¼ö¿äÀÏ ¾Æħ: i wanna thank ppl who recently signed my gbook: heejin n' "private." thanks! i've been meaning to update/change the gbook qs (questions) 4 a long time now but haven't yet found the time.
do these band.aid healing strip scar removal things werk? i read some reviews on drugstore.com 4 the curad version'f this produkt: the reviews were very mixed. some ppl sed they werked like crazy; others sed they totally suck. *shrug* i thought 'bout trying them on some scars on my hand, mostly "bag burn" scars (from punching bags), but these things r close to $20/box! :-o the other day (mon eve) after the gym, i stopped by rite.aid to buy some bandages. the normal band.aid bandages were $3.99 - $1 mir (mail.in rebate), while this box'f weird curad silver strip bandages were $2.99 after "temporary price reduction." i decided to give the silver bandages a shot. [a short while later] oh, how funny! i was just thinking, "do they make bandages that blend in w/ darker skin?" then i read 'bout these scar.healing produkts, "The new products were developed specifically for so-called hypertrophic, or thickened, scars and for keloid scars, which are ball-shaped protrusions that occur more often among blacks and Asians than whites." weird, huh? oh yah, that quote was from http://www.gulfnews.com/Articles/people-places.asp?ArticleID=85799.
go out n' buy some elektronics n' gadgets, etc.: PluggedIn: Back-To-School Gadget Prices Take a Fall (y! news)
there r some things i need to get sometime such as more sunscreen, some nimh aaa rechargeable batteries... someday i still need to pick up an external ieee.1394/usb2.0 hard drive enclosure in order to pull data off the ol' sony vaio laptop. aktually, i really ought to bump that up in priority. if i can pull the data off, (burn it to dvd-r), n' 4mat the hd (hard drive); then i can ebay
off the laptop n' recover some $$$, u know? i'm very, very happy that 1) i got a slight raise recently 4 my current position, 2) i'm getting a bigger raise when i start my new position, n' finally 3) my new position pays more than i originally expekted, as they gave me a revised offer a li'l after i accepted the original salary. however, i still gotta keep myself/ourselves on a budget. i've gotta make sure we save some $$$ somehow. i dunno where to put it necessarily cos bank accts pay out diddly squat in interest n' stocks pretty much all suck right now, it cms. *shrug* mutual funds? yah... well, i've gotta do some research. neway! lemme still emphasize that real estate or real estates (as the beautiful kaela hwang sez) r still the best investment. u c, i've noticed way 2 many young career ppl (mostly guys) drown their $$$ into dead n' still dying even more stocks n' funds. it looks to me like those ol' time labourers taking their daily wages to the doggy track! those ol' time labourers, i guess making their daily wages wasn't good 'nuff; but what kept them alive was the hope'f taking their daily pay to the tracks to win big. *sigh* i c young (guys mostly) engrs n' bizness types take their salaries to etrade n' ameritrade n' just totally sink it! why?! i mean, me, i've done the same, n' i regret it. why do i do that? why do we do that? do we owe wall street a tithe? must we make a sacrificial offering? i dunno. so where should we young professionals invest our $$$? well, 1st off, real estate, obviously... then what? *shrug* buy lots'f material stuff? pay off more'f the mortgage? *shrug* yah, i'm @ a li'l bit'f a loss here. i s'ppose i don't mind hearing a li'l bit'f advice, but i don't need spammers sending me info on some stock tip or hedge fund! >:-(
[later] 816p: i'm @ the men's wearhouse, waiting to pick up my tux 4 toby n' betty's wedding this sat. the store's bizzy, n' i've gotta wait a while. earlier, i was @ the gym, lifting. on mon nite, i took the spin class @ the gym. last nite, we went to taekwondo praktice then pho afterwards; finally some social interaktion. (duk, julie, n' paul joined us. on mon nite, kaela cooked µÈÀå Âî°³ dwenjang jjigae. 2day, my cowerker took me to lunch @ the mission city deli/café. i'm guessing that the owners r korean cos it had that sufficient grounds / espresso experience feel.
[later] 1115p: so i tried on my tux @ men's wearhouse. is the men's wearhouse s'pposed to be a store 4 rotund men? i noticed 2day that most'f the clothes 4 sale were l, xl, xxl, etc. ?:-( *shrug* yah, i dunno. this is the 2nd tux i rented from there this yr. when we came home 2nite, kaela n' i ate ³ìÂ÷ ¹°³Ã¸é nokcha moolnaengmyuhn (cold green tea soup noodles). u can buy the packages'f this stuff @ ne korean market pretty much.
oh yah, 2day, 4 werk, i had to go to fry's. since i was there, i bought myself some nimh aaa batteries but opted 4 a brand not made in china, which meant i got 2 batteries 4 $8.99 instead'f 4 batteries. :-/ panasonic nimh aaa batteries r made in japan. lenmar nimh aaa batteries r made in china, while their alkaline rechargeable aaa batteries r made in korea. i had to buy a couple'f routers 4 my company. it just so happened that i found a decent brand @ a good price, a produkt made in taiwan.
speaking'f politiks, 2day @ the gym, i saw the demokratic national convention on abc. man, we've got a real battle now: we, as good amerikans, must make sure that dubyah's kicked out'f the white house n' that kerry/edwards get in!!!
keno hwang, last nite (2004.07.27) @ home