Role: PI
Parent-Adolescent Interpersonal Processes in the Science of Behavior Change
We are developing a Parent Behavior Change Intervention to improve adolescent sleep. Parent-teen conversations can be negative, coercive, and conflictual. Negative parent-teen conversation can have negative impact on brain development. Parents have profound impacts on teen risk and vulnerability. Yet, they receive minimal training in the elements of conversations that optimally inspire their children toward healthy behaviors. We are applying to a theoretically grounded and reliable taxonomy of behavior change techniques (BCTs) to scientifically derive the conversational elements, or micro-mechanisms, that reduce parent-teen coercion and conflict and facilitate upward spirals of healthy behavior change.
Role: PI
A transdiagnostic sleep and circadian treatment to improve community SMI outcomes
This study seeks to determine if an intervention to improve sleep can improve functioning and reduce symptoms and impairment. We will conduct this study in community mental health centers to ensure that the results contribute to closing the worrisome gap between research and practice and ensure that the findings are generalizable to the real world.
Role: PI
Triple Vulnerability? Circadian Tendency, Sleep Deprivation and Adolescence
This research tests the hypothesis that eveningness, the tendency to go to sleep late and wake late, is an
important contributor to, and even cause of, vicious cycles that escalate vulnerability and risk among
youth in a RCT comparing an intervention for eveningness with a control intervention.
Role: Co-PI (with Dr. Emily Ozer)
Promoting Sleep to Prevent Substance Use in Adolescence
The goal of this research is to refine and pilot test a universal intervention to prevent and reduce substance use in youth by improving sleep.
Role: Co-PI (with Steve Hinshaw)
From Mechanisms to Treatment of Mental Illness: Translational Research Training
Principal Investigator: Allison Harvey
Co-Investigator: Tania Lombrozo
Learning from CBT: A critical step in behavior change and improved mental health?
Administrative Supplement to Improving depression outcomes by Enhancing Memory for Cognitive Therapy, R34 from NIMH.
Role: PI
Improving Depression Outcome by Enhancing Memory for Cognitive Therapy
This study will determine if substantial improvements to one of the most promising therapies, cognitive therapy (CT), can be achieved by administering a carefully designed procedure to improve memory for the content of CT sessions.
R34 MH080958
Role: PI
CBT-I for Bipolar Disorder
This study seeks to determine if an intervention to improve sleep can improve treatment outcome for patients with bipolar disorder.
Role: Co-PI and Subaward PI (Co-PI : Charles Morin, Université Laval)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia: Component Analysis and Treatment Mechanisms
The goal of this research is to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of behavior therapy versus cognitive therapy for the treatment of daytime and nighttime impairment in chronic insomnia and to evaluate the effects on psychiatric conditions commonly comorbid with insomnia; namely, the anxiety disorders and unipolar depression.
Role: Co-I and Subaward PI (PI : Greg Clarke, Kaiser, Oregon)
Treatment of Teen Depression & Insomnia to Improve Depression Outcomes
The aim is to (a) develop a new intervention for youth with depression that is comorbid with insomnia and (b) conduct a small, randomized clinical trial to enable a rapid launch of a subsequent multi-site, fully powered RCT funded through a future, separate application.