How to build your EcoCity
It's easy - click on a street, block, or intersection to bring up options to change it. Change your mind? Don't worry, you can always get back to where you started. There are no dead ends in EcoCity Now. Neither is progress a one way street here.
Keeping score
Only you and your community can be the judge as to whether or not your EcoCity is a pleasant place to live. Think of it like making a patchwork quilt or mandala.
Saving & Sharing
You can save your city to your computer by going to File --> Save Page As, and selecting Web Page, Complete. Note that you will have limited ability to edit this save file. However, you can download the whole game here and run it by opening index.html.
To download an image for sharing, you can use your Print Screen key to take a snapshot of your city, or you can use the Firefox Abduction plugin to download what you see as an image. Chrome users can use the Screen Capture plugin.