a headache, so she was on the couch watching tv.   i cooked.   we watched this nbc olympic preview thing the whole evening.   yah, it's sort'f getting me pumped a li'l to watch the olympiks.   well, the only events i really care 'bout r the snowboarding 1s, i guess.   i dunno... others r ok.   i guess figure skating's really popular, but i don't care that much 'bout it.   i 'member 1 nite prob'ly a decade 'go now when toby n' i were @ my mom's house in san jo, n' wwe watched this campbell soup figure skating championship where michelle kwan became really famous.   rt off, we both thought she was kind'f cocky; but whatever.   while watching all these clips'f olympik athletes i get sad, thinking 'bout how i'll never be an olympian.   sure, i have hobbies etc., n' i guess i'm ok @ some'f them; i'll never have an olympik medal.   maybe the prob's that i was so unathletik as a kid, n' pretty much all'f these olympians became superstar athletes when they were kids.   it does just go to show what a shame it is that asian parents always just push their kids to study, totally neglekting things like sports.   sucks... but oh well... i hope i don't try to live out my unfulfilled dream thru my own future kids n' push'em 2 hard.

on the slopes, i ride a santa cruz gian simmen pro model.   gian simmen is a swiss snowboarder who won a gold medal in 1998.   he's riding 4 switzerland 'gain in torina this month.   he's only 29, a yr younger than me.

[later] 1041p: in an e.mail to roland, i told him b'out how these days, i do things on a snowboard that i only dreamed'f doing on a skateboard as a kid, like riding various rails n' catching decent air.   however, now that i'm picking back up skateboarding, i don't expect to do those things on a skateboard.   there just isn't the safety'f decently soft snow underneath.

[later] 1110p: dude, 4 a good laff, go to video.google.com n' type in "curry-n-rice girl."   it's a desi (south asian) parody'f gwen stefani's "hollaback girl."   it's pretty funny.   of course, every1 knows 'bout the "asian backstreet boys" or "asian backdorm boys" from china.   yah, they're pretty funny.   [later] 1127p: cr@p, i just typed in "berkeley" n' saw a berkeley taekwondo demo team video clip!   *sigh* wow... *sigh*