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riddles >> what am i >> The Cryptex Riddle.
(Message started by: Cbar on Feb 2nd, 2009, 10:10am)

Title: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 2nd, 2009, 10:10am
You are given a Cryptex and a riddle,  you need to use the riddle to work out what five letters (in the English alphabet) and the sequence that is needed to use them, in order to open it. You enter the letters into the Cryptex from left to right.

Among the first four
yet only one of three,
one of the offspring of
thunder I just may be.
Both to the left and
right of extraordinary
the greater or lesser I
could also be. Simply
converting numerically
will do nothing for
you but give you a
key. As a word of
warning in this lament
ignoring nothing in the
sequence a fib on acci
dent, applying the
same logic as
previously will then be
ya cue to open me.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by ThudanBlunder on Feb 2nd, 2009, 10:43am
You have already posted this in General. Reposting it in Easy isn't going to make it any easier.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 2nd, 2009, 11:19am
My apologies for any confusion, I did post it here: [/url]http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=riddles_general;action=display;num=1233076315[url] but in my defense I  was much more interested in what people thought about how the riddle was written / put together; however after a little time and no responses to my inquiry, I started to get a little nervous. I am now more concerned with if the riddle can be solved and with how much effort, although it seams logical to me, I created it and therefor know the answer. Hence a new post, once again my apologies, it was not my direct intention to double post as such.  

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by ThudanBlunder on Feb 2nd, 2009, 12:26pm
No problemo. I didn't mean to sound peremptory, although I am said by some to be the resident curmudgeon. LOL

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 2nd, 2009, 1:22pm
LOL, I would be proud to have and revel in such an accolade.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by tohuvabohu on Feb 2nd, 2009, 1:43pm
I was just waiting for someone else to make a fool of themselves by making a guess that's not even close, before I made a fool of myself doing the same thing. So I guess I'll be the first fool:
My first thought was Ozone, but it doesn't fit everything.

Among the first four  (O for oxygen is there, but not three times)
yet only one of three,  (only three different letters in first four, or does it mean one O instead of O3?)
one of the offspring of  
thunder I just may be.  (lightning makes ozone)
Both to the left and  
right of extraordinary  (is z extraordinary?)
the greater or lesser I  
could also be. (One or O)
(The rest of the clues were a total blank to me)

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 2nd, 2009, 2:19pm
Thank you very much for giving this riddle some of your time, my hat goes off to you for being the first to have a go and for your wonderful way of looking at this puzzle, that said you are unfortunately on the wrong track. You are no fool! Sir.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 6th, 2009, 9:14am
I've asked for some help with this riddle and towr has been kind enough to look at the riddle it's self and my explanation of the method of solving it. Unfortunately my suspicions have been confirmed and the result is that the riddle certainly could have been put together much better and is a little to obscure. I'm reluctant to make the slight changes to the riddle, kindly suggested by towr, which would make it much more rounded, as the riddle has already been given to the person for whom it was created. I have decided that rather than delete this less than perfect riddle from the forum it would be better to give four clues in order of difficultly as to how to solve it:

A: [hide]Think of the riddle as two halves the first ending in the line: Both to the left and right of extraordinary the greater or lesser I could also be.[/hide]
B: [hide]The film: The Da Vinci Code, if you are familiar with it, might help in some small way with regards to the thought process required to solve this riddle; although it will not directly give you what you are looking for.[/hide]
C: [hide]Think Biblical, for the first part of the riddle[/hide]
D: [hide]You are looking for a name, to solve the first part of the riddle[/hide]

I would like to apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you are still able to have some fun with this riddle.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by tohuvabohu on Feb 6th, 2009, 2:35pm
In that case the name is [hide]James[/hide], but I'm still totally blank about the second half of the riddle.

Title: Re: The Cryptex Riddle.
Post by Cbar on Feb 6th, 2009, 4:13pm
Spot on :)

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