

1215a: shoot, i just started writing my entry n' pushed some wrong combination'f buttons n' thus lost the sentence i had written.   neway, no big loss; just 1 sentence...   i sed that 2nite (as in yesterday), the beautiful kaela hwang n' i held a li'l bbq.   man, i feel bad that i didn't do a good job inviting ppl.   i mean, in fakt, most'f the ppl who r reading this journal right now prob'ly should've came, i s'ppose.   i mean... i dunno; it was mostly like our friends from us taekwondo akademy (mark, ben, dennis, dukkyung, julie) n' then a li'l group that was sort'f bronx's junkyard oriented (jerome n' darren) n' then nelson/mike/vivian.   it wasn't a big group.   yah, really, more'f u prob'ly could've come.   as i was telling nelson, when u own ur own home, u'r not gonna throw a "rager" or a "raging party."   1) u care 'bout the condition'f ur home, n' 2) u care 'bout the value'f the neighbouring property 4 'least the impakt it has on the worth'f ur home.   the whole idea'f holding some "keg party" sort'f goes out the door when u own ur land n' ur dwelling, u know?   'least that's how i feel.   i dunno; sometime w/in this next 6 months, i'll try to have some kind'f social funktion 4 my cowerkers cos our li'l group's s'pposed to be really social... like a dorm!   heh... kaela noticed that right 'way that our group feels like a dorm floor/suite.   it's true.   on fri, we volunteered @ a kewl place called r.a.f.t., which is some kind'f "resource" sumtphin' "for teachers."   it's a non.profit organisation that accepts personal n' corporate donations n' then uses those resources to distribute skool supplies to teacheres @ a low co$t (or a lo co$t).   it was a fun volunteer event.   then, we had a bbq.   kaela joined us 4 the bbq.   i guess she was the only spouse n' nonemployee there, but i hope she had a good time.   we had lots'f burgers n' doggies.

[much later] 757a: so i slept 4 a while, as i often do @ nite n' now am awake.   i don't sleep in often.   i s'ppose, as i consider this sleeping in.   i've teknically been awake 4 a while now, just listening to npr, the last honest source'f news in amerikkka, u know?   neway, where did i leave off updatin' u?   yah, good question.   [a li'l later] 816a: ok, so where did i leave off updatin' u?   i talked 'bout the bbq on fri nite.   i already toldju 'bout when jerome's visit on uh... wed nite, n'... lessee i can tell u 'bout thurs eve/nite n' more 'bout fri.

on thurs nite, i missed taekwondo sparring praktice.   i came home earlier than usual from werk n' sort'f hoped that this'd be a regular thing now.   kaela cooked.   her dish was sort'f a hybrid'f À°°èÀå yookgyeijang n' ÇØÀå±¹ haejanggook.   i mean, it was sumpthin' that combined ingredients from both but was diff n' had lots'f clear noodles in it.   i mean, she sort'f made it up, i guess; there's no name 4 it.   it tastes better than how i'm describing it.   kaela had to go off to take care'f a rental property.   i considered going to taekwondo sparring praktice, but i was 2 full.   instead, i walked n' jogged w/ sooni from our house up to galleria market n' back.   we jogged/walked really far, aktually cos i didn't necessarily take a really direkt route.   i sort'f walked thru all the li'l korean shopping strip malls along the way n' back, u know?   we walked past melody cd n' video, a korean muzik n' video store owned by some family from our church.   i noticed that café aroma @ el camino real n' halford looked like a great place to enjoy ÆϺù¼ö patbingsoo outdoors w/ sooni on the floor, u know?   well, sooni n' i walked/jogged really far.   we came home, but kaela still hadn't come home but eventually came home.

on fri, yah, i went to werk.   oh yah, on thurs n' fri i had mcyukyuk ¸Æµµ³¯µå happy meals 4 lunch, 2 days in a row!   u c, right now, they're giving 'way these 25th b.day'f the happy meal mini.beanie babies, n' they're really cute.   thus i'm off collekting teeny.beanies 'gain.   feel free to roll ur eyes, plz.

[a li'l later] 845a: i took a short brk to visit a website: joi.ito.com cos i heard'f it on npr.   i dunno; they were saying it's a really famous blog, so they asked 4 his opinions on blogs, i guess.   hrm, blogs... is this journal blog, or is it a journal? *shrug* this dude joe or joi or whatever, on npr, was mentioning a blog called "baghdad burning" n' some blogs from iran n' then talked 'bout how he hopes that real news journalists'll blog or sumpthin'.   hrm, yah, i s'ppose some ppl wanna hear 'bout real issues in blogs, things that really affekt the world, etc.   some ppl really think globally.   others just wanna hear juicy bits 'bout ppl's personal lives, u know?   some'f these ppl r total voyeurs.   4 example, (now i'm jumping ahead'f my update) nelson, last nite @ our house, was totally diggin' some chick's xanga blog that he sez he regularly visits, some chinese.amerikan gurl from hawaii, i think.   well, admittedly, she's a decently attraktive gurl, n' it cms like nelson enjoys her plentiful photos she posts, but he was really diggin' some post she put up 'bout her older sister squirting her w/ breast milk. :-/ the remaining guests @ our bbq @ that time debated whether that story was true or if she just posted it up to get attention cos seriously ppl do that, u know?   there's plenty'f ppl like that on the net.   u know, if a decently attraktive gurl has a blog n' puts up like sexy pics'f herself on the net n' includes some near erotica in her blog, she's gonna get lots'f hits, n' some ppl r egotists like that.   after all, my b.day's in a coupl'f wks thus i'm a leo, u know?   however, i'm not that type'f egotist, u hafta understand.   i admit: i am egocentrik 2 often, n' i regret that.   however, i think i've sort'f weaned myself 'way from being a total attention seeker, haven't i?   well, shoot! even if i were like these female internet attention seekers, if i went 'round posting pics'f myself wearing a diff pair'f panties each day, uh... i'd be sure to attrakt a kind'f attention that i wouldn't really want necessarily.   heh, so am i saying i don't want homosexuals reading my journal? no, i don't really care who reads my journal, as long as they enjoy it, u know?   do i want to attrakt female attention thru my journal?   no, i never sed that.   do u sense that i try to do that?   i hope not.   or *shrug* if i did, would it be bad?   well, i think my wife wouldn't like that, n' many ppl frown 'pon that kind'f behaviour.   yah, i think i'd have less respekt 4 myself if i were like that, wouldn't i?   yah, i think so.   'member, thru.out hi skool, my peers really raised me to disrepekt flirtiness in guys n' gurls.   in other wurds, we raised each other up to be "playa haters," some ppl'd say.   isn't that weird to think.   what does "playa" mean, u know?   originally, "playa" meant a guy who "played" women, a guy who used woman 4 1 nite stands, etc.   later, it evolved into 'nother wurd like "dude," just referring to ne guy, u know? *shrug* weird.   other ppl'd say, "wow! u ppl were so uptight in hi skool, eh?"

ok, back to the recap, etc.   on fri, after my werk bbq, kaela n' i went 'round town looking 4 a fridge 4 1'f her rental properties.   we were gonna go to a movie afterwards, but i was really 2 tired.   i wake up early these days, u know.

sat: i woke up early n' went to my company gym in our campus by fry's elektronics.   i lifted weights.   i took a shower there as i was 2 tired to shower the nite b4, etc.   well, i s'ppose regardless'f whether i showered the nite b4, i often shower after exercising as that's sumpthin' some ppl do, u know?   aktually, u do hafta understand that i don't sweat much.   i dunno if u know that or not.   lemme tell u: 1) i don't sweat much, n' 2) i aktually don't stink much.   of course, most ppl won't believe #2, but it's true i don't stink much!   i really don't!   do u believe me?   if i were to do 30 mins on the precor/stairmaster during lunch n' go back to werk, u wouldn't mind sitting next to me, i say.   u wouldn't.   i don't stink.

afterwards, i went to orchard supply hardware (aka osh) to buy a few things such as a propane tank adapter hose, a filled liquid propane tank, n' a heater dukt to replace the 1 i accidentally ripped a while 'go.   i thought 'bout going to Çѱ¹ ¸¶ÄÏ hangook market to pick up some marinated °¥ºñ galbi n' some ´ß¶ËÁý dalkddongjip (chicken gizzards), but i figured i'd best head home in case my wife woke up to a benoless house.   yah, she had woken up, eaten some oatmeal, n' was watchin' some silly sat morn discovery kids shows.   in a li'l bit, after i ate 2 servings'f instant oatmeal, from a box i bought from costco on fri, when i stopped by there to buy oatmeal, 2 cases'f kirkland bottled h2o, n' uh... what else? uh... oh yah, some clorox toilet tank tablets... nething else? uh... oh yah, some white grape n' white peach juice...   ok, so after i ate that oatmeal, we took sooni to care 4 her weekly training sesh there (sesh = session).   afterward, i looked 4 a place to feed kaela, as i sed we'd go on a "date" to do our couples bible study hw (homewerk).   yah, we get these homewerk assignments, where we're s'pposed to sit down n' talk 'bout this n' that.   i mean, we have a bible study book w/ discussion questions.   well, i tried to take her to this malaysian restaurant called layang layang on de anza blvd cos i thought i saw an outdoor patio table w/ an umbrella.   we needed an outdoor place cos'f sooni.   however, when we got there, we were disappointed as the patio had an umbrella w/o a table or chairs.   honestly, deep inside, i was very unhappy to c that.   in fakt, deep inside, i now sort'f resent that restaurant.   how could they tease me like that, u know?   well, kaela n' i tried to hit up ¿¾³¯ Â¥Àå yeitnal jjajang cos we know they have a nice outdoor table w/ an umbrella n' the owner woman likes sooni.   un4tunately, there, we found a table full'f ¾ÆÀú¾¾ ajuhssi (older men).   *sigh* well, i had 1 more idea, n' it turned out to be an excellent 1, if i can say that 4 myself. heh heh...   we hit up the indian tandoori chaat house on stevens crk near lawrence, near the pet fud express.   that indian chaat house rocks, i gotta say.   i mean, that was our 1st visit, but i learned that it's a pretty kewl place, n' i recommend it.   it has somewhat shaded outdoor tables.   i prefer that over a deceptive umbrella w/ no tables or chairs.   layang layang, i resent u!   indian chaat house place on stevens crk near lawrence expressway n' pet fud express, u've made my good guy list. u know?   (i'm unsure if it's a "good guy" list or a "goodguy" list.)   neway, u guys rock!   the fud was pretty good n' decently priced, i s'ppose.   we had this vegetarian lunch plate n' some aloo tikki, which is basikally a potato croquette.   it was all really good.   after that, we drove over to café aroma n' had some tasty °úÀÏ ÆϺù¼ö gwail patbingsoo (fruit n' red bean shaved ice).   it was awesome.   café aroma rocks!   there's outdoor tables n' the ÆϺù¼ö patbingsoo rocks.   so they make my goodguy/"good guy" list.   support those 2 joints, eh?   otherwise, 'least patronise them.   some dude panhandled there, n' i gave him 50¢.   yesterday was very, very hot.   i was driving 'round, gettin' 2 much sun n' wanting to use the aircon/ac.   4 most'f the day, i didn't cos i had sooni in the car w/ her head stickin' out the window.   she's very cute when she does that, u know, right?   in case u 4got, i s'ppose i can provide u a visual aid from the past:

visual aid

after caf&caute; aroma, i dropped kaela off @ home, where she took a nap or siesta (i'm unsure which), while i went off to target in sunnyvale to buy some collapsible outdoor chairs.   basikally, i falied to get us a patio dining set cos i wanted to hold out 4 sumpthin' nicer, but i needed to get some outdoor chairs, so i bought the $7.99 folding outdoor chairs w/ armrests from target.   they werked fine.   now we have 3'f these, but my original 1 that i bought 4 ken's bachelor party fishing trip has a footrest.   we never ended up using our chairs during that trip.   oh yah, after i bought those chairs, i stopped by Çѱ¹ ¸¶ÄÏ hangook market in hopes'f gettin' some °¥ºñ galbi n' ´ß¶ËÁý dalkddongjip, but they were out'f both, so i just got a li'l µÅÁö °¥ºñ dwaeji galbi (pork ribs).   i didn't get much but should've gotten more in retrospekt.   i thought i marinated sufficient ¸Å¿î´ß±Í maeoon dalkgui @ home, but it turned out to be not really 2 much.   when i came home from that shopping trip, i woke up kaela n' picked up sooni to take her to dukkyung's petco to get her some treats 4 her b.day.   well, i bought this doggy fence to keep her 'way from the doors while we're gone, so she won't cos trouble.   that's not her present.   i dunno what was her present from me, aktually; but i did buy her a 1.31 lb bag'f rawhide chew bones.   i figured she'd like those.   i bought her small 1s so that we won't have nasty chewed rawhide bones lying 'round attrakting ants.

[later] 224p: dangit, we were late to church 'gain.   i guess i feel bad cos it was partly my fault both times cos i was off typing on my journal in the morn.   :-/   i just wanna keep u guys updated. <:-/ shoot, now it's aktually time to leave to couples' bible study. :-o 1'f the couples lives in the rivermark, n' we're mtg there! :-) kaela n' i r eager to visit a house in the rivermark.

[later] 1007p: so we went to couples bible study etc.   it was fun but a smaller group 2nite 4 some unknown reason.   it was kewl to chat w/ our new pastor, pastor rick park.   up until 2nite, kaela n' i hadn't gotten a chance to chat w/ him n' to ask him questions, etc.   it was nice to hear his thoughts n' wisdom, etc.   man, our host made some good thai fud! :-) usually, ppl cook either korean fud or euro.amerikan fud.   it was pretty kewl to have sumpthin' diff, u know? wow, what a good cook. :-)

uhm, shoot, i haven't done a good job w/ updating as i sort'f left off n' didn't pick it back up.   i dunno 'xaktly where i left off, somewhere 'round yesterday afternoon, right?   i discussed how i went over to petco in the late afternoon to get sooni some treats, right? her bag'f rawhide chew toys.   by the time i got home, guests had started to arrive 4 our mini bbq party.   man, i felt so bad cos i really burnt lots'f the meat.   'twas like i was just burning animal flesh 4 some awful ritualistic sacrifice! <:-o <:-( >:-( yah, that was no good! :-( i wasted lots'f meat that way. [unfinished entry]