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riddles >> what am i >> He is unique
(Message started by: Kitty on Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:27am)

Title: He is unique
Post by Kitty on Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:27am
A pretty weird one:

He is unique,
He is a clone,
He is love,
He is hate,
He is clever,
He is stupid
And in different hands he changes from to the other

Who is he?

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Todd, j on Oct 3rd, 2003, 4:57pm
??? Your right a weird one.  However I think [hide]POWER[/hide] works that way.  However I have never heard it personified as "he".

Maybe not

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Icarus on Oct 3rd, 2003, 5:13pm
Todd, I hid your answer, even though I don't believe it is correct. We generally hide answers to riddles, particularly at the start of a thread. That way someone can read the riddle and think about it without seeing the answer right there at the same time. To see hidden text, just highlight the area with your mouse.

To hide text yourself, use the hide tags: [hide]this text is hidden[/hide].

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by SWF on Oct 3rd, 2003, 6:22pm

on 10/03/03 at 17:13:40, Icarus wrote:
To hide text yourself, use the hide tags: [hide]this text is hidden[/hide].

Icarus, you didn't waste much time in trying out a variation on towr's trick for showing the hide in brackets.

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Icarus on Oct 3rd, 2003, 9:08pm
What I really wanted to do was find a way of using it without having to boldface the tags either. But if you don't put any contents inside a [b][/b] pair, Yabb will display the pair itself (as just demonstrated). But Williams added coding of the hide tags doesn't work that way: [hide][/hide], so you can't even display them together.

But then, perhaps boldfacing the tags is a good move anyway.

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Kitty on Oct 4th, 2003, 3:20am
No the answer is not power.

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by maryl on Oct 4th, 2003, 8:48am

on 10/03/03 at 11:27:20, Kitty wrote:
A pretty weird one:

He is unique,
He is a clone,
He is love,
He is hate,
He is clever,
He is stupid
And in different hands he changes from to the other

Who is he?

Hmm, I don't think the answer is [hide]reflection or mirror, they seem too obvious and don't quite fit; also thought of fingerprints, but they have no feelings or intellect. So I'll reflect a little longer on this.[/hide] Oh, and how is this a weird one?
Thinking of this more-[hide]a dog, or servant comes to mind; is that any closer?[/hide]

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Kitty on Oct 6th, 2003, 11:54am
Nope they're all wrong.


It is a bit of a stretch i suppose, my friend told it to me.

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by maryl on Oct 9th, 2003, 5:19pm
-[hide]robot? Gumby? Frankenstein?...[/hide] Is "stretch" a hint?

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Speaker on Oct 13th, 2003, 6:55pm
He is an [hide] actor. Specifically, Arnold Schwarzeneger, who played all those roles, even the clone.[/hide]

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by wowbagger on Oct 16th, 2003, 4:19am
Hm, I don't know why your answer fits, Speaker. Maybe you could explain in more detail, i.e. [hide]name the films you have in mind[/hide]. And what about that strange last line (not "Who is he?")?

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Icarus on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:48pm
I think Speaker's answer fits, even if it isn't the intended one.

He is unique:  This could be any number of movies. Conan, for instance, or Total Recall.
He is a clone: Twins
He is love: Arnold has had his share of love scenes. True Lies for instance.
He is hate: Terminator would fit this bill, but there are others.
He is clever: True Lies again.
He is stupid: Conan again.
And in different hands he changes from one to the other: Which he is depends on the part, and the director.[/hide]

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Speaker on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:51pm
Generally, my answer fits doesn't it? That was the inspiration anyway, that an [hide]actor[/hide] can be all of those things, and changes whenever called for as in changing from one part to another as in changing hands. It is not perfect, but some of the hints say that this is a weird riddle. So, this kind of fits the weirdness. My specific answer was kind of a joke, but just to humor you,

Pumping Iron (Unique) because he plays himself
The Sixth Day (Clone) one of the Arnolds is a fake
True Lies (Love) he seems to love his wife Jamie Lee Curtis, anyway I love her
Commando (Hate) a soldier, full of hate
Twins (Clever) (Clone) his plays the smart twin, plus he may also be a clone
Total Recall (Stupid) his role as the ditch digger seems a little slower than most

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by Speaker on Oct 16th, 2003, 5:55pm
Icarus you beat me to the punch.

Title: Re: He is unique
Post by wowbagger on Oct 17th, 2003, 4:18am
Thanks, guys. :)
I've only seen half of the [hide]movies[/hide] you mentioned, but I guess once you think in this direction, you may well come up with a different answer.

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