¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: how r u? u realise that it's sept now, right? i wonder if it's hit me yet. i might still think it's aug; not sure. do u realise that i've changed my gbook since the last time ne1 signed it? i'd like it if u signed it. :-) *breath* so what's up? i'm trying to relax n' not so much stress out, u know? is there nething to stress out 'bout? *shrug* i dunno. werk's ok. as u know i'm doing this 10.wk rotation projekt rt now. the interesting thing's that my supervisor, under whom i've only been werking 1 wk, is quitting to move back to hk (hongkong) to be w/ his dad who's sick. that sort'f put me in an awkward situation cos i just started, u know? however, i realise these things happen.
2day, we celebrate b.days. it's nelson's b.day, n' it's betty's b.day. happy b.day! they were aktually born on the same day, meaning the same yr.
on tues eve, kaela hwang n' i went to taekwondo praktice, where we kicked paddles. afterwards, a bunch'f us took out our friend joyce to dinner cos she's leaving 4 med skool @ uc davis. we went to Àå¸ðÁý. it was so fun cos we got to bring sooni w/ us n' tie her up outside the door, where lots n' lots'f ppl came by n' pet her, etc. korean ppl know how to treat a jindo. it was really fun. i ate so much. i ate 2 much. we had lots'f ¾ç³äÅë´ß yangnyuhm tongdalk, Â÷µ¹¹è±â chadolbaegi, ¾Æ±¸Âò agoo jjim... it was awesome. :-) i ate way 2 much n' woke up in the middle'f the nite w/ a stomach ache.
[later] ¿ÀÈÄ / afternoon: speaking'f stomach aches; as i told kaela, i just had a rotten lunch. on mon nite, kaela cooked this Çع° Àü°ñ haemool juhngol (seafud casserole). (maybe it as more'f a stew than a casserole.) neway, the leftovers sat out in a pot 4 a coupl'f days. then, i put them in the fridge. 2day, i tried to eat it the leftovers 4 lunch, but it was very sour. i called up kaela 4 advice on that matter, n' she sed it was rotten. ugh. *sigh* instead, i microwaved up some safeway selekt frozen beef stew. it was a bit'f a stressful lunch, i felt. :-( no 1 likes to eat rotten fud.
on mon nite, we ate that dish n' watched Ç® ÇϿ콺, which is full house, unless u'r a smart @$$ n' wanna say it's "pool house." *roll eyes* neway, it's not the stoopid, ol' amerikan show w/ bob saget n' the olsen twins, but a new/recent korean drama. u'll c it advertised on korean yahoo! all the time these days. we watched the 1st 2 episodes. it's pretty kewl. we still haven't finished watching Æĸ®ÀÇ ¿¬ÀÎ tho'. however, it is possible to watch more than 1 series @ a time, rt? why not?
oh yah, yesterday, my icube play@tv wireless digital streaming media receiver came in. i came home from werk n' played w/ it, trying unsuccessfully to configure it to werk w/ my ol' amd athlon 'puter. well, i had to give up 4 the time being cos i went to help mark move furniture @ his mom's house. they're painting. after that, mark took me n' ernest to dinner @ the newest location'f ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang, which is praktically right freakin' 'cross the street from our house! man! i can't believe it! on sun nite, we went to the stvns crk blvd (cupertino) ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang w/ sooni, u know. instead, we could've gone to the el camino real 1, which is rt here in good ol' santa clara! lemme tell u: ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå is an awesome restaurant!!! this santa clara location also has outdoor seating, which'll be great 4 sooni! :-) i can't believe this! if only i could be as much'f a carb.loader as i used to be, then we could eat @ ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang every nite w/ sooni outside! :-) then 'gain, on tues nite, sooni behaved sooo well, tied up outside'f Àå¸ðÁý jangmojip. she was sooo good! the werkers gave her a cooked pork bone, which she devoured. she loved it. every1 loved her. lots'f ppl outside played w/ her. we could sort'f c her thru the tinted glass door.
oh yah.... icube play@tv... i got it set up last nite, after dinner. it werks! it really werks! un4tunately, the 802.11b signal isn't 2 strong from the home office to our living room tv. i think the signal'll be much, much, much better from our office to our bdrm tho'. we'll c. now, we can watch all those muzik videos n' shows i've dled from bronx's junkyard. man... i really wanna figure out how to record those drama episodes off'f kbs.co.kr. :-/ these days multimedia web page coders have lots'f tools to embed file urls etc. so that we can't so easily capture them to our hard drives. :-/ i mean, obviously hi.net recorder kicks some serious @$$, n' getright's a good tool; but companies r doing things sort'f get in their way, etc.
i recently had some prob paying my car insurance online. there was some glitch or mistake that left me w/ no insurance 4 the past coupl'f months! :-o it was awful! however, 2day, i finally fixed the prob, n' i got my car insurance back! phew. not only that, i got ~$50 knocked off my bill cos they now know i'm married n' not single. i added the "unlimited towing" option 4 $4.
since duk'll be guarding our house w/ sooni this wknd, i feel we should go out n' buy some fud n' drinks to stock up the house. :-/ but what?... *shrug* what does duk eat n' drink? maybe i should go buy some ¶óÄÒ ramyuhn? some soda? hot pockets? *shrug* i realise young guys like convenient, microwaveable fud. i should start there. maybe some cookies or sumpthin'? doughnuts? i really think i've gotta stop by albertsons or somewhere 2day after werk.