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riddles >> what am i >> With a ruthless guide I wander over hairy mountain
(Message started by: maryl on Jun 12th, 2003, 7:52am)

Title: With a ruthless guide I wander over hairy mountain
Post by maryl on Jun 12th, 2003, 7:52am
Avec un guide impitoyable,
Je parcours les monts chevelus,
Ou je poursuis un monstre, aux humains redoubtable;
C'est aux jeunes taillis que je chasse le plus,
Et souvent j'y vais faire un carnage effroyable
De ces monstres cruels, sous mes dents, abattus.
(With a ruthless guide,
I wander over hairy mountains,
Where I pursue a monster, dreaded by humans.
It is in the young brushwood that I hunt the most,
And often I inflict a frightful carnage
On those cruel monsters, slaughtered under my teeth.)
--Lamotte, 1800

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by Icarus on Jun 12th, 2003, 4:13pm
I don't want to nitpick here, but are you sure your translation is accurate? :D

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by maryl on Jun 13th, 2003, 7:40am

on 06/12/03 at 16:13:19, Icarus wrote:
I don't want to nitpick here, but are you sure your translation is accurate? :D

Is that a guess?
BTW, did you mean the English version, if so, this will have to do. It does sound a little strange doesn't it?

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by aero_guy on Jun 13th, 2003, 3:33pm
I think we should refer to Icarus's picture.

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by Coe on Jun 13th, 2003, 3:40pm
some sort of [hide] feline [/hint] that hunts in the brush?  but what does it hunt that we dread?

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by Icarus on Jun 13th, 2003, 8:15pm
Maryl - I'm sorry! There was nothing wrong with the translation. If you knew me better, you would know never to take my word on anything relating to the meaning of any word not in English! I have no talent for foreign languages. :-X

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by maryl on Jun 17th, 2003, 11:00am

on 06/13/03 at 15:40:55, Coe wrote:
some sort of [hide] feline [/hint] that hunts in the brush?  but what does it hunt that we dread?

It's not a feline. Run through it again.

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by aero_guy on Jun 17th, 2003, 12:42pm

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by maryl on Jun 17th, 2003, 12:45pm

on 06/17/03 at 12:42:25, aero_guy wrote:


Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by aero_guy on Jun 17th, 2003, 12:47pm
Damn, just got it.  I see where you would say ouch.  I could comment on the other answers but I don't want to nit pick.

Title: Re: With a ruthless guide...
Post by Icarus on Jun 18th, 2003, 8:03pm
So you had a lousy time with this one?

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