Title: i need some info Post by aaron t on Sep 29th, 2003, 12:06am just resently i took a trip to dallas with a friend well she wanted to bring some crystal meth back which didnt sound like a bad idea till we get there and everything goes crazy everything her and i talked about she told her friends from texas i was tired from driving plus no sleep so i layed down then its like they drop some kind of liquid on me i didnt see the color or anything but they diffently put something on me cause after what seemed like they put something on me i started to trip is what it seemed like but i didnt have any visuals but my surroundings didnt make sence. and no longer could i sleep later on that evening the my friend left me at her friends house thats when the madness began when they asked me a question i would answer along with write it down cause they asked me to. soon they started to make me think they were gonna shot me if i didnt have the right answers first it seem just like a prank i thoght it was till her and i were on our way home she brought 2 of her friends at first i tried to not let it happen but i couldnt stop it so i turned around in my seat and thats when they started to drop this liquid sh*t on me. Back in the day i took lsd for a month straight i was to the point were i could eat 20 strip the last week of that month so i handled the drug they induced me with also they smoked it with speed in a glass pipe if that helps anymore ALL I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT YOU WOULD THINK THE DRUG WAS .there more to the story im so conserned because they tried to set me up for trafficeting but i told the driver to pull my car over and take all the drugs out and when i got out there was a dark window tinted truck behind us and one of the passenger look and shrugged his shoulders like he didnt understand what went wrong.please resond |
Title: Re: i need some info Post by towr on Sep 29th, 2003, 8:27am It would have helped if you at least tried to use interpunction, capitals and paragraphs. As it is, just reading it makes me feel like I'm on LSD. |
Title: Re: i need some info Post by Icarus on Sep 29th, 2003, 6:03pm I strongly urge you to get yourself into a drug treatment program. It is the only way you will have any hope at all of preserving what's left of your mind and your future. |
Title: Re: i need some info Post by maryl on Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:13am Ya Aaron, I've seen too many young people ruin or lose their lives from using drugs. Sometimes it's not even the drug but rather the crowd that leaves them screwed. You think you have it controlled but eventually it ends up biting you back-just opens up too many doors. Somebody suggested it being either LSD or morphine. If you keep going down this road it's only a matter of time before you hit a dead end. Good luck man, but you should never get into something you can't get out of. |
Title: Re: i need some info Post by jac on Apr 13th, 2006, 12:08am do u want to first and foremost get an idea who these friends are? i mean if they're just your friends in the outside probably u need to be careful of them in the future. |
Title: Re: i need some info Post by MrLambert on Oct 31st, 2011, 10:02am Just tell your "friend" it was good stuff they put on you. Ask her what it was, then you'll know. |
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