## F-based Method Search
## Thin Pressurized Crack
We need to check for convergence to analytical solutions.
\hat{Z}\left(z = x+iy\right)=P\left(\sqrt{z^{2}-L^{2}}-z\right)
u\_{x} =
u\_{y} = \frac{1}{2G}\left(\frac{4-4\nu}{2}\mathrm{Im}\left[\hat{Z}\right]-y\mathrm{Re}\left[Z\right]\right)
Calculate an error to judge numerical solution $u^N$:
e = \frac{ \int \left\|u^N-u^a \right\|^2 \mathrm{d}x }{ \int
\left\|u^a \right\|^2 \mathrm{d}x }
## Peridynamic Displacement Field
The F-based method's instability effects bond stretches, making the fracture branch
and jump nonphysically.
## Smoothing
My ad hoc approach was to post process the solution:
\mathbf{u}^s = \frac{\int\_\mathcal{H} w^s \alpha \mathbf{u} \mathrm{d}x'}{\int\_\mathcal{H} w^s \alpha \mathrm{d}x'}
The smoothing kernel $w^s$ doesn't have to be the same $w$.
This worked to stabilize the fracture path in my original hydraulic fracturing simulations,
but the method never passed any other validations!
## The Stabilizers
We can add a stabilizer to the force:
\mathbf{T}\left<\xi\right> = w\alpha \sigma \mathbf{K}^{-1} \mathbf{\xi} + \mathbf{T}^s
Silling's 2017 paper:
\mathbf{T}^s = w\alpha A \frac{18 K}{ w_0 \pi \delta^5} \left( \mathbf{Y} - \mathbf{F}\xi \right),
\quad w\_0 = \int_\mathcal{H} w\alpha \mathrm{d}x'
Littlewood's 2010 paper:
\mathbf{T}^s = w\alpha A \frac{18 K}{\pi \delta^4}
\left( \frac{ \left|\mathbf{Y}\right| - \left|\mathbf{F}\xi\right| }{ \left|\xi\right| } \right)
$A$ is a new penalty hyperparameter. It would be nice if it were
insensitive to the grid size.
## Smoothing solution:
Smoothing with a cubic function.
## Smoothing sweep
All of the functions are about the same.
## Silling's stabilizer:
Set $A = 2.0$
## Silling's stabilzer sweep
Looks grid-size invariant, best around 1.
## Littlewood's stabilizer:
Set $A=10.0$
## Littlewood's stabilizer sweep
Needed to sweep higher.
## Grid Convergence on Fracture
- The smoothing step is the best correction
- Silling's dilation is the best, but recall that it doesn't
pass constant strain!
## What is our ultimate goal?
We're searching for a numerical method that:
- Passes all standard tests (continuum mechanics solutions)
- Solves the fracture problem efficiently
- Efficiently represents small changes in fractures
- Good tradeoff between accuracy and computational cost
Compare to a discretely meshed fracture solved by FEM:
- Meshed with GMSH, implemented with FEniCS
- Included in `PeriFlakes/fem/fem_crack.py`
Wall-clock time for matrix/vector assemble + solve.
## Error vs. Compute time
- FEM is an order of magnitude more accurate and faster.
## Minimal Representable Length
- Bond breaks are discrete events at fixed locations
- Peridynamic grid spacing is the minimal length a fracture can jump
- Same as a the mesh size in node-splitting or element-deleting FEM
## Minimal Representable Length
FEM solves a smaller length scale faster!
## Conclusions
- Need to do rigorous verifications of our numerical programs.
- Evaluate programs on a static crack problem with a known solution.
- Perform hyperparameter sweeps---every choice is arbitrary.
- Can fix the stability and improve the accuracy of the F-based
Peridynamics model.
- Silling's dilation model is the best on the crack, but it doesn't
pass all constant-strain tests.
- FEM is faster and more accurate.
- Peridynamics discretization isn't more efficient for a given
fracture resolution.
We can churn out and test more Peridynamics models in PeriFlakes!
# Thank you
Email: afqueiruga@lbl.gov
Checkout my codes at
and look at the Jupyter notebook and Zenodo database.
I have another upcoming talk at WCCM in July:
> #2018172, Numerical Experiments on the Convergence Properties of State-based Peridynamic Laws and Influence Functions in Two-Dimensional Problems