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general >> truth >> gohsts and white sands
(Message started by: GODSEN on Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:30pm)

Title: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 22nd, 2009, 10:30pm
I have achieved the venus mission, and all that entails youll only know what i did in the furure, i know that now. I have been granted a new mission as white sands is no longer my main concern. Gohsts are here and they are real , i am now seeing them and photographing them and you can see the pictures at spiritual forum .com or supernatural no 1 forum .com. you can acheive the contact if you are a visionary selected by the sirual nature of god by takeing any older radio or very tunable radios and hittin the frequencies, you know what i meen and then tellin the gohst to come in by opening your door at night as they dont pass through wood metal or glass , do this at 12;oo am and tell the gohst they can use the static to talk. this may take months as you have to interest the gohsts and they have to have complete darkness with only led lights to see by.

this is because if they hit a power source they become chrged and dont go back to the darkness to exist there during daylight hours. they like to watch your dreams at night and can talk to eachother for about 15 minutes as you fade to sleep if you notice hearing p[eople talk as you fade out in  to sleep you have gohsts, see you can use this and god told me so i must be jesus...tim ford...............TIME FORD IS WHAT THEY CALL ME IN HEAVEN, BUT THATS ABNOTHER STORY AND ANOTHER NIGHTS WORK IN THE HERE AFTER. ps . i just opened the gates of heaven  to whoever can be a savior and unlock the veil

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by towr on Jan 23rd, 2009, 2:04am
I don't think droplets of mist caught in the flash of a camera constitute ghosts. But I definitely approve of finally turning caps-lock off.

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by mikedagr8 on Jan 23rd, 2009, 4:47am
I was convinced until I saw the image title. ::)

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 24th, 2009, 3:15pm
heres another same night my camera is really old and i have know money i am very poor, i think this has about 10 pixels ionit , but if you stare at the pictures of the spheres you will see tiny faces, look for a small guy yelling at everyone by my feet, by the way that is my feet on the first photo and i was taking the pictures.....tim

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 25th, 2009, 2:11am
got these last night

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 25th, 2009, 2:13am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 25th, 2009, 2:15am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 25th, 2009, 2:15am
woops wrong one

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by ima1trkpny on Jan 25th, 2009, 8:20pm

on 01/23/09 at 02:04:46, towr wrote:
I don't think droplets of mist caught in the flash of a camera constitute ghosts. But I definitely approve of finally turning caps-lock off.

Took the words right out of my mouth! :o

Yes, Godsen, you can make all kinds of neat things happen with a dirty camera lens... and if you're in need of money, sell the pictures on ebay like the ghost cane! :)

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 26th, 2009, 1:59am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 26th, 2009, 2:00am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 26th, 2009, 2:00am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 26th, 2009, 2:01am

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by towr on Jan 26th, 2009, 2:09am
Any particular reason why you don't get a flickr (http://flickr.com/) account, rather than fill up our attachment directory with incredibly uninteresting photo's?

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 26th, 2009, 8:40pm
because i like the few and not the many,the many wont find this, untill they do...........

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 27th, 2009, 12:35am
look at the one with the white strip, that wasnt there, there s a small white dot it appears to break through the pixels

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by GODSEN on Jan 27th, 2009, 12:36am
i see the first ones bent, but its off the same crumb y camera with ten pixels and looks like old film

Title: god gave me  a vision and a few words
Post by GODSEN on Jan 30th, 2009, 5:06pm
GOD gave me a vision of an idea an one word today, the i heard his actuall voice, solar panels in his voice and urnaeumsorous in the vision dream  which he confirmed

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by ThudanBlunder on Jan 30th, 2009, 5:27pm

on 01/30/09 at 17:06:31, GODSEN wrote:
the i heard his actuall voice...

What did He say? "Please keep taking the tablets..."?

Title: Re: gohsts and white sands
Post by iatkrox on Jul 2nd, 2012, 4:39am
:o Hey guys i really afraid to seen these pictures :/

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