sun, 1130a: i'm @ starbucks on el camino real near lawence expwy. i haven't given u an update in a while, n' i sorta sed i'd stop journalling/blogging so much, rt? rt. well, it's been a very long time. sure, 'lot has happened, or not... depending on. . . [unfinished entry]
ħ: it's back to werk!
4 the beautiful kaela hwang's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary party, i'm gonna dj; i'm gonna "spin." woohoo, boogie boogie, eh? ha ha. neway, i figure i'd better get some new musik, just whatever's popular these days:
b4 i get into a recap'f the recent end'f 2004 / beginning'f 2005 holiday season, i wanna talk a li'l 'bout the tsunami in south asia. since this has been the worst disaster in ages, we should take it seriously. we should take it very seriously! we've got it all 2 good here in the united states. ppl take it 4 granted, n' 2 few ppl care 'bout what happens in south asia. it's important that we help however we can. it would be good 4 us to contribute some $$$ to relief efforts n' send a few prayers up to god. i'm gonna figure out how to make a contribution thru world vision int'l. i hope u do 2. this is not sumpthin' to be taken litely or lightly.
ok, so what's been up? i haven't updated in ages cos i've been 2 bizzy living life instead'f writing 'bout it. kaela n' i've done 'lot'f snowboarding. i was very stoked to get back to riding rails. i'm pretty stoked/ecstatic that i've started riding bent rails n' boxes n' rainbow boxes. up until now this season, i hadn't really been riding rails n' boxes much. a coupl'f seasons 'go, i was ridng rails n' boxes 'lot, n' then after last yr's scrawny season, i started backin' off'f them, getting more timid 'bout 'em. that was so not stokin', eh? however, now i've hopped back on the train. i'm always trying to throw in as many backside 3s (360s) n' stalefishes into my runs as possible... i dunno why, but stalefishes cm to be my grab trick'f choice. *shrug* kaela n' i snowboarded down in socal @ snow summit on dec 26 then @ sierra@tahoe on the 28th n' heavenly on the 29th. we drove 'lot, but it felt kewl to drive from norcal to socal to norcal to tahoe 4 snowboarding. i felt like some kind'f pro snowboarder on some kind'f competition circuit; it felt like a frickin' video game! ha ha.
[later] : it's been très kewl using my new palmone tungsten t5 that kaela gave me 4 christmas. :-) 2day, i installed diotek's diopen plus 4.0 on it, so i have hangeul fonts. it's kewl, but there r some bugs in that software. :-( i hope to get to the bottom'f that eventually. rt now, i'm really stuffed cos my went to sneha indian buffet 4 lunch cos it was my cowerker stephanie's i've gotta hit the gym 2nite!
well, i never gave u a recap'f the recent winter holiday season. *sigh* i dunno where to begin!
on thurs nite, we left the silly valley really late. originally, i hoped to leave rt after werk. instead, when i finally got home from werk, we still had to pack. did i mention that we ate lunch w/ my cowerkers @ the valley fair cpk (cali4nia pizza kitchen) on thurs? well, kaela n' i did; we ate w/ them. we had to eat outside on the patio cos we had a really big grp. it was very frustrating driving 'round that area on thurs cos'f all the crazy shoppers. well, on thurs nite, we drove 'round the silly valley dropping off a few cards n' gifts. we stopped @ the togo's on blosson hill near oakridge 4 a dinner'f a large hot pastrami sandwich in the midst'f our running 'round. we each had a green tea sobe. finally, we got on the rd after dropping off the last'f our gifts n' cards 4 that round. the 5 was foggy. i was very sleepy n' very sick. i think i had a flu. i was shivering like crazy. @ 1 pt, i had to pull over @ gas station n' buy tylenol cos i was shivering so badly. our car was filled w/ baggage, gifts, etc. sooni was riding in the backseat in her bed. that was very cute. the rd was so foggy. ppl drove so slow. it was very frustrating, n' i was very sick. it was a very difficult drive. i wanted to pull over n' sleep 4 a li'l, but when we pulled over n' stopped the engine, i realised it was 2 cold to sleep. thus i elekted to keep on chuggin' 'long. we finally rolled into chino like @ 400~430a. i told kaela that it was a strange feeling to be up so late. in my younger days, in my early 20s or so, i used to stay up late like that very often. i'd goof off w/ friends n' stay up all nite 2 often. nowadays, that very, very, very rarely happens. i go to bed @ so much more'f a reasonable time. back when i was in undergrad, it wasn't 2 unusual to stay up late talkin' or playing musik n' then go off to carrows or lyon's 4 brkfast, u know? nowadays, i don't do that kind'f thing. well, we finally got to kaela's parents' house.
on fri morn (christmas eve), i woke up relatively early, thinking i felt better. i thought i was over my illness. later, i found out i was very wrong, that i still felt really sick. kaela's parents brought us out to garden grove to eat lunch @ ϰ bookkyuhng, an excellent northern chinese restaurant that sort'f caters to the korean community out there. we had lots'f good fud, but i was 2 sick to enjoy it. b4 that, we were shopping @ the home shopping korea showroom. i was so sick. after lunch, kaela n' i went w/ kaela's 2 siblings to check out her bro jay's rented townhome in the qual hill neighbourhood'f irvine. it was kewl, but i was so sick. we went to sav.on drugs n' starbucks. @ starbucks, i had a venti apple cider. [later, interrupted, etc.] the servers messed up kaela's order n' gave her caffeine when she didn't want it in her chai. that was a big mess up. neway, i felt sick. eventually we went home. i guess we took sooni out 4 a walk 'round a neighbouring neighbourhood, where we looked @ some very elaborate christmas decorations. later, we watche lotr3: rotk, the special edition dvd. hrm, i don't 'member 2 much more 'bout christmas eve, do i? all i know is that i was very sick on the 23rd n' 24th.
christmas day... what did we do? uhm, hrm... i dunno when we woke up, but it must've been late. *shrug* or maybe i spent some time earlier in the day walking sooni. that's very possible. well, eventually, we left the house n' visited kaela's maternal grandmutha's grave in rose hills. then we went to kaela's relatives house 4 christmas dinner. i ate 2 much. when we go there on, we go in the afternoon n' eat lunch n' dinner. 4 christmas, i guess we just eat dinner. well, this way, i overeat a li'l less. kaela's uncle has a retrostyle 1980s ms. pacman tabletop arcade game system. it aktually has more games than just ms. pacman; other 1980s retrostyle games, such as frogger, donkey kong, centipede, etc. it's kind'f neat but kind'f overkill since u can get 1'f those bootleg handheld systems in taiwan or korea that plug into ur tv n' has like 300+ games 4 like $10, rt? neway, i know he's going more 4 the retro 1980s feel than just gettin' the mo$t games 4 the $$$. neway, we were there until nitetime. kaela's grandparents gave us some nice presents. i drove us home in kaela's parents' acura, but there were some road closures; prob'ly due to accidents. maybe it was cos'f drunk drivers? that's awful to think 'bout.
the day after christmas was sun, n' i guess we should've gone to church, but instead we took phil w/ us to snow summit n' snowboarded. i had a very intense day on the slopes. 4 some strange reason, we also pigged out on overpriced fud @ that superoverpriced resort. u get a boreal quality resort @ squaw valley prices down there! we rode mostly black n' double black diamond runs, but that's not saying much cos the runs r short n' easier down there. it's kewl to be able to say we spent lots'f the day on double black diamond runs tho'. i really exerted myself on the li'l hits/jumps on the runs as well as in the terrain parks. by the time our last run came 'round, which was thru a nice terrain park, i felt like i was in the final match'f a taekwondo tournament: i had fought hard thru the easier parks, n' now it was time to do the real event, but i was tired. eh, i had some decent jumps, but i was just happy (as i sed earlier) that i started riding bent n' rainbow rails/boxes. that felt good. i realised that in these terrain parks, u get lots'f kids that have guts n' do jumps n' tricks... but they don't have the fundamentals down... thus, they might be able to do some nice tricks, but they can't make it down the slope well n' most likely can't do black diamond runs. that was veyr true down in socal, but that's prob'ly also true up in tahoe, i figured. in fakt, i guess i can admit that @ 1tym, i was into doing crazy jumps but didn't have my basic downhill riding skillz down as well as i do now. i guess in a way, maybe i'd be good 4 boarder.x (boardercross) more than freestyle cos i get good praktice riding fast down steep downhills as well as thru the terrain park. *shrug* neway... i was sooo exhausted after a full day'f boarding. i was freezing cold, but we stopped to take some pics by a clothing store called beno's out in big bear. then we walked to a starbucks 4 hot choco. that starbucks really pi$$ed me off cos they wouldn't let ppl in cos'f the fire code capacity restriktion even tho' there was plenty'f standing room, n' it was really freezing outside! i mean... *sigh* i understand that they've gotta stick to the law, but u know what they should've done was to serve drinks outside, take orders outside, or maybe even give out free kid.size cups'f hot choco. i can't believe starbucks offended us 2 days in a row. frickin' corporate coffee! what's worse is that we still go there. *sigh* i mean, if i had my way, we'd never go to starbucks nemore. there's that awesome bumper sticker that reads "friends don't let friends drink starbucks." corporate coffee, corporate coffee, corporate coffee! they used to be kewl... neway, i'll try not to rag on them 2 much cos i guess the reason i don't rag on them more's cos jeanna werks there n' all, rt? neway, it was a rather swift drive to big bear n' back. on the way back, phil n' i chatted 'bout rock radio until he fell asleep. when we got home we had a feast cos kaela's mom cooked us a whole bunch'f fud!
well, i'll continue my update later. i've gotta go to the gym this eve.
ȭ ħ: i haven'y yet finished my holiday recap. i still plan on bloggin'/journalling less this yr. it's sort'f a new yr's resolution, as i've sed b4. i'm eating a sandwich made'f some healthy whole fuds bread w/ peanut butter that is, as the 2day's entry's title suggests, all natural, organic, n' freshly made. i figure this stuff is lower in sodium than typical peanut butter. un4tunately, my laptop's covered w/ ants. it's really gross. cos'f the winter weather, ants have entered our house. they cm to like sumpthin' in our bathrm, but what? h2o? water? there's plenty'f h2o outside, rt? *shrug* i dunno what they want, but they must've walked all over my laptop on their way to the bathrm since my laptop was near the bathrm in our bdrm. >:-( my laptop keybd has lots'f crumbs in it, i s'ppose. i guess they're feeding off those crumbs. it's very gross.
last nite, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i did make a short visit to bally total fitness on hamilton n' meridian. i didn't lift weights cos i was sore from the nite b4 (sun). instead, i spent 30 mins (or 0.5 hr) on the precor type machine that also werks ur arms. u know that 1, rt? neway, i've gone back to my ol' routine'f doing lots'f short sprints instead'f keeping a constant pace w/ somewhat more resistance. i dunno. basikally, i'm trying to steer my cardio werkouts to be more like what they used to be, where i werkout more to increase my endurance, to burn fat, n' to make my body more fit 4 taekwondo, 'specially taekwondo sparring, u know? it's sort'f a new yr's resolution, rt? heh heh. oh yah, btw, my resoultion 'bout bloggin'/journallin' less doesn't just stop there, but i'm resolving to replace to time i waste writing journal entries w/ time spent doing dj/musik stuff. resolutions... last nite, i put in an order @ yesasia. i bought some drama ost (original soundtrack) cds as well as some compilation cds that i can hopefully use @ kaela's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary party. (i'm s'pposed to dj that.)
[later] : am i up 4 continuing my recap'f the end'f 2004 holiday season? *shrug* where did i leave off? hrm, i guess i left off talkin' 'bout dec 26 @ snow summit, rt? well, on dec 27, kaela n' i packed up my green subaru forester n' started on our long journey back home to norcal. b4 hittin' the grapevine, up north'f l.a. proper, we pulled off in la cañada to get some drinks @ some korean.owned smoothie café called java2juice or sumpthin'. i called up jerome cos we were close to glendale. he was already up in norcal. we got stuck on the 5 north 4 a very long time cos some big rig truck went over the side'f the highway, so the caltrans ppl or whoever had blocked off 2 lanes in the grapevine to bring in a crane to pull the truck out'f the ravine. it was a rainy day. they should've just pulled the driver out n' ditched the truck there until the weather got better n' holiday traffic subsided. why didn't they do that?! somewhere along the 5 in the grapevine area, we pulled over @ a gas station to use the bathrm. kaela also bought a quizno's sandwich there. it was raining hard n' was cold outside. while we went into the gas station, i had to leave sooni in the car by herself. usually, we never do this; but, thankfully, she was kewl w/ it this time. *sigh* it was a long drive. i guess now the drive's a bit'f a blur. *shrug* oh yah, this whole trip, i didn't use my car's cd playa cos b4 we left, a cd got stuck in there, so after i managed to pull it out, i've been scared to put 'nother 1 in. i figure if i'm gonna get 'nother disc stuck in there, it'd better be 1 w/ musik i like, in case i end up having to hear it 4 a long time. (also, i guess it'd better be a backup copy not an original, eh?) we finally pulled into our garage sometime in the nite. we knew we'd only stay the 1 short nite in our house b4 taking off 4 mark's snowboard trip in tahoe.
i was very tired, but sometime in the nite, i went to albertsons on el camino real @ lawrence expwy to attempt to buy a di$counted heavenly lift tix n' some snacks 4 ernest who'd be comin' over to take care'f sooni each eve while we were gone. sheesh! i was so frustrated cos the customer service counter where they sell the lift tix was closed. i went home. in the morn, on our way up to sierra@tahoe, kaela n' i stopped @ the same albertsons. apparently, they were totally out'f tix. grrr! they told me to try the location on lawrence expwy @ homestead rd, so i did. grrr! they were out 2! u know... i really hate heavenly neway. well, we made great time on the rd. we stopped by a bk to get some greasy, unhealthy breakfast fud. 'least i got to use a coupon 4 that, so it wasn't as expen$ive or whatever. u know what, sumpthin' really gross happened that morn tho': b4 we left, while i waited 4 kaela to get ready, i took sooni 4 a short walk in the dark (as the sun hadn't yet risen). she pooped on some1's lawn, so i tried to scoop up the poop in a plastic bag, but i couldn't c it in the dark. later, in the car, or... i guess when we went to bk, i realised that the reason the car smelled bad was that i had stepped in sooni's poop n' had carried it w/ me on the bottom'f my snow clogs! argh! it was so nasty!!! the whole time, kaela thought i had been having stomach probs (n' that's why the car smelled bad). :-/ neway, gross story!
well, we went snowboarding @ sierra. it was a snowy day. i had some awesome di$count lift tix thru my werk's corporate di$count program, n' that was kewl. well, the rest'f our grp wanted to get tix tho', so we aktually didn't hit the slopes till after noon. well, since it was snowing, that wasn't a bad idea, n' the good di$count i got thru my werk aktually still made the tic cheaper than a tic, n' it gave us $8'f free fud per tic. we only used 1'f the $8 fud vouchers. we just bought some snacks. we ran into charles k., laura, n' jerome. i tried to arrange to meet up w/ them @ the top'f the boardercross run, but well... that didn't werk out. i went to find them, while the rest'f our grp was @ west bowl. un4tunately, the boardercross run was closed. i quickly went back to west bowl n' just stayed there w/ the grp. i had a coupl'f chances to ride thru the small terrain park. after snowboarding, we drove to the cabin mark reserved 4 us. it was near heavenly in south lake tahoe. it was a very small cabin. he sed it wasn't as nice as last yr's, n' i had to agree. i've aktually rented some really luxurious houses in tahoe b4. when u go w/ a large grp, the co$t can sometimes be pretty good even 4 a luxurious house! i've never really had very good experiences w/ south lake tahoe vacation rentals, only 1s in north tahoe. 2 often, the 1s in south tahoe r all rundown n' icky. well, that nite, we ate dinner @ the caesar's buffet. some ppl gambled, but i totally was not in the mood to gamble during this trip.
on wed, we went to heavenly. man, i had to pay full price 4 kaela's n' my tix. grrr! heavenly sucks. it's sooo overpriced n' sooo not snowboarder.friendly, u know? the terrain sucks. it's skier terrain. snowboarders gotta walk so much in order to get from 1 place to 'nother. grrr! well, it snowed on us, but i had a decent time. boarding on this kind'f snow made me imagine i was surfing. the snow was powdery soft. they closed most'f the terrain park areas cos'f the heavy snow (which makes 4 bad takeoffs), but we rode thru some open parks. i was very happy w/ some'f the runs i had thru the terrain parks. it's really egotistical'f me that i like having my friends watch me do tricks n' stuff. *sigh* it's pretty vain n' all, u know? oh well... *shrug* neway, it was a pretty full day'f riding, i guess. well... we did hafta walk 'lot 2. it was fun to make our way down the face to go home. it's mogully, but i tried to make it down as fast as possible. dennis's a pretty fast downhill boarder, n' he beat me. aktually, i think my biggest fault was my lack'f endurance, as i stopped 4 a coupl'f rests during the moguls. that nite, we went to 'nother buffet to eat: harrah's forest buffet. we ended up there cos ppl figured the american river café downstairs was overpriced. yah, it was. harrah's forest buffet was aktually really good! we were all a li'l impressed w/ the asian fud area there; better than u'd expekt. 'gain some ppl gambled, (@ bill's not caesar's or harrah's), but i still wasn't in the mood to gamble. aktually, i think kaela won like $5 on the slots or sumpthin'. we went back to the cabin n' had some sansachoon n' vodka. ugh, we drank 2 much. it was fun playing some'f the games we played; but ugh, i didn't wanna drink so much. it was hard to get out'f there in the morn.
well, *sigh* the drive home was horrible! we 1st tried to wait in a line to get out'f the city, but ppl needed to use the bathrm, n' mark's borrowed ford expedition needed gas, so we turned 'round n' went back to the city. while there, we found out the 50'd opened up, so after grabbing some sandwiches @ harrah's north beach deli n' some gas, we went back on the 50 n' sat in a long, long line to wait 8 hrs to get on the rd! we just sat there! eventually, kaela whipped out her laptop, n' we put on some dvds. it was kewl to plug the audio in thru the tape deck adapter in my car. however, soon after we started the dvds, the traffik started to move altho' slowly. what did we watch? uh... hrm, uh... i know the 2nd dvd was mean girls. what was the 1st? uhm... oh yah, garden state. i saw more'f garden state than mean girls; but, as the traffik started to move, i didn't really watch either 2 well. i was aktually pretty disappointed w/ garden state, mostly cos some ppl had hyped it up earlier. i hate movies that just talk 'bout drugged up, slutty ppl w/ no morals. it's not that i'm being self.righteous but that whole scene get so frickin' old n' trite. we stopped in placerville to get some dinner @ in.n.out. i shared a 2x2 meal w/ kaela. it felt rather excessive. i told kaela that the burger was very wasted cos there r other times when i eat in.n.out after a wk'f good, healthy eating n' then enjoy this meat n' cheese fest. however, this time, we'd had 2 nites'f b4 prior to this in.n.out dinner, so i didn't savour it as much, u know? well, we got home some time after midnite. i had to let ernest know that we couldn't take him out to dinner cos we'd be home 2 late, u know? i felt bad 'bout that.
hrm, that day we came back was the 30th, so the next day was new yr's eve. how was that? uhm, hrm... lessee... i don't totally 'member, but... uhm, was that the day i accidentally ended up @ las palmas park in sunnyvale? i guess so. on my 1 free weekday in our home neighbourhood during this holiday brk, i wanted to drive sooni to a further away park 4 a nice morn walk. i meant to go to 'nother park but ended up @ las palmas, which has a dog park. that neighbourhood's beautiful, n' i thought to myself 'bout how i sure wouldn't mind moving there someday when we have more $$$ or whatever. some rude doggies in the dog park growled @ sooni thru the fence. we still don't let sooni into dog parks, but i wanted to walk her by the dog park, so that she gets used to the presence'f other doggies. 2 bad they were such not nice doggies. :-/ how come those owners don't find nething wrong w/ their dogs?! u know, sooni doesn't alway start the fights that she gets into w/ other dogs. 4 some reason, she gets picked on 'lot. i dunno if she just has some kind'f offensive odour or what. :-? then i wondered if maybe it's that those other doggies don't like me. maybe they don't like me cos i'm asian? however, later i thought 'bout how most t doggies do like me. so i guess that's not it. it's sad then; sooni just gets discriminated 'gainst by other doggies then, i guess. *sigh* later, i walked by a house that had a jindo puppy. that jindo puppy was aktually very calm n' didn't growl @ sooni. sooni ignored it. that was pleasant. it was a very cute jindo puppy. @ 1st i thought it was a shiba inu, but after looking @ it 4 a long time, i concluded it was a jindo.
later on nye, kaela n' i went shopping. 1st, we went to bed, bath, n' beyond to pick up some leftover christmas stuff n' other junk. then we went to valley fair, mostly cos i needed to exchange some gifts n' find a nice shirt 4 the nye party in sf. oh yah, originally, we were gonna go to the sf dreamscape party, but those plans sort'f got botched. instead, we went to the beyond entertainment party especially since we'd spent the past 3 days in tahoe w/ kingston who werks 4 beyond entertainment. well, just b4 the mall closed, i found a shirt. aktually, since it was a dress shirt (thus i couldn't try it on) i bought 2 (different sizes). kaela bought us a small dinner'f sarku teriyaki chicken. when we got home, the shirt i tried on 1st fit, so i kept that 1 n' figured i'd return the other. well, we had fun @ the beyond entertainment party despite the wet weather. i felt like the party was more mature than other club parties, but then 'gain, there were kids puking in the bathrm n' even on the dancefloor. *roll eyes* the dj totally sucked. it was rich laxamana'f wild 94.9, but i think he let his inexperienced friends fill in 4 him most'f the time or sumpthin'. neway, it was a better nye than most we've had recently.
ok, i'll continue my holiday season update later.
ħ: ick, there r ants all over my laptop keybd 'gain this morn. yuk yuk yuk!!! X-P to say that my 'puter has lots'f bugs'd be a dorky, dorky pun. if u'r a real geek, then u should check out the klingon translation'f the holy bible 4 palm os. that's pretty geeky stuff, eh? man... i hate to say it, but if u aktually use that app, then u must get beat up 4 ur lunch $$$ pretty often, eh? ha ha ha... *shrug* j/k, i guess.
recently, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i discovered a superawesome recent korean drama on kbs: ̾ϴ, Ѵ / mianhada, saranghanda (sorry, i love u). it's a superawesome drama. it aktually starts out in australia, not korea. it's not ur typical k.drama! rather, it's sort'f a mix'f korean tv n' cinema. the charakters rn't so much ur typical k.drama melodramtik types. rather, they're a mix'f koreans n' koreans living in australia that cm more like charakters out'f films such as yellow, etc. well, no... they're more mature than those; maybe more like charakters out'f charlotte sometimes. the cinematography's awesome. it's more like a movie than a tv series. the plot... it borrows from the tradition'f k.dramas, but it also uses more'f the "good guys get skrewed in love" theme that i've gotta admit's common in cinema. (just think 'bout charlotte sometimes.) jason lee oughtta watch this drama if they show it in taiwan since he's totally in the whole cinema scene! this is such a kewl fusion'f asian n' culture. it's awesome!
it's 2005. u know that. i turn 30 this yr, u know. in asian age, i'm already 30, but this yr i turn 30 in euro.amerikan terms. aktually, in certain asian cultures, as of new yr's day, i turned 31, rt? in other asian cultures, i turn 31 on the lunar new yr's day.
[a li'l later] yuk! i don't just have werker ants in my 'puter, but i think i have nurses n' soldiers! yuk! frick, what if i have the queen ant inside?! yuk yuk yuk! [later] instead'f an "intel inside" sticker, i need an "ants inside" sticker!
[later] : i think i got all the "bugs" out'f my 'puter. *shrug* who knows, tho'! there might be a whole bunch more. maybe the queen's living in the cpu. that'd be funny, huh? funny n' gross! u know 'bout the story'f how i 1nce had to eat a burrito full'f ants when i was a kid, rt?
ok, so where did we leave off w/ my trivial holiday recap? (it's better to talk 'bout the recently past holidays than 'bout my having to eat ants when i was a kid.) did i talk 'bout new yr's yet? i believe i haven't. i think i left off talkin' 'bout nye day when i went to las palmas park n' then to valley fair. i also talked 'bout the beyond entertainment party, rt? well, the most important thing was that the dj sucked big time n' i had to walk thru soggy sf soma streets cos'f bad parking. u know, the parking lots in soma rn't s'pposed to have attendants @ nite; it's s'pposed to be free parking. 4 a long time now, ppl've been pulling off scams where they stand @ the parking lot n' collekt $$$. i hadn't cn that scam in a while, but there were guys in official jackets collekting $$$ @ all the parking lots on nye nite, n' every1 (including me) was paying them big bucks 4 parking. i dunno, man. they looked pretty legit, gave me a legit looking parking stub, etc. furthermore, i didn't want to be the poor guy who came back to a car w/ a bashed in windshield just cos he didn't pay the fake or not fake attendant. sure, that's basikally extortion, but every1 was paying those dudes, n' they sure looked pretty legit. *shrug*
new yr's day? we didn't wake up till pretty late even tho' we aktually didn't party that late. i drove really slowly home the previous nite cos i knew there'd be lots'f cops n' drunk drivers on 101 (aka "the 101"). what did we do on new yr's day? hrm... oh yah, i 4got to mention a couple'f things: on new yr's eve we had to use up a coupl'f good coupons that expired that day. 1 was a coupon 4 free florida's naturla 꽺 oreinji jyooseu , n' the other was a big coupon 4 a small bag'f science diet doggy fud. they were a coupl'f really good coupons. ok, on new yr's day? *shrug* hrm, i think the weather was still kind'f bad. it's been a very cold winter here in the bay area. precipitations come n' gone n' come back 'gain. 4 a while, 'twas just cold n' dry. there've been periods'f cold air w/ precipitation, n' rt now's 1'f those times. i'm hoping that on sat i can take sooni up to mt. ham (mt. hamilton) to play in some nearby, sobay snow (since i won't drive her all the way to tahoe to play in the snow; since, if i were to drive all the way to tahoe, i'd snowboard!). ok, back to my recount!!! uh... what did we do on new yr's day? hrm, i think we did some $hopping. i know we went to valley fair so that i could return the extra shirt that i bought. what else? uhm, hrm... i 4get; but i feel i spent 'lot'f time looking @ stuff i wasn't all that interested in. hrm... well, i think it was on sat that we went to 5 paw bakery, bought sooni some cheap doggy snacks @ this ritzy boutique, n' found out that we're 'llowed to bring sooni into valley fair mall if it's just to this store n' we use the nearest entrance. that's kewl. well, 4 dinner that nite, we went to κ myuhngdong soondubujip, n' at α mandoogook as our korean style solar new yr's dinner. (later we found out that ben n' ernest went to the same restaurant rt after we left!) we went home n' watched korean tv. nething else? i 4get. does that sound like a rather uneventful new yr's day? well, i 'member a yr 'go, kaela made her own ground turkey mandoo 4 totally homemade α mandoogook. well, i s'ppose it's sort'f a lie to say it was "totally homemade" cos we bought the skins. neway, we didn't do that this yr. in a way, i sort'f wished we could've hosted my family 4 a new yr's meal, but man! after putting on the big dinner w/o knowing that my sista's family'd be out'f town really drained us 4 a while, u know?
sun the 2nd? uh, we went to church @ grx. b4 the holiday brk, i gave pastor dave our membership application; so in case u haven't already started to do so, u might as well assume we go to church @ grx every sun morn. we went to church. pastor dave gave a msg 'bout living beyond ourselves n' emphasized the current disaster in south asia. i like being @ a church where ppl do think beyond themselves. honestly, it frustrates me to c churches full'f ppl who don't think 'bout helping those less 4tunate than them but rather waste their time discussing whether it some dude'll lose his salvation cos he didn't rebuke his friend 4 going out n' watching a movie that involved homosexuals. *roll eyes* i mean, of course that's an extreme example, but maybe u understand what i mean by that. well, i like our church. after the service, we hurried over to have kaela meet w/ her real estate client. then we killed some time @ big lots! n' albertsons b4 returning to church to help w/ cleanup as it was our t3s ("it takes 3 - south") couples small grp's turn to clean up. kaela n' i started off by collekting the numerous "a.frame" signs out on the sidewalks on in the parking lots. it was rainy outside, so that complicated the task. later, we found other t3s members n' we continued cleaning. we went to lunch w/ a bunch'f our t3s friends, which was très kewl since we haven't hung out w/ them in a long while, n' i don't want them to think i'm not making an effort to hang w/ them, cos i do want to. we ate pho @ pho hoa on el camino real @ flora vista. after that? uhm, hrm... what did we do? *shrug* uh... heh... oh yah! i think we went to kaela's office 4 a while, where i just sort'f killed time. later, we went to the gym. it was good to werkout. it was hard to get out'f the house cos the house was so cold. i should prob'ly turn down the h2o heater a li'l cos i think it's cranked up just a tad 2 hi. instead, i can use gas to let the furnace run just a teency.weency tad bit more, rt? *shrug* u c, when we went to socal, i turned the h2o heater down to "vacation" mode. when we got back, i guess i cranked it up a bit hi. it's nice to have lots'f hot h2o, but i'm no mr. money bags, u know?
mon, i went back to werk. during lunch, i went w/ my cowerkers to sneha indian buffet, as i sed b4. as i sed b4, kaela joined us. i was stuffed. we did go to the gym on mon nite luckily.
on tues, i ate a lunch from my company cafeteria. 'round here, we don't say "cafeteria," but "café." i ate this mediocre, overpri¢ed teriyaki beef bowl. it was edible but nuthin' 2 special. in the eve, we went to taekwondo praktice n' kicked paddles. afterwards, we took ernest to dinner @ seoul gomtang.
i think ̾ϴ, Ѵ / mianhada, saranghanda airs on kbs on mon n' tues eves w/ subtitles, taking the place'f ! ʽ / oh! pilseung bong soonyoung. i still need to watch the end'f that miniseries online! korean dramas do rock, u know. korean tv's so much better than amerikan tv cos amerikan tv's such trash these days, even the s'pposedly good stuff, the critically acclaimed stuff. sure, some'f it's interesting n' somewhat decently written @ best; but so much'f it is just smutty trash, n' that really angers me, u know that? it's not that i expekt to watch that pleasantville tv show, but i'm pretty pi$$ed @ how we're expekted just to be forcefed this smutty trash. u've got those politikkkally conservative so.called "relgious" right types saying that society's become so sinful. me, i'm a politically progressive guy, but i have morals n' don't like how (amerikkkan) tv's become so trashy, etc.
[later] : u know what sort'f sucks? after $pending $ooo much $$$ lately cos'f the holiday n' snowboarding season, i still want to buy a few things. gadgetlust... :-/ it's awful, huh? the 2 main things (i think) r: 1) an external usb2/ieee.1394 dvd+/-rw drive n' 2) an sd card 4 my superkewl palmone tungsten t5. in the midst'f thinking 'bout the recent disaster in south asia, i s'ppose these objekts'f gadgetlust cm even more foolish than they already do, eh? i did manage to fight off gadgetlust n' stick to my autumn resolution not to buy a new pda/handheld until after christmas. that's true.
[later] this paragraph may sound like a continuation'f my gadgetlust discussion, but it's not. i'm picking out rental gear 4 kaela's grandparents' 65th wedding annverisary party. i've gotta rent down in socal, so i guess i'll pick up a numark cdmix2 system from slj pro audio 4 $40 even tho' slj's all the way out in rancho cucamonga. well, the cdmix2's not as nice, imho, as the pioneer cdj500-ii system i've got 4 myself, but it'll do. i started reminiscing 'bout my ol' days djing in hi skool n' wondered what the name'f the store i rented pro audio gear from in san jo was called. @ 1st i thought it was proformance; but no, that was the store i rented from in emeryville 4 all those ivcf (invervarsity christian fellowship) parties in berkeley, all those weddings, n' that 1 huge lesbian/gay party i was hired to dj. (to this date, that queer party was 1'f the biggest events i've djed, if not the biggest.) well, i finally figured out that the store i used to rent from in hi skool was "dynamic sound n' lighting" on 2nd st. i went to their webpage. there, i saw an ad 4 the pioneer dvj.x1. dude, that's such a "wtf" item! in recent yrs, i've wanted to upgrade my pioneer cdj500-iis to cdj1000s, which can scratch... but man! this pioneer dvj.x1?! it mixes w/ dvds!!!! wtf?! u can mix video as well as audio. now, get this... this co$t? it lists @ $3999, but dynamic'll sell it to u @ $3299, they say. :-o dude! who can afford that stuff?! no way! already the pioneer cdj1000s have a hefty price tag @ ~$1300+ each! crazy, huh? when i bought my cdj500.iis way back in uh... 1997 or so... i got them 4 hrm... sumpthin' like $600 a piece, while they were retailing @ $800 a piece. i had a hookup thru nelson back then. now? *shrug* dude... i'd love to dj w/ all this new stuff. digital.based djing has really come a long way. on snl (saturday nite live) last wk, i watched a rapper per4m, n' his dj was using pioneer cdj1000s to dj... dude, 4get 'bout vinyl! i don't care how s'pposedly "cool" it all looks... as of now, vinyl's officially just 4 poseur djs that wanna look kewl. dang, check out all the good digital djing equipment they've got out now! yah, seriously, these days u'r cing 'lot more pioneer cd turntables. @ that beyond entertainment party, they had cd turntables as well as vinyl. i mean... yah, that dj sucked, but the dj who sucked was the 1 using the vinyl. i know cos i heard the pitch adjust.
[later] onto / on to 'nother topik: have u ever noticed on (dave kim's journal) that "the vault" sektion w/ links to interesting websites? it's pretty kewl. i read his recent vault entries, n' they're kewl.
ħ: uhm, i s'ppose here's some bad news 4 u (bad way to start the day, i know): "US Jobless Claims Surge, Retailers Mixed" (source y! news bizness reuters). *sigh* (obviously, we should all blame bush. this morn, michael moore was on nbc's today show. now, there's a man who knows what he's talkin' 'bout!) i know i've $pent 'lot'f $$$ recently. ain't that helping the e¢onomy?
i'd like to bring sooni up to mt. ham(ilton) to play in the snow, but from what i'm cing on the hamcam, there's no snow! :-( it's gonna rain in the silly valley soon. a big storm's s'pposedly coming. will there then be snow on mt. ham?
[later] last nite or this morn (i kind'f 4get when.), when i was browsing thru my old entries (i think it was early this morn.), i realised that 2002 was a particularly exciting yr. well... aktually, i just kind'f think that was 1 yr where my journal was maybe better written than other yrs 4 some reason. *shrug* i dunno why i think that. it was an exciting yr tho'. 2003 was also an exciting yr cos'f our wedding of course. this yr? well, if u read the "epilogue" for 2004 that i just wrote but haven't yet posted as of this moment, i guess the biggest event'f 2004 was acquiring sooni. well... [after a short brk] i don't mean to say that acquisition'f a doggy overshadows important life events such as baptism or graduation from grad skool. however, whether ne1 likes it or not, i've gotta say that sooni's coming into our life has changed my daily routine more than either'f those things, rt? :-/ i'm not necessarily proud'f that or nething. well, lemme tell u 'bout the baptism thing: i've aktually been a believing, prakticing christian since i was a sophomore in hi skool, which was back in 1990/1991, rt? i'd already experienced a spiritual baptism, so this water baptism was a physical representation'f sumpthin' that had happened in my heart long 'go. still, it was very important, so let's not 4get its importance! graduation from grad skool... going to grad skool n' finishing has "realigned" my career. really, i think i'd still have found a good job w/o going to grad skool; but my masters degree maybe does open up to me more options. i think it's safe to say that i wouldn't have the job i have now if i didn't go to n' finish grad skool.
do ne'f u subscribe to, the internet muzik service? i heard it was the best place to dl muzik on the internet, but it does involve a $9.95/month ro $24.95/quarter subscription fee in addition to the 79¢/track dl fee. :-/ otherwise, have ne'f u ever bought dled muzik on the internet? :-? (that should be a gbook question.) plz sign my gbook. i wanna change the questions asap!
i wonder if the beautiful kaela hwang'll resume reading my journal. will she ever? cos'f her skoolwerk last 0.25, she stopped reading my journal, n' that made me kind'f sad, i guess. i did resolve to write less in my journal this yr, n' i'm not doing all that great'f a job w/ that resolution. :-/ i want to replace time spent on writing in this silly journal w/ time spent werking on dj n' muzik stuff.
[a wee bit later] aktually, @ this pt, why don't i cut n' paste my top events'f 2004 list from the epilogue to here:
[later] : just now, i was checking n' could not find newhere in the world w/ ski/board resorts w/ more base than in tahoe. is that true?! we surely r blessed/4tunate to live in the bay area, so close to tahoe!
[later] : didju know that ȿ lee hyori's gonna be in an sbs drama called ũι / sei ip clover (3.leaf clover)? yah, i guess i read some kind'f rumour that she'd soon be in a drama, but i didn't know 4 sure or when, etc. i guess it'll come out soon.
ݿ ħ: r u yet used to writing/typing "2005" or u still doing "2004"? i'm still messing up. it's already the 7th now, eh? 2 days 'go, the date was 05.01.05, eh? i often notice n' pt out those things, but i failed to pt it out earlier even tho' i noticed it.
rt now, while rippin' my new set'f now that's what i call music! cds, i 'membered that the rapper i saw on snl while on mark's tahoe trip, the rapper w/ the dj who used pioneer cdj1000s n' not vinyl turntables, was j-kwon. dude! what's w/ these _ rappers who have fake asian names?! i think that's aktually pretty wacked.
[later] : Ƹٿ ij̶ Ȳ Ծ. i ate lunch w/ the beautiful kaela hwang. we ate @ û chuhnggiwa (blue stones). i ordered the 뱸 ſ daegoo maeoontang lunch special, n' kaela ordered the ߱ dalkgooi baekban lunch special. man, lunch was very good n' not 2 pricey! :-) that's great! it's a rainy day.
[later] here r a coupl'f y! news articles i read this morn:
when i googled up some lyrics to bowling for soup's "1985," i think i found sumpthin' interesting. isn't "whitesnake" 1 wurd n' not 2 wurds (white snake)? isn't motley crue spelled "crue" not "crew"? if i'm rt, then the young kids r that posted these lyrics up on the internet must not've lived thru the 1980s, eh? ha ha ha. back to the future; what can u tell me 'bout this muzik grp d12 n' eminem?
oh yah, i was talkin' 'bout those 2 y! news article! upes, i totally got off track. well... 'bout the uk christians' being upset 'bout the jerry springer musical; *shrug* yah, i'm always furious 'bout how trashy amerikkkan tv is; but *shrug* i'm still not necessarily in support'f censorship. it's interesting to hear 'bout christians in the uk making this stink cos ppl always say that europeans rn't like amerikkkans cos they don't do stuff like that; but then 'gain the uk's diff from continental europe, rt?
k, moving on to that fast fud article: yah, i understand. amerikan fast fud is aktually relatively upscale cuisine in asia. if u wanna eat cheap, u'll eat street vendor fud. amerikan style fast fud's a treat, n' yah... i can imagine that rich kids in asia'd gobble that $#!+ up more than poor kids in asia, yah. isn't that funny, tho? in amerikkka, it's the poor that gobble that $#!+ up more than the rich. isn't that so weird to think 'bout? in 'merika fast fud's the poision that genocides those who don't have so much $$$, but it's diff elsewhere.
what's been up? i don't want just to talk 'bout nasty sociopolitiks all day, rt? well, last nite, i skipped taekwondo sparring praktice, as i figured this was the last free thurs nite kaela'd have 4 a long time, so i needed to spend it w/ her. i'd hoped to go the gym w/ her, but she didn't want to. instead, while she cooked us some pasta, i took sooni out 4 a decently lengthed jog out to el camino real over to that flora vista area n' back home. i dressed warmly. sooni was tired by the end'f our jog. i need more exercise! [later] so last nite, kaela n' i stayed home, ate pasta, n' watched tv. :-/ it was good pasta, but i hope this wasn't a waste'f her last free weeknite 4 a long time, rt? i dunno, man. i sure would've loved to take her out 4 dinner, but man... i've really $pent 'lot'f $$$ lately, so i can't always be going out, u know? i've gotta watch my $pending, no doubt.
the nite b4, on wed nite, i also didn't go to the gym even tho' i originally thought i would've. instead, kaela n' i stayed. that nite, kaela cooked some good ¥ jjajangmyuhn, while i cleaned up the house. it takes quite a long time to clean up our house. of course, i didn't finish cleaning it, but i hope i made 'least a small dent. hrm, wait; there was 1 day this wk where when i came home my mom was over. *shrug* was that last nite? i think it was last nite, but i 4get.
u know, mark n' grace commented while we were on the snowtrip that kaela n' i r the most aktive married couple that they know. hrm, u think? yah, we're trying hard not to get 2 old 2 fast, u know? we want to do the fun things that young ppl do. we try to be youthful. i turn 30 this yr. i don't expekt to have kids this yr or the next or even the next. my wife's in skool, u know? hrm, some ppl've told us to enjoy our young married life w/o kids. *shrug* yah, i wish we could travel more, but 1) i don't necessarily have the funds, 2) i don't necessarily have the time off from werk, n' 3) kaela doesn't have the time off from skool. as i think i've sed b4, since we already live in such a paradise, travelling isn't necessarily the very top thing on my list'f things to do. i do wonder what we should name our kids when we have 'em. *shrug* i've gotta make sure i floss often. kaela n' i r married but constantly surrounded by young, unmarried ppl. i dunno; i guess we're pretty social ppl. maybe we can do more aktivities w/ other married couples? *shrug* well, 2nite we're gonna have dinner w/ others in our t3s couples bible study grp. we have lots'f single friends cos'f taekwondo, cos'f my program @ werk, cos'f kaela's skool... maybe i haven'y really mentioned this b4, but lately i've noticed that as i get older i'm having less tolerance 4 younger ppl who don't give me props (proper respekt) in a way. it's def'ly an asian thing, u know? i mean, like in asian culture, u always give good respekt to ppl older than u, unless u've got beef w/ 'em, etc. i'd like to say that i try to be humble more often than not (don't know if that's true or not), but lately, yah... i get more'f that feeling that i don't need to put up w/ younger ppl who don't recognise that i've got quite a bit'f experience under my belt, etc. *shrug* in the end, it's all a bad thing as no1 should be proud'f himself/herself in such a fashion, but *shrug* well, i'll sort this issue out.
ħ: i sed i'd blog/journal less this yr, so i ought to stick to that resolution even tho' it's a bad resolution cos it's not very measurable, quantitative, finite, etc. :-/ i need to do a weekend recap tho' since i did manage not to blog/journal during the wknd, rt? heh... *sigh*
[later] i just saw on ernest's site the men's fitness list of fittest n' fattest cities in the u.s.: "seattle the fittest, houston the fattest." on the list'f fittest, sf's #4 but dropped 2 from #2. :-/ colorado springs's #3, but i don't think that's fair @ all cos otc (olympik training center)'s there. that's totally unfair. i bet that besides the olympik athletes, ppl aktually rn't very fit. that's my guess. it's nice that no cali cities made the top 10 fattest cities list. sacrafento's #7 up from #10. really? i wonder if the silly valley counts as sf or what. these nat'l publikations sometimes tend to lump all'f the bay area into 1 category as "sf." *shrug* i'd like to be known as living in a fit area, rt? i saw taht las vegas is #9 on the fattest list, n' i'd totally believe it cos i totally believe las vegas is just a totally sinful place, n' yah... i'd believe there's lots'f gluttony n' sloth there. aktually, i guess the truth is that las vegas's l.a.'s playground, so lots'f fit l.a. ppl must hang out there... but then live there? well, there might be some l.a. transplants that werk there as chefs n' uh... dancers, etc... but i'm sure most locals r just more typical nevadans as opposed to californians. i notice that many texas cities made the list'f fattest cities. i'm not surprised.
this morn, i had 1'f those tuff morns; 1'f those manic mondays, u know? well, kaela n' i woke up a li'l late, n' while kaela got ready 4 skool, i just slept in just a li'l more, which really isn't good cos i also needed to get ready. i wanted to jog w/ sooni, so i got dressed 4 it. then i 'membered that i need to go to the santa clara city hall or civic center to go drop off our utility bill cos it was due 2day. ugh, i undressed n' got dressed in normal werk clothes. i took sooni w/ me to the utility office, where i dropped off the payment. then i went back home, dropped off sooni n' went to werk. it was just a frustrating day cos i was running behind n' had to fight traffik, etc. when i got to werk, i had to squeeze into a parking spot next to a stoopid dodge durango that parked beyond its parking space boundaries. i hate that. i always c this stoopid ford f250 truck that takes up a space n' a half, n' that pi$$es me off.
2day, my cowerkers r going to ݺȲ geumbonghwang / china china 4 lunch cos it's some1's i recommended that restaurant. i hope ppl like it.
[later] : so yah, we went to ݺȲ / geumbonghwang / china china 4 lunch n' had buffet. cos i'd 4gotten to get ca$h b4 lunch, i had to card it n' collekt ca$h. of course, i overate, n' that sucks. oh yah, 1'f my cowerkers stephanie got engaged this past sat. i was the 1st @ the table to notice the rock n' blurt out, "hey! u'r getting married! u got engaged!" heh heh, some1 always has'ta be that person, n' i got to be it 2day! :-) 4 kaela's n' my engagement, the person was ting. heh heh... stephanie commented that it was more likely that a married person'd notice the ring, that all those young, single guys were so oblivious. yah, some young, single guys still don't know by their late 20s that a ring on the left ring finger means that a person's married or engaged. *shakes head*
neway, since i ate so much @ lunch, i'd like to go to the gym this eve, but i'm worried i won't have time. since i didn't go home 4 lunch to c sooni (i thought i would), i prob'ly should spend some time w/ her sometime 2day. *shrug* i know i can always jog w/ her, but sometimes cardiowerk on the precor's easier than jogging. *sigh*
[later] : bizzy life, lemme tell u... *sigh* well, this past sat, we watched the aviator. what other good movies r out? it looks like finding neverland got good reviews from critics n' audiences. i wouldn't mind watching that. i was hoping that meet the fockers'd be good, but i'm reading that it isn't very good. :-/
ȭ ħ: ũ ؿ. i'm using the diotek software on my palmone tungsten t5. 'member? i used to use hantip.
[later] 1122p: last nite, my sista grace n' my steve (or am i s'pposed to say "her husband" that's not obvious/given?) gave birth to our 2nd nephew, nolan. (that's his name, rt? i heard it rt, rt?) nolan came out ~930p yesterday. now mason has a baby bro. i hope he's kewl wit' dat / wid dat. the beautiful kaela hwang n' i haven't yet had a chance to c'em yet.
2nite, we went to i taekwondo praktice. afterwards, we got warm taro ball drinks from fantasia n' went home to eat some steamed mandoo. a while 'go, our dish netwerk went out, but ken told me 2nite to try unplugging it n' plugging it (the receiver) back in. that fixed it. i had been thinkin'f trying that.
1156p: immature beno: just now i read a bible verse on my palm os bible reader litv (literal international translation version or sumpthin') n' couldn't help but chuckle: "and abraham started up early in the morning and saddled his ass..." (genesis 22:3) immature beno... personally, i prefer the niv (new international vesion).
ħ: a couple'f accessories that maybe we should get 4 the beautiful kaela hwang n' her motorla v710 videofon:
how r u this morning. seriously, u should sign my gbook b4 i change the questions. the questions r old, from b4 christmas. i've really gotta change'em.[a li'l bit later] last nite, while diggin' thru ol' cds in my huge collektion, i found the ol' cure "hello i love you" doors cover track. that's a good 1.
yesterday morn, i saw a pretty ridiculous opening to the nbc today show. 4 a long time, they kept showing senseless footage regarding the flooding in socal. 1st, they showed a whole bunch'f amateur camcorder footage from some mom running 'round, screaming. the footage showed absolutely nothing. sure, u could c a cloudy sky n' some mud from the 1st person pt'f view, but i really didn't know what else i was cing. it was very much like the blair witch projekt!!! what the heck were they thinking when they aired that footage?! later, they sed that they mutha n' child survived the flooding n' mudslide, but huh? what was that footage?! then they also showed tons'f footage'f this dude dr. bill mccree being pulled out'f a flooded river after his car w/ kids fell in. the ridiculous thing was that dr. mccree was wearing some elastic waistband pants, so his pants fell off in the strong current. thus, they had to blur out his crotch n' buttcrack the whole time. whuh?! why did they hafta show so much footage'f that?! dude! what was that 'bout?! then after they showed all this footage, they cut to dubyah's apptmnt'f the new sekretary'f homeland sekurity, but they cut in late! thus, they aktually pre.empted this important nat'l gov't event in order to show me a bunch'f cr@ppy blair witchesque video clips n' blurred out images'f this dude's crotch n' buttcrack?!?! neway, what the heck does "sekretary'f homeland sekurity" mean? why the heck do we have this term "homeland"? why can't we just say "domestik" or "nat'l" sekurity like normal, sane ppl?! neway, this term "homeland" isn't quite as bad as the term "heartland," as in "amerikkka's heartland." where is amerikkka's "heartland"?! if u ask me, it's rt here in the muthaf@ckin' bay area.
[later] ah, so the disco stu song that i've been lookin' 4 is andrea true connection's "more more more (how do you like it?)."
1015p: there's an old cure song called "10:15 saturday night." rt now, it's 10:15 monday night, aka "1015p mon nite," etc. *sigh* well, it's been a lon gtime since i updated (relatively). i did resolve as a new yr's resolution to write less in my journal entries, rt? however, i didn't resolve to update less frequently, u know? *sigh* i've been very bizzy n', un4tunately, very stressed lately, very. :-( i can't really say that 'lot'f been going my way lately. i can't really say everything's been comin' up beno lately, no. however, @ the same time, i need to count my blessings n' be thankful.
[later] 1050p: well, hrm, what's been going on? uh, hrm... on wed nite, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i went to good sam hospital to c my sista grace, her husband steve, our nephew mason, my mom, n' our new nephew nolan. on the way, kaela n' i got a large sandwich @ quizno's. what kind'f sandwich? hrm, i 4get; some kind'f chicken sandwich. i asked 4 it on ciabatta bread n' they charge a whoppin' 39¢ extra. *sigh* we also got a large pink lemonade. neway, we went to the hospital. mason was very hyper, n' i was glad to have a chance to help out by sort'f watching mason while other ppl took care'f other things. mason was very hyper, n' i coudn't quite keep up w/ him. man, if only u could put kids on leashes... neway, i wanna make sure mason doesn't feel left out, now that he has a baby brutha, u know?
on thurs, kaela n' i went over to youmi n' david's beautiful apt. where youmi cooked us a really nice dinner, featuring a paella. youmi's friend tae.eun was also there. youmi n' david r heading off 4 a long bizness stay in beijing pretty soon. we do miss going to church w/ them since we changed churches.
well, recently, i've been extremely stressed 'bout werk, n' i've also had to take care'f kaela's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary party's muzik. i djed the big party in the torrance marriott. i spent 'lot'f time prepapring 4 the event, but ppl won't ever know how much time i spent preparing 4 it. i got lots'f new muzik lined up, but in the end, the older relatives had their say, n' i had to go back to play old muzik instead. :-/ well, on fri, after a long, long, long day'f werk, i had to rush home n' hastily pack. ernest was nice n' gave us a ride to the aeroport. mark took the same flight as us. u wanna know sort'f a sekret? if u fly swa, u can online. it was kewl cos kaela n' i had the #1 n' #2 boarding passes. still, it was a very stressful fri eve(ning). while packing, i ordered us a medium joliet jake vegan pizza from pizz'a chicago. that's an awesome pizza place. we purposely ordered a medium instead'f a small so that dukkyung could eat some leftovers when he came to take care'f sooni n' our house. well, it was a quick flight, n' it was kewl to fly w/ mark. mark had a bunch'f southwest aerolines drink coupons, so we each had a cocktail... or, in kaela's, case wine. mark n' i noticed that the cocktails were pretty strong.   i had a crown n' diet coke. well, when kaela n' i got to kaela's parents' house, i stayed up really, really late to take care'f dj stuff. i woke up @ a decent hr to continue doing that stuff, so i just plain didn't sleep much. in the early afternoon, kaela n' i went out to slj pro audio in rancho cucamonga near the ontario aeroport n' picked up the numark cdmix2 setup that i reserved to rent. luckily, it wasn't 2 expen$ive, just $40, but the setup surely isn't as nice as my own equipment. i had originally planned to get to the party a li'l early to get setup properly, but we ran a bit late. it wasn't 2 bad. 'least no1 was mad @ us or nething. in fakt, in reality, i guess we really weren't that late, since aunt karen, who was planning the whole event, aktually hadn't opened the doors to the guests yet, so that was fine. it was a really big, big party. in a way, i wish that my family would have such kewl parties, but *shrug* oh well. neway, it was a kewl party. jeanna put 2gether a good dvd slideshow 'bout the kang family. i felt very honored to be so included. wow, who knew that marrying the 1st daughter'f "the 1st son'f the 1st son'f the..." could have such benefits? heh heh... really, i appreciate being so welcomed @ their gatherings. well, there were a coupl'f weird incidents 4 me that nite. 1st off, a great uncle (kaela's grandpa's brutha?) got all pi$$ed off @ us cos kaela's parents didn't have us do "λ insa" (bow) to him when we did that 4 others in his vicinity. yah, i 4get that, altho' i really do enjoy that asian, particularly korean culture, observes the whole "respekt w/ age" rule, i sometimes've 4gotten that some ppl abuse that kind'f system n' choose to be really jerks, etc. *shrug* some ppl just gotta be nasty, i guess. also, i had this weird thing going w/ kaela's uncle who kept asking me to play ac/dc. luckily, i had 1 ac/dc track ("you shook me all night long," which i admit isn't a bad party track based upon my past experiences), but ppl around me noticed that he was pretty uh... ruff in the way he kept asking 4 those tracks. *sigh* neway, i told my that i just had to kind'f grin n' bare it n' roll wit' it cos he's family, u know? neway... it was a pretty exhausting nite. kaela's relatives had been given a complimentary room 4 the nite 4 renting such a nice ballroom. originally, it was 4 kaela's grandparents, but they wanted us 2 to stay there instead. well, since we had to fly out'f ontario the next morning, we couldn't do that n' instead gave it to kaela's aunt, uncle, n' nephew. we went home. @ 1st kaela drove but she sed she was falling asleep, so i had to drive. there were lots'f accidents on the rd n' traffik was really bad. *sigh*
well, sun? we just sort'f packed up our stuff, i guess. luckily, the nite b4, i managed to check us into our flight despite the fakt i was dead tired. we had boarding passes #3 n' #4. *sigh* we flew back to san jo. ernest picked us up. it was nice weather this past wknd, both in socal n' san jo. un4tunately, i had to go to werk. :-( well, when i came home, kaela had cooked some spam curry. that was nice. didju watch the golden globe awards? *shrug* i guess i watched some'f it, but i'm really not all that into hollywood, etc. *shrug* i stayed up really late werking.
2day, i had a very i'm thankful 4 what i have, but some things just haven't really been going my way, as i sed. *sigh* i'm @ the end'f my "rotation" program; so, now that i've done some interviews, i've gotta pick a "permanent" placement position. in doing so, i've gotta make big decisions. do i take a job w/ more risks but more excitement? a more "run'f the mill" job? a position that has great opportunities 4 expanding n' advancing my career but involves significant travel? *sigh* i think i've decided 'gainst the travel thing. i've always been a big opponent'f that. i believe in having a good marriage n' good family, n' i personally don't think heavy bizness travel's the best 4 that, 'least not 4 me. *sigh* dunno, man... i've got some heavy choice 'head. i've felt some discouragement here n' there, but i dunno... :-/
i really wanted to go to the gym after werk 2day, but when i came home, i just felt depressed n' all. instead, i just sat n' watched tv. when kaela came home from showing houses to betty n' toby, she almost immediately fell asleep on the couch. i ate the last slice'f leftover pizza. on the bright side, i got to c a coupl'f awesome korean dramas 2nite: 1) kbs's ̾ϴ Ѵ / mianhada saranghanda n' 2) sbs's 丮 Ϲ / love story in harvard. i really wish i could've gone to the gym tho'. *sigh* later, when the good korean dramas were over, kaela switched to nbc, n' i was, as always, reminded how smutty amerikan tv is. i hate that. sure, u could say it's reality, but it's not... it's smuttier than real life. just think, in korea, movies have more sex than tv. in amerika, i'm pretty sure tv has more sex than movies. i don't think it was necessarily so in the past. really, lately, amerikan tv's gotten sooo smutty, if u ask me; but most likely u don't ask me n' don't wanna hear what i've got to say 'bout this n' all. whatever...
neway, as i've sed, i've got 'lot'f these days, but i s'ppose i should just pray 'bout this stuff. u know... recently, i was talkin' bout how pastor dave gave a sermon 'bout turning weaknesses into things u can use 4 the lord. well, u know what? the way i was moved to think was this: my "weakness" is how i have this totally opposite sociopolitical viewpt than so many christians in amerika w/ the popularity'f the whole "religious rt" thing. well, if i were to let it remain a "weakness" i'd continue down a path'f just being negative 'bout the whole rift n' division n' that whole schpiel etc... but instead, i should consider my ability to relate to ppl w/ sociopolitical philosophies 'long my lines as a gift or whatever. well, i'll meditate on that thought a bit more when i can. @ the same time, i guess i have other things to pray 'bout such as all these decisions @, etc.
ȭ /: how r u? *sigh* i'm still a bit depressed n' down in the dumps. i could really use some good news, u know? i'm having some hard times, as i sed b4. it's beautiful weather outisde now in cali4nia. i wish i could enjoy the beautiful weather, but i'm admittedly rather stressed. :-( i don't want to think that i'm having a bad luck yr or nething cos luck is simply ur perception'f life. :-/ i wouldn't mind hearing some good news.
2day, my car stereo stopped werking. 4 a long time now, i've been having probs w/ the cd player, in that it would skip 'lot. now the stereo doesn't put out ne sound: no cd, no radio, no tape (i think). *sigh* what to do? i mean, it's not the end'f the world, but it sucks not to have muzik on long trips. when we go to tahoe on fri w/ my cowerkers, i might need to bring a boombox or sumpthin', huh? *shrug*
2day, during lunch, i came home n' ate the rest'f the spam curry. we didn't have ne steamed rice, so u know what i did? i boiled some 쵿/oodong/udon noodles n' threw 'em into the rest'f the curry. it was pretty good.
[later] 1132p: i got the good news i was waiting 4. :-) i have a "permanent" placement position @ my werk now. that's good. i got a foncall while i was on my way to costco to buy some bottled h2o. i ended up buying some other things. 2nite, we went to taekwondo praktice. it was nice.
ݿ ħ: i haven't updated in a while; n' sorry, but it sort'f feels good! i've been living life instead'f just writing 'bout it.
ħ: *sigh* i lost my cellfon yesterday @ kirkwood (snowboarding). i guess it flew out'f my unzipped pocket while i was jumping or sumpthin'. :-( *sigh* i've had "bad luck" w/ my car stereo n' my cellfon so far this yr. 'member? back in 1999 i had "bad luck" w/ my car. then, in 2000, i had "bad luck" w/ my cellfon. well... :-/ let's not talk 'bout this thing called "bad luck." there's no such thing as luck, it's just ur perception'f life, whether u choose to focus on the good things or the bad things.
from: beno hwang dear friends and family:
this past weekend, i lost my cell phone in tahoe. unfortunately, the people who picked it up used the phone to make some harrassing phone calls to some people in my phonebook. if you received any suspicious calls, e-mails, text message, or internet instant messages from a person claiming to be me or a friend of mine, please beware. i have already disabled the old phone and have moved my phone number to a new phone. on my new phone, i'm looking into activating additional security features to prevent this from happening in the future. i apologize for any inconvenience or annoyance i have allowed through this incident. please let others know about this incident in case they were also affected.
to: friends n' family
subject: stolen phone - crank calls
this wknd was the snowtrip 4 my company program werkgroup. it was very fun. on fri, during lunch, we got to meet our ceo, n' that was kewl. we had a short, li'l "party" 4 our "graduation" from the 6.month program. i was voted the person "who most resembles his/her pet." that's only cos so many ppl've met sooni, n' i don't think they've met ne other pets. i mean, i guess not many others have pets. we drove up to our tahoe cabin fri eve. my car stopped @ a subway in a gas station in tracy (or stockton?) 4 dinner. we were the last the get to the cabin, but we also stopped by safeway in south lake tahoe b4 getting there.
on sat, we snowboarded @ sierra@tahoe. it was a nice day, n' i had this uh... "glorious" incident. seriously... i was ready 4 this run thru the small terrain park, n' this dude cuts in n' was 'bout to "snake" my box. (to snake is to steal some1's ride... in other wurds, i was 'bout the ride the box, but he cut in n' was gonna steal it.) (a box is a wide rail 4 railslides or boardslides. it's a freestyle terrain park feature. the trickiness'f these things is that u need to stay on the box or rail while these features don't let u steer while u'r on them. they're usually a bit elevated off the ground.) neway, i yell out, "hey, man! r u stealing my box?" no reply. "ok, i'm gonna ride it w/ u!" he got on, n' i jumped right on, while he was still on it. he wasn't going fast 'nuff, so i was 'bout to crash into him. that made me fall on my stomach on the box, n' then i fell onto my face as i got off the box. he asked if i was ok, n' i sed yes. i felt blood coming out'f my nostril, but i continued my run and rode a bent box n' had some kind'f stalefish or sumpthin' off a small jump. all this, while blood was dripping into my mouth. the beautiful kaela hwang was freaked by my bloody smile, but eh! i told her, when we were kids, we used to get bloody noses, scrapes, n' scratches so much more than we do now, so it was no big deal. i wiped up. i really didn't mind cos i felt i had a great run. neway, it was a fun day altho' icy on the slopes. (we also ran into ppl from our old church.) 4 dinner, a few'f us went to chevy's in south lake tahoe. we had a weird experience there!!! our grp'f 10 got our table in 10 mins instead'f the estimated 45. that was kewl. the weird thing is that after we were seating, all sorts'f parties were called up that had our names!!! they called up a kaela, a bernard, a james, an andy, n' even a mayhul!!! whuh?! it was so twilite zoney. it was also funny cos our cowerker paul has a new zealand accent, n' the hostess had some kind'f new zealand, new guinea, australian accent, so ppl teased him 'bout it. oh yah, i guess i have cousins like him, taiwanese guys that grew up in new zealand. it's really not uncommon. i've met lots'f ppl like that. think ̾ϴ Ѵ / mianhada saranghanda. (ooh, now it's mon. that's on 2nite!) i drove my carload over to harrah's casino. i had no desire to gamble. others in my car ended up not gambling, so we drove back to the cabin. kaela n' i did get an overpri¢ed starbucks nf decaf latte there.
on sun, most'f my cowerkers went straight home, but my carload went to kirkwood to snowboard 'nother full day. it was awesome. kirkwood has an alpine meadowsish feel to it altho' the amenities remind me more'f dodge ridge; in other wurds, they rn't 2 nice. it's a pretty big resort tho'. un4tunately, it still cms a li'l skier oriented instead'f snowboarder oriented; i.e. it requires u to push n' walk a li'l but not nearly as much as heavenly does. there r some fun gullies. since i got to ride terrain parks 'lot on sat, i skipped them altogether but opted to ride lots'f gullies instead. man, so i lost my fon. i was hoping ppl'd be decent 'nuff to turn it into lost n' found, but instead these immature, stoopid punks made crank calls n' sent crank e.mails w/ it. what losers. when i got to the bay area, ken told me that they had called grace (his wife). since he owns the cellfon store, he helped me out tremendously by shutting off my old fon n' moving my number onto a brand new motorola v710, just like kaela's fon. it's a kewl fon cos it has a "camcorder." it's quite a beefy (powerful) fon, but i've always been disappointed in its slight bulkiness. i wish it were a motorola v3 razr (razor) instead... i.e. if they had it 4 verizon n' if it does have a camcorder. (i'm not sure.) i guess i need to get a t.flash ram card now. *sigh* i guess i should buy 2? 1 4 me, 1 4 kaela... when we came back from tahoe, my carload went to eat @ udupi palace the ultra.popular south indian restaurant. it was a tiring day. the fud was very good. i ordered a spicy vegetable masala dosa. kaela had the kadai bhindi (okra curry). south indian fud's vegetarian. after dinner, i had to go pick up my new fon. i was very tired when i got home.
so what else has been going on? well, dukkyung watched sooni n' our house while we were gone. i feel awful cos lately i haven't been good 'bout stocking our house w/ good snacks 4 when duk comes over. :-( what else is up? *sigh* well, the weather's gotten a bit warmer lately. what else? well, it's s'pposed to rain this wk.
[later] : i went home 4 lunch. i ate some refrigerated pack semi.instant ¥ jjajangmyuhn. i also ate 2 many guacamole tortilla chips. the bag was already opened, so i'm glad duk found some, snacks. i still feel bad. i fed sooni. i went back to werk. i hope to go to the gym 2nite, but i need to meet up w/ my cowerker to give him his wife's skis. i meant to load them onto my car's rack during lunch but 4got.
[later] 937p: i came home @ a normal time. i picked up my cowerker's wife's skis n' dropped them off in his cube. i came back home, watched some tv, n' then took sooni 4 a jog. we didn't jog by our house though. instead, i drovfe out to sunnyvale. @ 1st, i was planning just to get the cheapest gas in this area. then i decided to go 4 the jog 1st. i ended up in this pretty nice neighbourhood in sunnyvale. i saw some nicely rennovated homes as well as some very new homes. we jogged 4 a while. i need exercise. i bought gas. man, my expen$es last month were unbelievable! *sigh* i've gotta freeze $pending... well, the best i can. i s'ppose i'll skip snowboarding next wknd, rt? *shrug*
oh yah, last wk, kaela n' i had our 1.5-yr wedding anniversary. we had a very low.key celebration tho' cos kaela's always so bizzy w/ skool. we just went out 4 a simple dinner @ dasaprakash south indian restaurant. as u c, i've been eating lots'f indian fud lately, 'specially since the next day, i had kabab korner 4 lunch w/ my cowerkers. dasaprakash is an elegantly decorated restaurant, while the fud's rather simple but good. well, it was a very simple celebration, very modest. 1.5 yrs! i really would've liked to do sumpthin' more, but kaela's been so bizzy w/ skool.
@ kabab korner, i had this lamb w/ creamy spinach dish... uh, what do u call it? aloo ghost? aloo gosht? neway, i was rather foolish cos i should've gotten kababs instead'f a stewy/saucy dish! it was good lamb tho'. it surely did not taste healthy tho'. :-(
well, i should go grocery shopping now. we do need fud, but i would like to restrain $pending to some extent. *sigh*
uhm, it's 'bout time i change the gbook qs.
ȭ ħ: man, i don't got $$$ to $pend, but this ain't a bad deal: lexar 1 gb secure digital card - sd1gb-231 -- $59.99 after mir
. [later] an msnbc article sed that "white teas," which r steamed hot or cold teas, r a big up n' coming fud trend: "look for these goodies at your supermarket." [later] *sigh* yesterday, while cooking a simple dinner'f some wontons that kaela hwang bought from 99 ranch ages 'go, i pulled a pot out'f the dishrack, which caused a glass fall into the kitchen sink n' shatter. :-( i hate when that happens. that glass had snowflakes etched into it. it was rather cute. :-( i really hate when stuff like that happens. kaela bought it last yr @ crate n' barrel's after christmas sale. we didn't use it until this past christmas season, so we didn't get to use it much b4 it broke. >:-(
[later] apparently, there's a class aktion lawsuit getting started v. verizon wireless re: the motorola v710 cos the bluetooth functions r not as good as they r s'pposed to be. from The Class Action Lawsuit is being handled by Laura DiGirolamo; Kirtland and Packard, (310) 536-1000, 2361 Rosecrans Ave Ste 450, El Segundo, CA 90245. hrm, now that i'm the questionably proud owner'f a motorola v710, maybe i should get in on this lawsuit.
[later] mr. potatohead darth vader
[later] : lately, i've been eating a lot'f clif bars cos i bought a big box @ costco last wk. i'm rediscovering them. they're aktually quite tasty! :-)
[later] i went to albertsons to buy some groceries b4 going home 4 lunch w/ sooni. i tried to buy some healthy fud, but... *shrug* well, no; i bought pretty healthy fud. i bought 2 cans'f tuna: 1 was albertsons's generic chunk white tuna in h2o. the other was chicken'f the sea light tuna in h2o. 4 lunch, i ate the can'f generic tuna on top'f a bed'f popeye brand spinach w/ some freshly ground black pepper n' (dried) dill. i ate that w/ some french bread i also bought. i meant to buy whole wheat french bread but accidentally bought the white kind (the more unhealthy or else unhealthier kind). when i got home, in the mail, i found a notice that sed i'd 4gotten to pay a bill. *sigh* grrr! i felt really bad. i felt like "i can't win," u know? i've now put a check in a stamped envelope ready to send off. *sigh* it just sucks tho', u know? rt now, i really have the feeling that "i shouldn't push my luck."
[later] 958p: u know, a few wks 'go, i ordered a 512mb sd card from 4 my palm tungsten t5, but the order never arrived, so i had to file a lost item claim w/ them. i think i'll get all my $$$ back. this is just 'nother bad thing that's happened to me lately, but i shouldn't think like that. i'm not having bad luck. as i keep saying, i don't really believe in luck, rt? *shrug* the good thing 'bout this happening, if all goes rt, is that they now have that 1gb sd card on sale. *shrug* i also need to get those t.flash ram cards, rt? *sigh* *sigh* *shrug* that "*sigh* *sigh* *shrug*" was a bit much, huh?
well, what's up? i'd like to hear from ppl, i s'ppose. aktually, i am hearing from ppl i haven't heard from in a while cos'f that stolen fon crank call incident n' the e.mail i had to send out. i werked 'lot 2day. i got to werk @ a decent time n' stayed a li'l late. it feels good, tho', to be produktive n' needed.
2nite, i went to taekwondo praktice. i hurried home from werk, quickly changed, n' then debated w/ myself whether to bring sooni or not cos it started raining. i didn't wanna leave her out in the rain, outside the dojang, rt? well, i let her out into the backyard 4 a short while, so she knew 'twas raining, but she still wanted to come w/ me to praktice, so i brought her. i was late as usual. it's been ages since i was on time! :-( i was s'pposed to bring some guys out to dinner: duk kyung dogsat sooni 4 2 wknds in a row. ernest drove us to n' from the aeroport. kaz fixed my stereo 4 1 nite b4 it broke down 'gain but 'least provided some good ideas. well, duk kyung didn't come to praktice, so the other guys sed we could do it some other time. i came home n' cooked myself some ̿ 쵿 miyuhk oodong w/ lots'f spinach in it. i ate some ġ kimchi n' old myuhngnanjuht (marinated pollack roe). (the "r/l" sound turns into a "n" sound after a "ng." that's why my asian name in korean is pronounced "myuhngnok" n' not "myuhngrok," altho' it's written like that.) i'm rather sleepytired.
ħ: didju know that maggiano's restaurant has a happy hr? well, this surely isn't worth mentioning in this journal, but i dunno; i got some spam e.mail a while 'go that sed that they do n' that during their happy hr, u get $1 off martinis n' draft beer n' $1.95 appetizers. heh... i mean, this really isn't worth mentioning here, but i dunno; i just figure if i ever wanna do sumpthin' fun w/ some friends n' aktually have the time, then it'd be kewl to do sumpthin' like that cos u kind'f save $$$; i mean, compared to going out to someplace w/o a di$¢ount, right? *shrug* whatever...
this morn, i woke up decently early, 'specially since the beautiful kaela hwang was so quick to get out'f bed cos'f her midterm. yah, i didn't c her much last nite cos she was off studying. by the time she came home, i was already in bed. 2 days 'go, i found some library books on our coffee table, buried under some old papers. i think she needs to return them cos they're overdue. *sigh* i went grocery shopping yesterday @ lunch, n' kaela called me last last nite, saying she was going grocery shopping. i told her she shouldn't cos she should be studying, n' she replied that she knew that she was just procrastinating. *sigh* it's really awful that students do that. i know i did tha twhen i was an undergrad. when i was a grad student, i think i managed to avoid that awful habit. i really hate that habit cos just think: she skipped taekwondo praktice to study, but then eventually she ended up @ safeway. :-/ c? that kind'f stuff is really detrimental to students, n' i know 1sthand cos i was like that as an undergrad... sort'f... i gotta say, i learned well as an undergrad that consistently going to taekwondo praktice on a very regular basis helped me develop good study habits cos i would make it a routine to go to taekwondo praktice n' then go rt to lab. taekwondo praktice gave me the extra boost'f energy i needed in the evening, u know?
[later] i'm pretty sure that 4 a short while in recent wks, the sobay had $1.719/gal gas n' maybe even $1.699/gal gas. now, on, the cheapest gas in the sobay's in east san jo 4 $1.75/gal. in the santa clara / sunnyvale region, the cheapest gas is $1.799/gal @ the 76 on homestead n' bing that i visited w/ sooni on mon nite. even costco can only match that pri¢e. the valero 'cross the st has the same pripri¢e; but, given the choices'f costco, 76, n' valero, i s'ppose i go w/ the labelwhore "pro.formance" choice, eh?
speaking'f labelwhoring, last wk, i used the gift card credit i had from returning the nice shirt that kaela's grandparents/relatives gave me 4 christmas to american eagle outfitters, i bought some kewl, cheap clothes from their website thanks to an awesome sale. i got a button up shirt (long sleeve) n' a super, super ¢heap sweater, which i wore on sat nite n' am wearing 2day. as i've sed b4, i advocate american eagle outfitter as a great alternative to abercrombie n' b!t¢h. i know abercrombie's so frickin' popular n' trendy these days, but they've gotten in so much trouble w/ the politically aktive community: 1) they got in trouble 4 never using asian models (somewhat minor offense since stores like victoria's sekret also don't, rt? however, stores like j. crew, br, n' gap do. obviously, big dept stores like macy's do.) 2) they sold those t.shirts w/ offensive characatures'f asian ppl. 3) they discriminated 'gainst asians in their hiring. sure, those politically conservative uncle tom asians sometimes go 'round scoffing 'bout this stuff n' saying that we politically progressive asians r just overreakting as usual, but i figure that if abercrombie's gotten in hot water this many times, then there's sumpthin' legitimately wrong w/ them, u know?
[later] : sometime last wk, i found some ads from some local realtors. since we already know a great realtor or 2 *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*, i'm gonna throw 'way the ads, but a couple'f things i found interesting were 2 bookmarks: 1 listed "percentage of return on home improvements" n' the other "10 things to do before putting your home on the market. i wanted to jot down these things b4 tossing the bookmarks:
10 things to do before putting your home on the market:
kitchen remodel
bath addition
roof replacement
great room addition
second story addition
attic bedroom addition
master bedroom suite
bath remodel
siding replacment
deck addition
window replacement
home office addition
interior facelift
basement conversion
energy upgrade
i went home 4 lunch. i was tempted to go to staples to buy some ox boxes (document boxes) to organise all the useless papers we have in our house (some might be good 4 tax purposes, some r just plain junk.) but resisted that temptation n' went straight home in order to have time 'nuff to take sooni 4 a nice walk while the rain clouds maintained their continence. i went home. i microwaved some weight watchers thai chicken w/ rice noodles (some kind'f not.that.bad bastardisation'f pad thai, i s'ppose) n' poured on a whole bunch'f popeye brand spinach in order to counterbalance the unhealthiness'f the hi sodium content w/ sumpthin' good. i ate. while i ate, i browsed thru some snapfish foto prints i received in the mail 2day. i fed sooni. i took her 4 a decent walk. it was a nice day. i returned (back) to werk.
dude, on my hard drive, i have this recipe 4 tamarind.honey lamb kebabs on mashed yams. do u 'member where i found that recipe? *shrug* it sounds so frickin' tasty, but i dunno if i'll ever make it. i sure'd like to.
2 big news stories 2day: 1) the train crash in glendale caused by a suicider - "Ten Die in LA Train Crash; Murder Charge Planned" (y! news top stories - reuters) n' 2) the u.s. helicopter crash in iraq that killed 31 soldiers - "Bloodiest Day for U.S. Troops in Iraq, 37 Killed" (y! news top stories - reuters). b4 this, the big news was johnny carson's death from emphysema on sun - "Famed TV Entertainer Johnny Carson Dead" (y! news top stories - reuters).
u know, as i mentioned b4, the tonight show has always been a very "conservative" show in that it doesn't care that its humour is very inappropriate n' offensive. both jay n' johnny tell jokes that make fun'f minorities, n' most'f the amerikkkan tv.viewing audience lets it all slide. i overheard some1 talking 'bout how the tonight show has always been conservative n' that's why republikkkan arnold chose to announce his gubernatorial candidacy on that show. yah, i believe it.
[later] i can tell that we're progressing thru the winter season, that days rn't as short as they used to be. u know, as a snowboarder i really notice that cos i notice if it's dark when i leave the silly valley n' if it's dark as i leave tahoe, etc. we're aktually still in the dead'f winter; but since we're in cali, we're prone to having sporadic bursts'f springlike weather now n' then.
ģ: yesterday eve, i talked 'lot to our friend jason who's in taiwan. isn't it kewl to be able to talk to some1 in taiwan? transpacific fon calls rock! the fon call was so crystal clear, it was like he was just down the street, u know? that's kewl.
well, what's been up? after werk (i werked till a decent hr.), i went to the company gym n' lifted some weights. am i sore? hrm... :-? i'm not sure. i think my shoulders r a li'l sore, maybe my trapezii (plural'f trapezius???); but hrm... nething else? not sure... am i lifting well? *shrug* i sed i'd tailor my werkouts back to how they were in the past, more geared 4 werking my cardiovascular endurance like back when i was aktually ok @ taekwondo sparring (unlike now). however, last nite, i just felt like lifting weights instead. u know? of course, i'd never mind having a better physique, a more muscular physique to some realistically finite extent. we all know i'll never be monster buff, u know? when i was prakticing taekwondo more (back @ cal), i was skinnier n' leaner, but i admit i had better ab physique 4 what it's worth. eh, why the #@*% am i talkin' 'bout this?! heh, think 'bout that commercial where jack's in the gym n' pondering a low fat southwest chicken fajita pita. i bet that's a popular commercial. guys do have body image issues, u know? we do. ppl 2 often think only gurls care 'bout how their bodies look; but no, guys do 2.
neway, after the gym, i showered n' went home. the beautiful kaela hwang was already home. it wasn't that early neway. when i sed i stayed @ werk till a "decent hr," that means i stayed kind'f late relative to what most ppl think, i guess. my company werks hard. kaela went to some seminar or werkshop or whatever after her classes, so she came home late 2, but she had brought home some leftover takeout fud from yan can. (some ppl call takeout fud "takeaway," rt? i s'ppose that's a british term.) btw, didju know that jackie chan can speak decent korean?! i guess i'm thinking 'bout that cos i was thinking 'bout how ppl've sed martin yan exaggerates his chinese accent to sound more "authentically" chinese in his cooking show. neway, yah... on korean tv, kaela n' i saw a segment on a korean entertainment tv news show 'bout jackie chan doing a movie w/ the ever so famous kim heesuhn. yah, he was speaking decent korean! neway... what was i saying? oh yah, kaela brought home some pineapple fried rice. i dumped the decently spicy hot sauce on it n' ate most'f the leftovers. yah, it was decently spicy. i feel that lately i haven't eaten 'nuff spicy fud. perhaps it's cos'f 2 things: 1) i've been trying to lower my sodium intake, n' un4tunately spicy fud often has 2 much sodium. n' 2) we've been in tahoe a decent 'mount lately, n' there's not quite 'nuff good cultural fud out there. we have eaten quite a bit'f south indian fud lately, which many ppl consider very spicy. however, i don't think it's that spicy, n' un4tunately, some'f it does have a bit 2 much sodium 4 me. it's still very good tho'. i wouldn't mind eating more spicy fud now, i s'ppose; but i've still gotta watch my sodium intake. i must lower my bp (blood pressure). ok... where was i? oh yah, so last nite, kaela n' i went to her office in a hurry cos she needed to pick up a fax regarding toby n' betty's home search. things look pretty good 4 them now. we brought sooni w/ us. the office was pretty empty, but a couple'f guys were there w/ a bunch'f pizza. man, hungry sooni was so into that pizza. while, she i sat by kaela's cubicle w/ her restrained on the leash, as i talked on the fon 'cross the pacific, sooni kept wanting to pull to get to the pizza. she was starting to pant. she really wanted that pizza. she was very hungry. later, ... [interrupted, later, ] later, when i walked sooni a li'l inside the office, she found pizza crust in the trash can n' wanted it sooo badly! i let her have 1 piece after she sat down n' shook my hand. after the office, kaela n' i went to the sj main mlk jr. / sjsu library to return a couple'f her overdue books. i was very, very tired when i came home. we watched 1 episode'f sbs's ڰ Ҷ / namjaga saranghalddae. not 2 long after, i totally fell asleep in bed. i meant just to rest a li'l b4 brushing my teeth, but i totally passed out. it was weird.
this morn, i woke up not quite as early as previous days this wk. i walked sooni n' then went to werk.
[later] if u'r like me n' own the motorola v710 w/ verizon service, u've gotta check out this ny times article: "A New Phone and Techie Controversy at Verizon" by david pogue; septmeber 30, 2004.
ݿ ħ: man, i just found out that i'm gonna lose my laptop really soon cos i'm getting a nice, superpowerful desktop 4 cad werk. *sigh* i really like this laptop, n' i've really customised it to be supernice, u know? man, this sucks. i'm gonna need to backup 'lot'f personal data from this laptop b4 they take it 'way. i dunno whether i should later buy a personal laptop or try to make my palm tungsten t5 my "laptop," u know? after all, if i get the wireless sd card 4 it, that'll definitely greatly increase its functionality. if i get the ir keybd, that'll also greatly increase its functionality. *sigh* dunno... i don't really love the idea'f $pending 2 much $$$ 4 teknogadgets etc. just cos i sure could use more $$$ these days. [later] man, i've really gotta sort'f some 'puter logistics issues. @ home, we have 2 desktop pcs that barely get used. we have 1 ol' sony vaio laptop that's in pieces rt now. i should put it back 2gether n' sell it off. now 'bout the 2 desktops, what to do? they both have probs as well. like, 4 some reason, the nice sound card on my desktop doesn't werk nemore, so i'm using the cr@ppy, on.board sound card, which really sucks. however, i wanna get back into doing djing stuff this yr, u know? it was a very explicit new yr's resolution. i wonder: when i lose this laptop, will i maybe waste less time? *shrug* dunno, don'tchu think advanced teknology helps us waste less time? really, that's usually the case. [later] also, the beautiful kaela hwang's laptop continues to have the coolwebsearch spyware prob. *sigh* u know what'd be nice is if some1'd donate to us $10,000 to solve all our 'puter issues. ha ha ha! man, imagine selling off all my desktop components n' instead buying a nice personal laptop that can do multimedia/muzik stuff. *sigh* that'd be dope, eh?
[later] issues, man, issues! i can't believe this yr's kickin' off w/ so many teknogadget issues: 1) car stereo, 2) cellfon, n' 3) 'puter. *sigh*
[later] : i went to lunch w/ kaela @ tk noodles. it was such a tuff commute to get over to palmer chiropraktic college from my office, 'specially since i needed to swing by the bank to get ca$h but had gotten in a lane that went to the freeway. i had to fight traffik n' make u.turns. i made wrong turns. when we got to the milpitas barber ln tk, the parking lot was so jam packed. i took a sucky, parallel parking spot. rt after i finished parking, 3 good spaces opened up. *sigh* my bowl'f noodles cmed smaller than usual. i wasn't that full. i wanted to eat a tangelo that i had in my bag since yesterday or 2 days 'go. i found it covered in penicillin (mold). *sigh* man, i really feel like i could use some good news. :'-(
but i am glad cos well, i won't take 4granted all that the good lord has blessed me w/, u know? there is good news; there's always good news, i.e. the good news, u know? i am very blessed n' 4tunate!
[later] well, the laptop issue's sort'f resolved: they're gonna give me a replacement laptop instead'f a desktop. this laptop'll be more powerful. it's gonna be bigger physically tho', which is a negative in my book, n' what still discom4ts me the most is that i won't have admin rights on it unless i find a good excuse, u know? *sigh* yah, aktually, if it weren't 4 the admin rights thingy, i'd just think that the new laptop idea's pretty good cos it is a rather kick@$$ laptop altho' big.
Ͽ ħ: man, jan's almost over?! man! time flies. what a month! what a rocky way to start out 2005, i tell u. hey, 'member when i used to have this li'l fella up on my journal now n' then? he's always sad. @ times this month, i sort'f felt down cos'f random bad cr@p that happened, as u know, but eh! whatever. i'm still blessed w/ a beautiful wife, a beautiful house, n' a beautiful doggy, as well as a nice job n' a car that rolls n' many chances to hit the slopes on my snowboard each season. it's 751a rt now. last nite, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i were out way 2 late w/ her palmer chiropraktic skool classmates @ a party that started @ an apartmnt complex near downtown san jo n' ended up @ "the brit," which is the britannia arms bar in downtown san jo on santa clara st near san pedro. what a random nite! uh, i guess it's just odd 4 me to end up @ the britannia arms; otherwise, it prob'ly wasn't such a random nite 4 some other folks there who frequent that place, rt? well, lemme tell u, the dj there was aktually better than whoever was fillin' in 4 rich laxamana @ that beyond entertainment new yr's party, rt? ha ha ha. well, i noticed that he used the echo effekt to make transitions... a lot... yah, some djs have 1 particularly favourite technique n' maybe sort'f overuse it. 4 example, @ 1 party i was @ back in my undergrad days @ cal the dj kept using the "spindown" button over n' over. most ppl prob'ly don't notice stuff like this, but i do.
check out some links to pages i sort'f glanced @ so far this morn:
yesterday, while looking @ links that ppl clicked to get to my site, including what search engine searches ppl used to get to my site, i found out that there's a j.pop singer named kaela kimura, but she apparently pronounces her name "kah ei la," not "kaela." yah, that's how u would romanise such a name from japanese... i mean, it makes sense that's how u would pronounce a wurd spelled "kaela" in romanised japanese. romaji... oh shoot, i've gotta use my free release blockbuster coupon like 2day, huh? 2day or 2morrow? *shrug*
fri nite, we went to our t3s grx couples bible study, which was held @ a house in south san jo. 'twas a beautiful house, n' i was in charge'f "facilitating" the nite, in that i welcomed every1 to the evening n' opened us up in prayer. on sat, 4 lunch, we met up w/ my grace, steve, mason, nolan, my dad, n' sue @ the union chinese restaurant 4 lunch. then kaela n' i spent a nice day out n' 'bout on such a nice, beautifully sunny day in the silly valley. we hadn't spent such a relaxed wknd in the silly valley in a long time since we've been in tahoe a decent 'mount lately n' went down to socal 2 wknds 'go, etc. we went to whole fuds. we bought some groceries, etc. we swung by the pruneyard mall to step into barbeques galore to check out fireplace screens. dude, the dude @ home depot wasn't kidding me when he warned me they'd be expen$ive there. they're near $1k, u know? crazy! well, maybe there was 1 4 ~$500? i 4get. neway, kaela sed we'd be better off gettin' it @ expo @ that rate. well, we drove home. it was nice to drive past some'f the historical bdlgs'f downtown campbell. it was nice to ponder how the silicon valley used to be orchard valley. we drove home, we picked up sooni. we brought her to pet fud express n' washed her. then, i drove us to las palmas park, where kaela sat in the car n' studied till she apparently fell asleep. i took sooni 4 a nice walk in the park, enjoying the view'f such nice suburban homes in sunnyvale. strange... las palmas park has some special burdies living in its tall palm trees. i must investigate! ok, check this out: some webpage'f the sun, sunnyvale's newspaper.
ħ: can u believe jan 2005 ends 2day?! crazy. this month really flew by, didn't it? or... hrm, what happened in jan? well, there was all that biz 'bout going to socal 4 the beautiful kaela hwang's grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary n' all. there was the snowtrip w/ my cowerkers. i guess it was a very jampacked jan, huh? *shrug* *sigh* man, i wish my car stereo were fixed. this morn, i put my boombox in the backseat n' plugged it into the 12v socket in the trunk via the cheap adapater i bought @ rite.aid this past christmas season 4 myself.
[a li'l later] b4 i get my new laptop, i must burn a whole bunch'f personal files to dvd or sumpthin'. since i never bought a usb2/fi.wi dvd±r/rw burner, what i need to do is, sometime this wk, x.fer a bunch'f files from my current laptop to kaela's superduper vaio superlaptop n' burn 'em to dvd-r. i've got lots'f pics n' mp3s, etc. this is very important.
a li'l while 'go, i put in a 98¢ bid on a moto v710 usb data cable on ebay. i guess i'll try to beat all the cr@p verizon put on their version'f the v710 in order to "cripple" it such that verizon users gotta pay them more $$$. in case u haven't been keeping up w/ the well.dokumented, moderately publicised scandal over the moto v710, this is what's up: verizon dumbed down the fon by taking away the bluetooth capabilities'f the fon that let u xfer files to n' from the fon. s'pposedly, they also made it so u can't xfer files from ur fon onto the t.flash ram card. instead, they want u to pay to use their stupid, stupid, stupid pixplace service, where u pay 25¢ each time u e.mail a pic to urself. man, they're such scoundrels! however, they still've got the best service coverage. also, don't we all absolutely hate n' abhor how verizon tries to brainwash its users by forcing them to have "verizon wireless" as the banner on their fons? i know i hate n' abhor how they put their frickin' corporate logo on the body'f the fon. it's disgusting. yah, it really sucks that the moto v710 has all this skrewed up biz going on. it goes to show that maybe the lg fons r quite a bit better in the end, huh? since u've got bitpim n' all 4 them... bitpim's an awesome software that i'd been using to dl n' ul pics to n' from my lg vx6000. also, i used it to dl my contakts (fonbook / addressbook), n' i used it to ul mp3 ringtones. the lg vx6000 rocked! we also had free mobile web browsing w/ it. so far, man... the moto v710 has none'f this, so... *sigh* >:-( the moto v710 has a camcorder, which i haven't yet used but tested out 1nce on sat evening.
on sat, we went to whole foods, as i sed. whole foods has a really kewl feelgood environment that sort'f mimics berkeley life, doesn't it? i admit that whole foods' environment makes me feel good. back when i werked in marin county, i visited the whole foods somewhere in, like, tiburon or somewhere like that... maybe mill valley? *shrug* neway, in my younger age, i found whole fuds to be just overpri¢ed n' maybe a li'l pretentious. well, sure... maybe whole fuds in marin county is a li'l more pretentious that the 1s down here in the silly valley. this wknd, i felt so good to be living in the silly valley. it was a beautiful wknd.
yesterday, roland visited us after church. we had a great time. 1st, we went w/ roland n' duk to bamboo garden in sunnyvale 4 dimsum. i've gotta say, tho', i think that place's dimsum has fallen off the cliff! in other wurds, it went very far downhill. it used to be pretty good, but now? uh... it's not really that great. they only have very typical dishes, nuthin' creative. luckily, duk was able to enjoy it quite a bit cos it was only his 3rd time @ dimsum ever. in that case, yah... he didn't yet realise that these were simply just run'f the mill, mundane dishes in comparison to the supercreative dishes @ other dimsum places. joy luck place is better, but i know it's super.crowded. personally, i think canton delights has better dim sum than bamboo garden, but i know bernard huang thinks canton delights is no good. i felt kind'f bad that i brought our friends to that restaurant instead'f canton delights, joy luck place, or else the dim sum place in milpitas square (the barber lan 99 ranch strip mall). however, we had a good time as we got to converse, etc., rt? afterwards, we swung by our house, picked up sooni, n' went to cupertino village's (the cupertino 99 ranch strip mall) fantasia 4 some boba drinks. i had a lychee blended boba drink. it was good. i like the mango 1s, but they're pretty expen$ive @ $4 a pop, u know? back when they were @ the same price as all the other flavours, i got'em more often. after cupertino village, where we stayed quite a while, the 4'f us headed off to santana row cos kaela wanted to buy some fancy shampoo @ aveda. well, i guess i bought it 4 her. it was a beautiful day, n' sooni got to walk quite a bit. there were lots'f foo foo / froo froo dogs @ santana row, which made me nervous cos 2 often those froo froo / foo foo dogs rn't well behaved so they yip yap n' growl @ sooni, n' i know sooni has li'l tolerance 4 that; yet lots'f those snobby ol' lady owners don't realise that they've gotta train their froo froo dogs to behave. 4 example, there was this 1 mercedes that drove by w/ this chihuahua dog that was barking @ sooni in an aggressive manner, n' i sed, "dude, does that dog really think it's gonna take on sooni?!" what was it thinking?! after walkin' 'round santana row, talkin', n' listening to the musicians, we went back to our house. duk left, but roland hung out w/ us longer. [after a li'l interruption] we watched tv. 4 dinner, the 3'f us went to κ myuhngdong soondubujip on el camino n' halford. that's our favourite κ soondubujip. i like it better than tofu house. i know some ppl like Ұ κ sogongdong soondubujip aka "tofu house" better but not me. i prefer mhyuhngdong.
[later] jan ends 2day, n' feb starts 2morrow. feb's a short month. it's not even a leap yr this yr. can u believe it's gonna be feb soon? then it'll be march. in feb, we celebrate, of course. whatchu think 'bout that? i know lots'f guys sort'f b!tch n' moan 'bout in gen'l, i do like cos it's sort'f romantik, isn't it? it's nice to have a day 4 love, rt? i'm not 1'f those cynics. i'm a li'l worried 'bout this yr's cos... man! i $pend way 2 much this past christmas season, i guess. i dunno why. i mean, sure, all my weekend snowboarding co$ts $$$, but there were other things. i dunno... i s'ppose gas, whether 4 snowtrips, our trip to socal, or just gen'l commuting co$t 2 much this yr. *sigh* someday, i'd like to have a hybrid car instead; but, of course, i'm not gonna be buying a new car netime soon. do u know 'bout the new subaru.saab suv? this is the 1st time subaru's made a full.size suv, rt? it's called the tribeca. it looks pretty kewl, but i've no intentions to switch to a more gas.guzzling car netime in the future, u know? i'd much rather go to a more gas.conserving car, if possible. dude, from a recent google image search, i think i found out that they use the subaru forester as a police car somewhere in the uk! crazy, huh? [a li'l later] dude, i think they also use it as an ambulance somewhere in italy! crazy. i do wish my car stereo werked tho'.
[later] : during my lunchbrk, i went home. i boiled some ġ shin kimchi ramyuhn, but i didn't eat it ur typical way. instead, i drained out the oily h2o n' dumped the noodles into leftover ġ kimchi jjigae. i cracked open a nice, fresh, organic, brown egg (from whole fuds). it was very good. i also ate some baby carrots w/ some light laughing cow swiss soft cheese. i fed sooni. she wanted to stay outside, but i didn't let her stay outside when i left cos i worry that she'll jump the fence, etc. we'll c. when it gets a li'l warmer, i might start letting her stay outside, but it's not even feb yet. i quickly went back to werk. on my drive to the office from home or vice versa, i hear 'bout 2 songs. as i sed earlier, i have my li'l jvc kaboom boombox in the backseat'f my car since my car stereo's broken. it's a temporary fix, u know? i brought werkout clothes w/ me when i returned to the office cos i need to exercise this evening.
on my drive back, i listened to some old, old tunes such as turbo's "ȸ" ("hwesuhng") s.e.s.'s "dreams come true," n' solid's " " ("i bamuy ggeuteul jabgo"). [later] rotfl / rotflmao: while googling up the lyrics to solid's song, i found this link - " ": do u get the joke? didju click the link? if not, click it, cos i got to explain to joke to ppl who don't understand korean. ready? ok. " " / "i bamuy ggeuteul jabgo" means "holding onto the end'f the nite." the pics'f a coupl'f fingers holding onto the end'f a chestnut, which is funny cos the wurd "bam" can be nite or chestnut, so it's a pun.
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1133p: man, un4tunately, i did not werkout @ the gym 2nite, nor did i jog w/ sooni. >:-( instead, i went to target to buy some rubbermaid roughtote storage boxes to throw stuff into in case we end up w/ no choice but to host our bible study on fri nite @ our house. i hope we don't need to, but i'm hearing that we have few alternatives. :-/ our house is such a mess, n' kaela n' i've sed that b4; but i know it's quite offensive to others if we just go 'round saying all the time that our house is 2 messy to host bible study cos that's implying sumpthin' like 'we're just such important ppl. we have 2 many waaay 2 important things to do than to clean up our house. instead, why don'tchu peons clean up ur houses so that we can come over.' that's totally not what we're saying, but i, personally, can understand how it can appear unthoughtful that we're always saying that our house's 2 messy. neway, i went to target
to buy those boxes, but they were out. that really ticked me off cos i had to buy some other model that wasn't on sale. i bought 3. i made sure to pick up 3 lids cos signs in that area on the shelves sed "don't forget lids!" after i checked out, i realised i had 4 boxes n' 3 lids. i thought, "oh, i thought the total was kind'f high." in other wurds, i guessed that the total was high cos i'd accidentally bought 4 boxes. however, as i walked out the door, i wasn't sure what to do. should i go to the returns n' exchanges n' ask 4 'nother lid or else try to return the 4th box w/o a lid. well, i decided to return the 4th box w/o a lid cos i figured i could use the $$$ instead'f the extra box. well, lo n' behold, when i handed the ca$hier the receipt, she pted out that i'd only paid 4 3 boxes neway, so she took 1 away n' sent me off. in a way, d'oh! if i wanted to be cheap n' sneaky, i should've not sed nething, gone home, came back later, n' sed that i accidentally missed a lid n' needed a lid. oh well, i had unintentionally done the right thing, the moral thing... but unintentionally. oh well. whatever... i don't need 4 boxes. i figured i could try to put our snowboarding stuff in 1 box, our extra taekwondo stuff in 'nother, n' our gym clothes in the 3rd. hrm... now that i think 'bout it, maybe i could use 4 boxes cos our taekwondo stuff prob'ly takes more than 1 box. *sigh*
i wish i'd werked out 2nite. instead i watched tv. there was so much good korean tv on, u know? i dunno... 4 dinner, i ate a boca burger on toasted 5.seed bread (from whole fuds) n' spinach. it was kind'f dry even tho' i spread on some grey poupon on 1 slice'f toast n' some old, old, expired safeway select honey bbq sauce on the other. oh well. i tried to tell myself it was ok that i was just resting 2nite cos i was maybe feeling like i was catching a cold or sumpthin'. *sigh* dunno... i didn't get much sleep on sat nite cos'f kaela's chiropraktic skool party that went so late into the nite. well... ha ha ha! when i was younger, i partied like that every wknd!!! some'f these kids r young, u know? yah, when i was their age, i partied like that every wknd! ha ha ha. well, hrm... honestly, when i was in undergrad, i did not party very well. it wasn't until after i graduated, during the cal taekwondo party crew days that i learned to party well. it's important 4 students to learn how to party rt. it really skrewed up my undergrad grades that i didn't know how to party... well, like 'least in my lower division yrs... the prob's that when college kids don't learn to party, they end up wasting their time just playing 'puter games n' video games. if a college kid learns to party hard 1nce in a while, he she also learns to manage time in order to make time to party hard 1nce in a while. that's good. thus, there r ultimately 2 things that help college kids study: 1)occassional partying n' 2) going to taekwondo praktice on a regular basis ~2ice a wk.
ȭ : i debated 4 just a brief moment whether to title this entry "feb begins" or "feb starts." i don't have ne big preference. do u? i feel like my journal entries so far this yr must be kind'f depressing cos they've been sort'f gripe sessions, haven't they? i'm always just talkin' 'bout bad stuff that happens to me cos i just feel that, so far this yr, so many random bad things have happened to me. :-/ however, i should focus on the posi+ive (positive), think 'bout all the kewl, awesome things that've happened to me, how blessed i am, etc.
2day, i woke up relatively late. it didn't feel late. i surely felt like i could've slept more. i think the beautiful kaela hwang might've left the heater on all nite, but i dunno. it was on when i fell asleep, n' it was on when i woke up. perhaps i fell asleep earlier than usual? i think the thermostat's set to shut off the heater @ midnite, but i dunno if kaela changed it E-w7` |v <