[later] afternoon: since kaela n' i recently had our 1st anniversary n' attended mason's 2nd b.day party, ppl including us have wondered when we'll have our 1st kid.   we've been married 4 1 yr now, n' i s'ppose some ppl think that's 'nuff of a "honeymoon" period or whatever u call the time u spend as a married couple w/o kids.   i dunno.   it cms like some "younger generation" types always tell us to wait as long as possible b4 having kids, while the "ol' skool" folks pressure us hard to have kids asap.   most non.asians n' non 1st gen asian.ams tell us to wait, but "asian" asians especially family / relatives ask 4 kids.   sung wants us to have kids.   traditionally, ppl followed a very strikt timeline, i s'ppose:

  1. graduate hi.skool n' go to college (18 yrs old)
  2. (4 yrs later) graduate college
  3. go to grad skool (optional)
  4. get a job (early 20s)
  5. get married (mid.20s)
  6. have kids (b4 30)
obviously, ppl these days (in amerikkka) r having kids (or "starting families") later n' later.   i think ppl put off having kids mostly cos'f career.   i think ppl also mostly put off marriage cos'f career.   [later] i dunno.   i think most'f my friends r still unmarried n' w/o kids, but i somehow always have lots'f younger friends.