"Controlled substances are present on all college campuses, and fraternities are not immune to their influence... We realize that any abuse of drugs and alcohol on the part of our members works directly against the goals we have set in terms of leadership and character." - Zeta Psi Website

"Perhaps, when forbidden, students find alcohol to be more desirable. Alternatively, students of legal age might feel constrained by prohibitions and, as a result, drink more often to excess than they would if the opportunity to drink was commonplace. This pattern of drinking was commonly observed during the Volstead Act (i.e., national prohibition from 1920-1933). Many people did not drink because it was illegal, but those who did tended to drink to excess." - Harm Reduction Journal

"The relationship between policy and drinking can be counterintuitive. For example, schools that offered alcohol-free campus housing evidenced significantly higher mean student binge drinking than schools that did not mention alcohol-free housing (49% vs. 42%, respectively)." - Harm Reduction Journal