
scar removal

¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: make sure u replace dubya w/ kerry in the white house this fall.   yesterday, i accidentally wrote "¼ö¿äÀÏ" (sooyoil, wed) when i obviously should've written "È­¿äÀÏ" (hwayoil, tues).   upes.   maybe u don't know, but i aktually added to yesterday's entry.   as of rt now (821a), i have yet uploaded the addendum.   'member when i used to write to my aktual journal file thru.out the day n' request u to check back often?   do u 'member when i used to telnet into my server from my handspring handspring -> palmone n' pretty much give u realtime updates'f my life thru.out the day?   *sigh* someday wireless comm'll be advanced 'nuff to allow each n' every1'f us to have a webcam broadcasting 24x7, u know?   that'll be kewl, n' u know it.

yesterday, when i came home, sooni was in the driveway.   she jumped the fence 'gain. >:-( she has issues.   some pre.teen boy on a bicycle was trying to play w/ her.   she looked anxious to go inside the house.   *shrug*   we're s'pposed to meet dawna 2nite @ the santa clara doggy park.

on mon eve, when i shopped @ rite.aid after my werkout @ the hamilton ave bally's gym, i bought a box'f curad silicone scar.removing patches cos they were on sale, n' i wanted to try 'em.   silicone...   my friend told me that my mouse/keyboard gel wrist pads feel like fake breasts.   i guess i don't hafta ever touch fake boobies out'f curiosity cos i already know how my wrist pads feel.   how 'bout that?   healthier wrists n' a husband less likely to fondle strippers; isn't teknology great?   neway, i'm wearing a small, silicone patch on the back'f my rt hand.   the produkt's instruktions meation that the user my cut ne'f the 21 patches in the box if the scars small 'nuff.   of course, this yields more patches.   i did that, but now i realise that i should cut circles not squares.   mechanical engineers "know wat ahm talkin' 'bout."   stress distributions, etc...   w/ s#arp corners, such as in a square or rektangle, tend to lift off more easily.   the region @ the tip'f a corner doesn't get "much love" from his neighbours cos he doesn't have many.   thus, in order to prevent lift.off, we should amputate the corners or round 'em off.   mechanical engineers make the world a better place.

cos my b.day's this sat, maggiano's li'l italy sent me a $10 coupon, n' pasta pomodoro sent me a coupon 4 a free entrée.   the maggiano's coupon expires 2004.09.13 (i think), n' the pasta pomodoro coupon expires 2004.08.29.

coupons... this wk's orchard supply hardware circular ad includes a $10 off $50 purchase coupon.   i really could've utilised that when i bought my liquid propane tank on 2004.08.07.   oh well...   i was @ osh yesterday to buy gloves: leather palm gardening n' rubber dishwashing.   [later] b4 osh, i visited big lots! n' albertsons, which now has a self.checkout lane.   @ albertsons, i bought a loaf'f whole wheat french brd n' a small tub'f meza brand hummus.   @ big lots!, i looked 4 leather werk/gardening gloves but found none.

@ the intersektion'f almaden expwy n' blossom hill rd, there's a rite.aid drugstore that was a long time 'go, payless drugstore.   as a kid, i often visited payless w/ my parents n/or sister.   a long, long time 'go, there was a supemarket next to payless, where 2day resides an officemax or office depot.   what kind'f market? a pw super or food villa?   i 4get but believe a nob hill foods resided 'cross the street.   pruneyard mall on bascom in campbell had a food villa.

[later] ¿ÀÈÄ: i had a lunch mtg n' had a grilled veggie pesto sandwich from the company cafeteria 4 lunch.   last nite, kaela n' i went to taekwondo praktice.   i was rather sore n' didn't really per4m all that well.   we didn't hafta do all those pushups n' crunches.   after praktice, the beautiful kaela hwang n' i had boba drinks ¹Ùº¸¾ß! from fantasia: mango 4 kaela, green bean 4 me.

sat's my 29th b.day.   i'm almost 30.   ppl say i look younger. *shrug* whadya think?   what do ppl say 'bout my peer friends?   do they look ~29?   is it good to look young or what?

[later] 1051p: after werk, i hurried home to pick up kaela n' sooni n' go to the doggy park.   we had a good session, n' dawna sed we've been doing well.   yah, i guess the past few wks sooni's done some good things.   after the doggy park, kaela n' i went to santana row's pasta pomodoro in order to use my free b.day dinner certificate thingy.   i had the salmone pomodoro, n' kaela had the fruitti di mare w/ fettucine.   we also had their aspargi appetizer n' a small caesar salad n' a coupl'f glasses'f wine.   it was a great, awesome eve.   santana row was so lively 4 a wed nite.   well, i guess on summer wed nites, santana row has a free outdoor movie.   2nite's movie was ben stiller's meet the parents.   it was 2 cold 4 us to sit n' watch, but we walked 'round santana row w/ hot drinks from fantasia: taro milk tea 4 kaela n' almond milk tea 4 me.   we walked w/ sooni right into z gallerie.   it was kewl.   the staff was so friendly w/ sooni.   kaela n' i found this nice, framed asian duck wood carving, n' i decided to buy it.   ;yah, we've been sort'f acquiring art to decorate our home, i guess.   i really like the ducks cos it's a pair n' reminds me'f the story'f the mandarin ducks or whatever.   i mean, i'm sure it's s'pposed to remind me'f that story.

yesterday, btwn werk n' taekwondo praktice, i did some yardwerk: i mowed the back lawn n' trimmed bushes, etc.

[a li'l later] 2day, @ werk, i got this pair'f headfons w/ a microfon attached.   i wondered if i should give voice recognition 'nother try.   i 'member trying it out a few yrs 'go, prob'ly back when xp 1st came out.   it didn't werk 2 well.   maybe i can give it 'nother shot sometime; just 4 fun.

there's $1.91/gal gas @ the sunnyvale costco, according to sanjosegasprices.com.   i don't get it: i hear that oil prices have hit a record hi, but the prices i c r cheaper than what i saw a few months 'go.   well, what i'm guessing is that the prices'll shoot way up in sept. :-( *sigh* that'll suck.   *sigh* well, someday, hopefully, ppl'll all drive hybrid cars, etc.   yah, someday, we should all get more fuel efficient vehicles, otherwise alternative fuel vehicles.

u know what i feel i need?   new shoes... heh, i've sed that b4.   yah, i dunno; i feel i need new bizness casual shoes, as i sed.   what to do?   i saw a pair'f shoes @ br (banana republik).   they were made in uh... :-/ i 4get... somewhere like turkey or romania... all i know is that it wasn't china, n' yah... u know, i don't wanna buy shoes made in china.   i dunno, tho'; those shoes look 2 much like the shoes i have now.   i dunno.   i want to get a pair'f shoes that is casual 'nuff to wear w/ jeans yet 4mal 'nuff to wear w/ slacks.   is that a tuffy?   *shrug* n' of course, i want them to have style!

2morrow i have a bizzy day.   i dunno; werk is bizzier these days than ppl sed they would be.   i mean, ppl sed that my new position'd be a bit'f a relief 4 me; but i'm not so sure.   it feels like i have lots'f werk to do still these days.   i dunno, man; i've gotta say: my company's really industrious.   really, we're the #1 in our industry, n' it's cos ppl werk do hard.

so r u watching the olympics these days or what?