
Algebraic string topology from the neighborhood at infinity, avec M. Rivera and Z. Wang, en préparation.

Smooth Calabi-Yau structures and the noncommutative Legendre transform, avec M. Kontsevich et Y. Vlassopoulos. arXiv:2301.01567

Pre-CY algebras and topological quantum field theories, avec M. Kontsevich et Y. Vlassopoulos. arXiv:2112.14667

Relative stability conditions on Fukaya categories of surfaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift 301.3 (2022): 3019-3070, disponible aussi sur arXiv:1811.10592

Calabi-Yau structures on topological Fukaya categories, avec V. Shende. arXiv:1605.02721

Introduction to differential graded categories, chapitre du livre Superschool on Derived Categories and D-branes (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)

Developments in the mathematics of the A-model: constructing Calabi-Yau structures and stability conditions on target categories, thèse doctorale soutenue au département de physique de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, disponible sur eScholarship.