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general >> wanted >> forum for nano
(Message started by: thinktank on Feb 26th, 2007, 8:14am)

Title: forum for nano
Post by thinktank on Feb 26th, 2007, 8:14am
Lately I have been finding a lot of interest in nanotech...anybody knows of any good forum in this field?

Title: Re: forum for nano
Post by towr on Feb 26th, 2007, 8:34am
http://www.nanoforum.org/ seems promising

But if you even tried google, you must have found it.. I don't know any myself first or N-hand. So I can't give better recommendation that the highest ranked google hit.

Title: Re: forum for nano
Post by thinktank on Feb 27th, 2007, 7:40am
thanks for your help...I had actually already checked that site. The site does contain a bulletin board , but it doesnt function properly.

Other than that, the site is actually an european consortium for nanotechnology, not exacly a bulletin board as I was looking for...

it does contain a lot of info though....anybdy else interested in this area too?

Title: Re: forum for nano
Post by THUDandBLUNDER on Feb 27th, 2007, 4:53pm
I don't know about any dedicated forums but you might enjoy taking the quizzes here (http://www.nanopolis.net/quiz.php).
Or have you already been there, done that?    :)

Title: Re: forum for nano
Post by thinktank on Mar 2nd, 2007, 5:52am
well finally I got one...its www.gurunano.com...but its not tht grt...

a great one..this ones' not just on nano but on science in general..i guess a lot of you will like it...


Title: Re: forum for nano
Post by dsarangi on Dec 20th, 2007, 10:08pm
Hi I m currently running the nanotech forum
the link is
Please join this forum and make it good.
I need support from all of you to make it great.
Please provide feedback and also welcome to join as moderator.
Dr. D Sarangi

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