String topology
Slides from a talk given at the online FD seminar (2 March 2023)
Pre-Calabi-Yau structures
Slides from a talk given at EPFL (09 Dec 2021)
Relative stability conditions
Slides/Video from a talk given at LAGOON – Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline (21 May 2020)
Slides from a talk given at PCMI 2019
Slides from a talk given at the Higher Algebra and Physics conference at Perimeter Institute (15 Aug 2018)
DG-categories, CY structures and topological Fukaya categories
Notes from a lecture on DG categories given at the Superschool on Derived Categories and D-branes (University of Alberta in Edmonton, July 17-23 2016). An updated version has been edited as a chapter in Volume 240 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Ballard et al., eds).
Poster presented at the Summer School 2016 of the IMJ-PRG in Paris (27 June -8 July, 2016)
Slides from a series of talks given at the Groupe d’étude: Amas, carquois et géométrie at IMJ-PRG (2020)
Slides from a short talk about the FRS construction in 2d CFTs given for Nicolai Reshetikhin’s CFT seminar class at UC Berkeley (5 May 2017)
Slides from my qualifying exam talk at the UC Berkeley Physics Dept. (14 May 2015)